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BIRTH DATE: April 25, 1980
SIGN: Taurus
Height: 5 ' 10 1/2 "
Weight: 155 +/-
Hair: Brown
FAMILY: Mom-Mechele,Dad-Steve,Brother-Bryan,Sister-Danielle
FAVORITE BAND: Korn, Tool and Creed
FAVORITE MOVIE: Love too many to pick one!
FAVORITE ACTOR: Mel Gibson, Edward Norton
FAVORITE ACTRESS: Don't have one
FAVORITE THING TO DO WHEN HE'S NOT WORKING: Playing guitar or creating anything
INSTRUMENTS PLAYED: the piano, clarinet, saxophone, and guitar, and at one time actually built guitars for Taylor Guitars
"I don't want him coming in there acting like everything's fine. When he knows what he did, he knows how upset we are."
"We have a number 1 record, the show's doing good, let's just stay right here I am not moving."
"Hey Ikaika, Whats your brothers number, I need to ask you some questions"
"Dont ever call yourself a professional, you can't even get outta bed to practice"
"Gettin a little washy wash"
"Lets see who can keep their mouth open the longest... Ahhh"
"My goal was to have a record contract by the time I was 21, I'm 20 and I got one handed to me today."
"Its sounds like our throats are bleeding."
"Gimme Sexy"
"I'm, like, so computer-illiterate it's embarrassing"
"I like the way I look to reflect my personality, my mom looks at me and laughs"
"I accomplish far more by staying in my room than I would if I went out and got drunk"
"I don't wanna come out and be mad at them (*N SYNC), but if they want to mock me, come challenge me!"
"It (Making the Band) was embarrassing at first and my friends gave me a lot of stick. They still laugh at what I'm doing but they're all ok when I'm going to buy them a car."
"I surfed a lot when I was younger. I wrestled too 'cos my dad was a coach, and I was into skateboarding. I broke 3 ribs and I've got a 5-inch scar just below them."
"I wear nail-polish, I braid my hair, so what??? I'm here because I'm talented and people have to take me or leave me!"
"I stropped off at a photo shoot once. They wanted me in front of a pink backdrop. I don't do pink! Some people might think that's big-headed, but, hey!"
"I get scared when they (fans) grab my hair and ears 'cos these aren't small holes. If a fan grabbed them, it would rip my ear-lobe off! That's why I run out with my hands on my head"
"I've been asked to have my picture taken in a urinal! I was doing my thing and this guy turns up and he's doing his thing and he looks at me and goes 'Can I have a picture when you're done? My daughter's waiting outside!'"
"I was lying down (on a plane) and this lady just said to me 'We're taking a photo in the back!' and I was like 'Oh, we are, are we?'"
"I've kissed so many girls that if someone says I kissed them I won't remember.!"
"I prefer homely girls. Y'know, momma's little girls. I don't like girls who are too loud, and obnoxious or always swearing. I like girls with good morals, girls who are down-to-earth. And I need a girl who can appreciate the artist in me and who also has a strong belief in God too."
"I don't get why girls find a girl a nice sweet boyfriend then dump him because he's too nice! That was a recurring thing in my high school. Explain that!"
"I hope I never see myself on a little girls wall!" "I regret letting them cut my hair at the beginning and changing my look for a while. I hate that I changed for someone else."
"I've even caught him checking out his ass a few times" (about Ash)
"Ashley is singing all the soulful parts, I mean he's the whitest boy in America, and Erik sings just as much as me"
"Britney isn't THAT hot!!"
"My Advice to everyone is to not be afraid to do things that are different. And if you believe in what you are doing, that is all that matters."
"Ikaika? Oh, he fell from a coconut tree and died on impact."
"I'd kill myself. But I couldn't, anyways, because I'm not over 30."(in response to a question asking what he'd do if he had to join NSYNC.)
"We're in the ghetto."
"I know we're gonna make up and it's gonna be sweet, sweet lovin'" (To Ashley, after the first group fight)
"Ashley's the girl of the group. He has to do his own hair, even if someone already did it. He'll be like "cool, perfect, thanks", and five minutes later he's in the bathroom fixing it. At photo shoots, he checks out his ass in the mirror to make sure his pants fit right. We call him Vanilla Ice because he bites down to make his jawbone look stronger in pictures. Erik used to do the "I'm a model " look too, but we gave him so much crap he stopped."
"I don't really look at the other guys feet."
"Yea, this one time, Erik, asked if I could paint his toenails."
"You know what you need? Potato chips." (talking to Erik)
(Gasp) "A puddle" (taking about Trevor going skinny-dipping almost anywhere)
"Lou...gave us each other"
"If I liked a girl who liked Ashley? (long pause) ...I'll get a new one."