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My Little Corner of the World

~~Hi!! Welcome to my own little corner of the web.

~~~~Hobbies & Interests~~~~

I love reading and writing. I write fan fiction, and you can read some of my stories at My pen name is Melissa Larkin.

I also enjoy music, and my favorite singers are Trisha Yearwood, Sarah McLachlan, Vanessa Carlton, Enya, and anything Irish! :-) My favorite movie is "Chocolat."

Two of my favorite shows that y'all should see are Gilmore Girls and ER.

I'm also a longtime gymnastics fan. Check out the USA Gymnastics website at USA Gymnastics Online Check out the links for my favorite gymnasts, Kim Zmeskal and Shannon Miller :) You can also check out Shannon's official site! I'm also a fan of Katie Heenan.
Another one of my favorite athletes is figure skater Sasha Cohen.

I'm a country girl at heart, and I love being outdoors, whether it's basking in the sun's rays or just marveling at nature's beauty. I adore butterflies, and there is actually a Melissa Blue butterfly! You can see the picture at the top of the page. :) Jay Cossey's Home Page is a great site for viewing many different types of butterflies.

I visited Cape May last fall and visited the Cape May Lighthouse. I actually climbed to the top -- what a view of the Atlantic Ocean! :) You should see all of the lighthouses, especially Brant Lighthouse in Nantucket, Mass. It's an incredibly beautiful picture!

I am also the "mom" to an adorable 5 year old Miniature Schnauzer. You can see him by clicking here: Max's Page

I am a big fan of Thomas Kinkade. Click on the link to see his beautiful, amazing artwork! :) My favorite poet is William Butler Yeats. My favorite poem of Yeats is When You Are Old.

Here are two truly beautiful sites to save in your favorite places:
Interview With God

Society of the Little Flower (St. Therese of Lisieux)
The Awakening - Best Inspiration from the Net from Dobhran's Inspire!

~~~~My Friends~~~~

I'm so lucky to have some amazing friends, and I wanted to say hi to all of them: Ruth, Becky, Melanie, Ellen, Joanne, Carolyn, Cindy, Rory, everyone on the Miniature Schnauzer boards, Mark, Annie, Chris, and anyone I forgot!

You're the best!! Thanks for making me laugh so much and smile so often. I love you guys!:-)

~~~~Favorite Quotes~~~~

"Love is patient, love is kind" - 1 Corinthians 13:4

"The flowers will always bloom, the sun will always shine, and the rainbow will always follow the storm"

"Friendship is one mind in two bodies" - Mencius

"How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend" - William E. Rothschild

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There are no limitations in life" - Shannon Miller

"Half of doing it is believing you can"

"There are two days in the week about which I never worry. Two carefree days, kept sacredly free from fear and apprehension. One of these days is Yesterday. And the other day I do not worry about is Tomorrow." - Robert Jones Burdette

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt

"While an original is always hard to find, he is easy to recognize" - John L. Mason

"Time stands still at that glorious moment when you realize you've found a new friend"

"If a blade of grass has the power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive." - Eleonora Duse

"If Christ lives in us, we will leave glorious marks on the lives we touch. Not because of our lovely characters, but of His."

"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength." - Sigmund Freud

"Having someone who understands is a great blessing for ourselves. Being someone who understands is a great blessing to others." - Janette Oke

"Humility, like darkness, reveals the heavenly lights." - Henry David Thoreau

"There is always a certain peace in being what one is, in being that completely." - Ugo Betti

"Our joy will be complete if we remain in His love, for His love is personal, intimate, real, living, delicate, faithful love." - Mother Theresa

"An attitude of gratitude creates blessings." - Sir John Templeton

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Be silly. Be honest. Be kind." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Each one of us is God's special work of art. Through us, He teaches and inspires, delights and encourages, informs and uplifts all those who view our lives." - Joni Eareckson Tada

"God sees you just exactly as you are. He sees you more perfectly and more truly than others can. He loves you more than you can ever imagine."

"He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he who loses courage loses all." - Miguel de Cervantes

"Nothing is as liberating as joy. It frees the mind and fills it with tranquility." - Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

"Who you are is not your name or your family. Who you are is much more essential than that; it comes from God. And what you make of yourself, that is what you give back to God."

"God is not a stranger, He is the best friend you have."

"Even if you don't believe in God, he believes in you."

"Nothing can separate you from the love of God."

"May God send His love like sunshine in His warm and gentle way, to fill each corner of your heart each moment of today."

"We can do no great things - only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Vidal Sassoon

I hope you've enjoyed my page. :-)

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