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~~~Lisa's Site~~~

~~~Version: CoverGirl~~~

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4.13.02Actually, it was my friend that wrote on 1.10 and I think she got the year wrong. Well, yeah, I guess you can say I haven't edited the site in like 7 months... It's been a while and I'm busy! Maybe I'll start again in the summer. 1.10.01OKAY, IT'S OBVIOUS THAT I'VE CLOSED THIS SITE. I JUST DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. EVERYTHING'S STILL UP BUT I'M JUST NEVER GONNA UPDATE ANYMORE, K? LATER GUYS

9.10.01 hey guys, new layout. like it??? well, some of the stuff isn't linked yet and it's dark right now. just b4 school! so, ill try 2 get everything done when i get home, k??? and also, im going 2 b making dolls and putting them by my link exchange peeps' names on the link exchange page so u guys need 2 email me 2 tell me what kind of outfit u want 2 have on ur doll and what color eyes, etc. thanx soooo much! ciao!!

