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Just Me

Learn about me here, and talk to me so I can learn about you

About me
Pictures (scary huh?)
My thoughts (as if i had any)
My poetry and Quotes I like
My Quiz

So here in my little coner of the world I can scream and shout, I can give my opinions and see them be heard. But no mater how many listen I don't know... I only do if you sign my guest book to let me know I was heard. There is a remarkable difference knowing that I was heard when my hit counter jumps 20 points. But very few people mention my site to me, or write in the guest book so I only judge by the hits counter. I guess thats why I have been slow about updating though. I am updating now, and look out because I don't know what I will say...

10/15/03 more to thoughts, and fixed the quotes section
8/11/03 more thoughts, planning to update the quotes section soon, just to make it easier to navigate
7/19/03 "and another thing" added to thoughts, its short
7/17/03 updated thoughts abit, still have work on here to do. I'll get to it.
2/17/03 updated the links section, and actually changed one quiz question alittle. thoughts will be updated soon it seems.
2/6/03 updated added a poem, no work on quiz yet
1/1/03 updated thoughts section, updating the quiz soon I hope

I am me. Only way for you to know is to meet me for yourself, for I have many aspects of me, and each person gets to see part what I want them to see and part what they want to see. And not many have gotten to see it all, maybe you want to...

As for the reason for the cow stuff, I started that in high school. My bio teacher was answering a students question on vegitarians getting protien and said, "well its not as much as eating a big hunk of cow, but its there" I responded to my friend next to me "ummmm cow" and an obsession was born. I pretended to worship cows from then on to freak peole, teachers, friends, and any one I met really, out. It was so fun I never stopped. Its all a big joke really, and I have more fun with it that should be allowed with something so simple. Oh yeah, and by the way, the red comes from my hair color.

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