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NJCFSC Committees

General Procedures


Skater Assistance Awards Committee

NJCFSC Academic Honors Team Committee

NJCFSC Officials Development Committee

Kern Trophy Committee

Synchronized Skating Committee

Bylaws and Conflict Resolution

High School Club Network

Program Funding

Nominating Committee


General Committee Procedures

1. Meetings

Committee meetings may be arranged at a time and place convenient to the committee members as needed for the committee to conduct business.  Notice of the committee meeting shall be given in advance to the Council president.  Committee members may invite outside assistance from USFSA committee members or other organizations as necessary.  Committee meetings may be open or closed and chairs are asked to state in advance the type of meeting that is scheduled.

2. Executive Oversight

The Council president reserves the right to attend a committee meeting in an ex officio capacity or to invite another officer to attend in the president’s place.

3. Minutes

All committees are requested to keep minutes of meetings and to copy the Council president with the minutes and correspondence.  The president will keep the other officers informed of committee activities.

4. Agenda Items

All committee chairs wishing to bring business to the Council should contact the Council president two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting so that the item may be placed on the meeting agenda.

5. Submission of Reports and Recommendations

All committee reports and recommendations should be submitted in writing to the Council secretary two weeks prior to the meeting at which the report will be presented or action taken.

6. Methods of Communication

Communication may be done by email, telephone, fax, or regular mail.  Written reports for dissemination to the Council would be appreciated as word files attached to an email.

7. Emergency Items Requiring Council Action between Meetings

Committee chairs must notify the Council president of urgent items that require Council action between meeting dates.  The committee will be asked to submit a motion with a maker and second.  Upon consultation with the other officers, the president will direct the Council secretary to distribute the motion by email to all eligible recipients for an e-vote.  The results of the e-vote will be published by email to all registered members and entered into the minutes of the following regular meeting.

8. Nominations

Nominations may be made by any voting delegate of the Council, Council officer, or Council member club.  Nominations will be presented at the September meeting and voted upon in November.  Ad hoc committees may be appointed at any regular meeting.

September  2003


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Skater Assistance Awards Committee


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

1.      To update the Skater Assistance Award application for dissemination

2.      To review applications and make recommendations to the Council for awards including the amount of the awards in accordance with available funding.

3.      To notify all applicants of their status and present the awards at the NJCFSC Championships.

4.      To publicize the awards.



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NJCFSC Academic Honors Team Committee


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. To update the NJCFSC Academic Honors Team application for dissemination.
  2. To review applications and make recommendations to the Council for selection to the team.  Number and amount of the scholarship awards to be determined by the Council based on available funding.
  3. To notify all applicants of their status and present the scholarships at a time and place to be determined by the Council.
  4. To publicize the awards.



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NJCFSC Officials Development Committee


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

1.                  To develop a proposal for a program to support New Jersey home club members wishing to seek appointment or advancement as USFSA officials.

2.                  To present the proposal to the Council for discussion and adoption.

3.                  To disseminate information regarding the program.

4.                  To review applications and making recommendations to the council for support.

5.                  To recognize appointments and achievements of New Jersey home club members in their capacity as USFSA officials, for example, letter of congratulations from the Council.

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Kern Trophy Committee


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. To review and revise the Kern Trophy Rules.
  2. To present the Kern Trophy Rules to the Council.
  3. To disseminate the Kern Trophy Rules to the member club presidents.
  4. To select the Kern Trophy recipient based on submitted reports and Kern Trophy Rules.
  5. To award the Kern Trophy at the NJCFSC Championships.
  6. To publicize the award.


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Synchronized Skating Committee


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

1.                  To act as a forum for discussion regarding coordination of synchronized skating activities among member clubs and development of any new program proposals or projects related to synchronized skating in New Jersey.

2.                  To review and revise the Synchronized Skating Team Grants requirements and application.

3.                  To present recommendations to the Council regarding the SST Grants.

4.                  To disseminate of SST grant information.

5.                  To review the applications and to make recommendations for awards to the Council.

6.                  To notify grant applicants of grant status.

7.                  To publicize awards.

8.                  To coordinate synchronized skating programs with Ice Storm Senior Team.


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Bylaws and Conflict Resolution


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

1.      To annually review the Council Bylaws and to make recommendations for amendments as necessary.

2.      To advise the Council regarding any emergent need for changes to the Bylaws that may arise during the year.

3.      To be a resource for member clubs who may request assistance with club Bylaws.

4.      To prepare amendments for distribution by the Council secretary.  The Council secretary will update the bylaws and submit a revised copy to USFSA headquarters.  A copy of the revised bylaws will also be distributed to member clubs and to the webmaster for posting at the Council website.

5.      To receive requests for conflict resolution mediation from member clubs and to act in the capacity of mediator without prejudice and with confidentiality to all parties involved.  Should a request for mediation come form a committee member’s club, that committee member will excuse himself from the mediation.

6.      To advise the Council president that a request for mediation was received and the outcome of the mediation. Details of the mediation and name of the club will not be entered into the minutes unless requested in writing by the member club.

7.      To advise the Council regarding action to be taken with respect to conflicts involving the Council itself.


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High School Club Network


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. To act as a forum for exchange of ideas among high school clubs.
  2. To coordinate activities that may be undertaken cooperatively by high school clubs.
  3. To be an information contact for and mentor to prospective high school clubs.
  4. To develop proposals for programs that could be undertaken through the Council to support high school club skating.

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Program Funding


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. To explore sources of funding for scholarship, grant and award programs.
  2. To present a proposal to the council for sustainable funding of the scholarship, grant and award programs
  3. To act as the fundraising coordinator among Council programs.
  4. To liaison with member clubs regarding fundraising.
  5. To take fundraising action as directed by the Council.


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Nominating Committee


The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. To propose a slate of officers for the NJCFSC.
  2. To advise the Council president regarding nomination of NJ club members for USFSA committees.


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