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Antonik Family Ancestry


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This site contains genealogical data for the Antonik family of Nanticoke, Pa.

Founding members Janos and Susa Antonik emigrated from Szacsur, Hungary (which is now Sacurov, Slovakia)at the turn of the 20th century and settled in northeast Pennsylvania.

Janos, 27, and his brother Andrus, 19, arrived first, sailing into Ellis Island on Dec.18, 1899. Susa arrived the following year, with their 3 children Janos,6, Mihaly,3, and Maria,1. They changed their names to John, Andrew, Susie, John,Jr., Michal, and Mary.

The Antoniks were Slovaks, an ethnic minority in what was then Hungary. As such, they were subject to discrimination and the cultural genocide known as "ethnic cleansing". They came to America to escape this.

After arriving in the U.S., Janos and Susa (by now, "John" and "Susie") lived for a time with Steve and Susie Zupko (or Supka) in Nanticoke, PA. From Ellis Island data it appears that Steve Zupko was John Antonik's uncle.


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