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Letter From O-Town to Street Team

February 11,2002

All the way from GERMANY we called in live to TRL and witnessed the "retiring" of our video "WE FIT TOGETHER".....AT NUMBER ONE STATUS!!!!! Not only did the video go to NUMBER ONE many times over...the very last day it will ever air as part of the TRL countdown it went out at the TOP. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and across the ATLANTIC ocean for your never ending support. We are still out here on the road in GERMANY performing for sold out crowds all over the place. One of the best things about GERMANY is a highway called the AUTOBON. Believe it or not there are NO SPEED LIMITS on this road!! So, for those of us with a few too many speeding tickets in our past (Ashley and Erik...but who's mentioning names?) this AUTOBON highway is a dream come true. Oh know how we'll talk in between songs at concerts? We learned how to say it all in GERMAN...the last time we were here, Ashley made a big mistake and accidentally screwed up his GERMAN....he ended up saying something totally's going to be on MAKING THE BAND soon so don't miss it. Speaking of MTB...what do you think of the new episodes? MTV is loving how much you fans are tuning in...make sure to watch on SATURDAY nights to catch the new episodes. We would send postcards to every single one of you but we know that would take 2,734 hours (we did the math on Dan's calculator) so we will keep writing letters to keep in touch. Meanwhile, stay tuned for new episodes of MTB and to hear new songs for the upcoming 2nd album.
Sincerely...Dan, Trevor, Jacob, Erik and Ashley....

Recent Articles/News

Ashley Angel.Net <~~Click here to download a video clip of when "We Fit Together" was retired on TRL!
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