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* ~Meetings ~ *

Fall Semester '03

Sept. 11th -

·    Introduced e-board to general members.

·    Announced Rowan Connections on Sept. 22nd

·    Announced winning ‘Best Small Student Chapter’ and ‘Best Fundraising Efforts’ from the Association of Women in Communication.  The conference was also announced for October 1-4 in Tulsa.  National would like two representatives to go and accept the awards.  Lauren and Jess were chosen by Diane Penrod (advisor) to be those representatives.  

·    The plaque, to be displayed in the student center pit, will be worked in at the October 9th meeting.

·    Discussed potential guest speakers.  

·    Caroline Colabaugh was named new Publicity Chair.

·    The Breast Cancer walk will be October 26th at 9am in Cooper River Park.  

·    Discussed promotional items to purchase.  Decided on pencils that would be black with pink writing.

·    Decided on a bake sale fundraiser, date to be determin

Sept. 25th -

·    Announced winning ‘Best Small Student Chapter’ and ‘Best Fundraising Efforts’ from the Association of Women in Communication.  Unfortunately, the funds were unavailable and time was short, so Jess and Lauren will not be going to the conference.  We will contact Kelly Connors about being our liaison at the conference to accept the award on our behalf and bring it home to us.

·    Jess announced potential guests for the Women’s Room.  They include Sharon Osborne and Jon Bonjovi. 

·    The yearbook picture will be taken sometime in October.

·    The plaque, to be displayed in the student center pit, will be worked in at the October 9th meeting.  Distributed jobs to purchase wood and other supplies.

·    Discussed potential guest speakers.  Suggestions included Shannon Griffiths who works in insurance for a communication company.

·    Rowan Feminists will be having an information meeting tonight.  We will contact them to do joint group activities in the future.

·    The Breast Cancer walk will be October 26th at 9am in Cooper River Park.  More shirts will be ordered so participants can wear them as a group during the event. 

·    The promotional black and pink pencils have been ordered and all 97 of them will be delivered in 4-6 weeks.

·    Vanessa updated us on SGA.  Dr. Farish briefed the senate on building plans and toxic mold.  The retreat date was changed and homecoming events will be emailed to the masses.

·    Jess and Leslie will attend the second session of the budget hearings. 

·    Discussed internship and graduate school experiences.

·    Upcoming events include two Philadelphia chapter events, one next week.

·    “Straight Talk for the Media”, a PR event by the Professional Communicators of South Jersey was announced by a member.  It will be Tuesday at 8:30am.

Oct. 16th -

·    The plaque, which will to be displayed in the student center pit, was worked on.  Last week’s meeting was cancelled, so it was this week.  Painted and outlined.  Jess finished it later that week.

·    Discussed potential guest speakers. 

·    The national awards were picked up by Kelly Connors at the Tulsa Conference.

·    The Breast Cancer walk will be October 26th at 9am in Cooper River Park.  More shirts will be ordered so participants can wear them as a group during the event.  We will also arrange rides next week.

·    The promotional black and pink pencils have been ordered and all 97 of them will be delivered in 2-4 weeks.

·    Vanessa updated us on SGA and the incentive points program.  For certain events we may earn money to be deposited into our account.

·    Open houses to be present at:  October 9th, November 2nd, December 7th and  March 7th, April 14th.

·    Newsletter articles are due in a few weeks.  Any topic welcome.  Shannon will review a concert.

Oct. 25th -

·    Jess interviewed the woman from the American Cancer Association.  The show aired in WGLS. 
·    Discussed potential guest speakers.  Suggestions included Esther Mummert, the coordinator of academic advising for the communication department.

·    The Breast Cancer walk will be October 26th at 9am in Cooper River Park.  More shirts will be brought so participants can wear them as a group during the event.  We will meet by the stands at 9:30am to register.  We made carpool arrangements.

·    The promotional black and pink pencils have been ordered and all 97 of them will be delivered in a few weeks.

·    Vanessa updated us on SGA.  There are opportunities to volunteer time to the Boys and Girls Club for tutoring and mentoring.

·    Leslie and Sam showed us the scrapbook of their Disney internship program.

·    Newsletter articles are due in a few weeks.  Any topic welcome.  Shannon will review a concert.

Nov. 06th -

The next one is Wednesday the 19th of November.  The cost is $15 with student ID.  The next event is coming up in December.

Nov. 13th -

Nov. 20th -

Dec. 04th -

Dec. 11th -

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