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Rah and Leesey's Superyea Home Page

Leesey and Rah

RIGHT IN YOUR EYE!!!!! Welcome to our site! We are Sarah and Lisa, and we are best friends who decided to make a fun little homepage together!! We have been best friends since 8th grade, and we just graduated from The College of New Jersey and Roger Williams University, respectively. Read on for things we think are superyea and superhurtin, a dictionary of all our many words, and much more fun stuff to come!!!

We are working on updating so expect some superyea changes to our superyea site! We noticed that some of the images are not loading, so we will be trying to fix things up soon!

Sometime in 2005- Sarah is currently working hard as a chemist and getting her masters degree at night. She is also looking into schools where she can work on her PhD. Lisa just graduated law school and took the MA bar exam.

Here is a scary clown from when we went to Atlantic City on May 24, 2003! It was moving around!

We are very excited that Hanson is back!!!! We were both very lucky to see them LIVE on the ACOUSTIC TOUR in August 2003! Lisa went to the show in Cambridge, Mass. at the Middle East club, and Sarah saw them at the China Club in NYC!!! We are also happy to report that we both attended the show with guys and both of them enjoyed the show a lot too!! Sarah had a VERY exciting experience after the show. We were waiting around outside the club to try and meet Hanson on their way out, and finally Natalie (Taylor's wife) came out with the baby and waved to everyone on the way to the bus. Then we noticed that Hanson was already on the tour bus, so TAYLOR stuck his head out the window and started signing autographs, and Sarah was lucky enough to get a CD signed!!!!!!! Too bad we didn't have a camera. :( Here are some pics from Lisa's show (top) and Sarah's show (bottom) that we got from (the official Hanson website)!

On Thursday, January 17, 2002, we went to New Hope, PA!! What did we do there? Well, we shopped a little bit and ate everything in sight!! We went to this little pizza shop hidden away from the street and got hoagies for lunch, which turned out to be much larger than we expected. They were about 12 inches long and we thought we will never be able to eat all that!! So we each ate half of the hoagie that we bought, and then we traded the other half with each other and ate that too. But were we full after eating 12 inch hoagies!? No! About 5 minutes later, we went to this cute little ice cream place down the street and got yummy ice cream from a really weird guy! However, Lisa dropped her spoon and had to go get another one from the guy, but then she dropped that one too! So then she just decided to eat it without a spoon which is when Sarah took the pic below!!!

Here is another pic of Sarah with a random cannon that was on the road in New Hope. We thought it was yea as sin! (If you don't know what yea as sin means, click on the Dictionary below!)

On Sunday, June 4, 2000, at the Providence Civic Center, Sarah and I went to go and see the 92.3 Pro FM Birthday Bash featuring HANSON! When we arrived, we went towards the back where a bunch of people were waiting to see who was going to come out of their buses. We heard that Hanson had already come out, but we stayed anyway. Then, out of nowhere, Sarah spotted TAYLOR HANSON right down below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He waved and shook people's hands. It was so.......well let's put it this way, Sarah cried. Lisa was pretty excited too. People asked if Sarah was ok after the Taylor sighting. After this sighting, Lisa spotted ZAC HANSON and ISAAC HANSON. A girl next to us starting screaming for Isaac and he looked at her and waved. She started to then scream, HE MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME! Overall, the concert was beyond superyea. Hanson was unbelievable, of course. The Goo Goo Dolls, Westlife, and Bon Jovi weren't bad either. They rocked but not as much as Hanson. However, Train was hurtin' and we missed almost all of BBMak because we were outside. Mandy Moore was so hurtin', both her and her dancers sucked.

Things We Think are Superyea (in no particular order)!

Things we Think are Superhurtin'
Our Ratings on Famous People

Click on the ALL NEW EVEN HOTTER picture of Taylor to dispel rumors about Hanson!
Check out our Dictionary of Words

Harvey Danger!!!!!



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