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Matts NYS&W page

(KERMIT GEARY, JR. Photo){GARY STUEBBEN Collection) (from George Elwood Page)

9\10\01 DeeDee Ramones has a web site now @!!! GO NOW!!!! in the links!!! 8/24/01 lots of updates still bummed about joey rock in peace gabba gabba hey 5\8\01 Atlas -8's SHOULD be in stores now. site for my band "The Rejects" should be up soon 5\7\01- Bye Bye baby- SD-70m's 4054-4050 and the C-430's 3000 3006 have left the NYS&W 5\01\01 well theres not much to report about, The motive power remains the same but rumors have it that the C-430's (3000 and 3006) are being sold to the LA&L or some other rail road.Also The SD-70m's are out on lease again.But the most interesting news is the F-45 3636 MIGHT be brought back to service (oos since 11\99 w/ busted crank shaft) painted in the maroon paint (just like the E-9am's) and used as the Railroads main passenger loco!!of course this is just speculation but I hope so! in web page news I should have a new one for the MY band "The Rejects" soon as well as a sex pistols page, with updates for the ramones page.Most important I HAVE A SCANNER I CAN USE MY OWN PICS!!!!! 4/15/2001 Very sad day in rock and roll Joey Ramone (my idol) Dead at 49 years old today at 2:40 pm in NYC He will; me missed and always loved by all. 2\4\01 The last Q-271 ran over Sparta mountain today marking an end of CSX trains on the Susie-Q.Something has top give, hopfuly NYS&W will work out a deal with BNSF or CP Rail I have a strange feeling she will bounce back. links updated pic post is slowly gathering steam, models updated with atlas B40-8 pic.

my links

R.I.P. Joey Ramone
NYSW models
My friends pages
REJECTS (my band)
