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Committee Chairs


Newsletter Editor: Lea Gift
Major: Journalism
Year: Senior
Plans after School: getting a job in the field of communications
Activities: submitted articles for The Whit
In 10 years: working at a job that I love and making good money doing it.
Women Role Models:  Barbra Walters
What you hope WIC Achieves: New members and the recognition it deserves

Program Chair :  Virginia Greaber
Major:  Advertising
Minor:  French
Year: Junior
Plans after school:  working at an ad firm as an account manager, going to graduate school, traveling to Europe again
Actvities:  Ad Club
In 10 years:  SVp of a communications dept or president of my own ad firm, married with 2 kids, living in a house designed by my husband
Women Role Models:  Mother Teresa, Mom, Lynn Doyle, Barabra Walters, Claudia Cuddy
What you hope WiC Achieves: Unity, to help the community of Glassboro

Web Chair : Erin Lake
Major: Journalism
Year: Senior
Plans after School: to hopefully get a well paying job in a warmer climate
Activities: Vice-President of the Rowan Anime Club, WiC, and hopefully write for the Whit, work-study at the bookstore
In 10 years: living with the person that I love, and hopefully being happy.
Women Role Models:
What you hope WIC Achieves: FInish our plaque and get it hanging in the Student Center, get more members.

Historian Chair
Plans after school:
In 10 years:
Women Role Models:
What you hope WiC Achieves:

It's the chair
Publicity Chair: Caroline Colabaugh
Major: Advertising
Minor: Music

Year: Senior
Plans after School: Move to Manhattan and be sucessful with a job at a small ad agency
Activities: Ad Club Secretary
In 10 years: Out of Neew Jersey being successful and happy
Women Role Models:  My mom, and Tyra Banks (for her business skills, not her modeling)
What you hope WIC Achieves: to become a larger-better known organization around campus

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