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Poetry......My Own Words

In My Life

for Grandma

In my life…………………………… I have seen a seed turn into a flower I have felt the power Of nurturing life as it grew into a rose I have known the wonder that life holds
In my life…………………………… I have watched pansies Fill my garden with color. While the sun fed them with warmth I fed them with water.
In my life…………………………… I watched the fawn wobble in our field Grow into a beautiful doe While I added life to my garden again, As the sun melted the winter’s snow.
In my life…………………………… I have watched my children grow As my flowers grew Into works of beauty and grace Now they have children of their own Seeds of my seeds, nurturing as they grow Filling their gardens with life and love.
In my life…………………………… I have given life to all that surrounded me There’s a peacefulness I feel when I look around As I see products of my life giving life back to me.
Katherine Brandt © Copyright 2001.

Dance With Your Children

For Ryan.......5/20/76~3/13/96

Dance with your children.
Hold them tight.
Dry their tears
when they cry in the night.

Play dolls, help them build
teach them how to believe.
It's up to you
To lead the way
It's up to you to
teach them how to pray.

Sing with your children
even if you can't
Paint with them, make them laugh
run in puddles, jump and splash
roll around in dirt and grass

They are a gift

Watch the wonder in their eyes
watch the excitement and suprise
They are here to guide you back
To who you really are

You'll learn and learn and learn again
how to love, how to laugh
and how to see through their eyes
The power of love comes in every size

They are a gift....
Why are they in your life?
Who can decide but you.......
We all make choices some good and some bad
If you can't keep your gift or it's too hard to do
Please love them enough
......................take a stand
give your gift to someone who can.

Katherine Brandt
© Copyright 2001.

My Promise My Child

My Promise My Child..........
To share with you love is a forever promise A promise from my heart to your heart I will be your earthly guide with Heavenly direction I will guide you with prayer and a gentle hand I will care for you when you are sick I will help you learn when you do not understand I will love you unconditionally I will hold you when you cry I will feed you should you feel hunger I will calm you when you feel fear

My promise my child................ is to give that which I did not receive and that of which I did I am learning as you learn So I ask for unconditional love in return

Hold my hand when you need help to stand Use my arms if you should ever fall May my love give you strength when you need to be strong And may my guidance teach you right from wrong

Spread your wings in freedom when it's time for you to grow And with this promise you will leave and remember as you go That my promise my child gives you wings yet keeps a foundation for you to return to Should you ever need to come home

My Promise My child Will never leave you feeling alone I'll always be here for you.
~Katherine Brandt~
© Copyright 2001.

It’s You

I can feel you in the darkness I know that you are here I feel your breath go through me ................I feel no fear The music rises slowly, the wind begins to blow the curtains brush against my skin and that is how I know It’s you..........I feel you here The ocean’s calling me again, like a long lost friend Come stand beside me Let me feel you again I can’t see your face, but I know it’s you The peace makes me certain There’s no one .........but you The candles have all burned down The waves are the only sound I hear................ It’s you ..........I feel you here The ocean’s calling me, like a long lost friend come stand beside me Let me feel you again I can taste it, salt on your skin I can feel it, your soul letting me in The dream is coming true ......................It’s you ~Katherine Brandt~
© Copyright 2001.

Secret Whispers

(For Jill)
A still small voice Sending a message of love From my heart to yours Secret whispers because……
You belong to someone else now She’ll hear you call her mom She’ll dry your tears and hold you when you cry She’ll learn about the world again Seeing through your eyes
Secret whispers sent to you Hoping you will understand someday & don’t feel as though I gave you away
I love you so much but couldn’t give All that you would need And know that this decision Was not made from a heart of greed
A broken heart and many tears Brought me here today As I say goodbye to you please understand I didn’t abort you or give you away I gave you life today
I pray that your soul hears The secret whispers sent to you Today & always With Love, Mom too. ~Katherine Brandt~
© Copyright 2001.

Chase The Sun

It’s six in the morning, it’s still dark
I can hear you breathe, I can hear the  sound of your heart
Waking up slowly, lyin’ next to you
Talkin’ about what we’re gonna do

You say, “I wanna chase the sun today” Go down by the water, sit by the bay Let it warm us inside out Melt all the world away Let’s chase the sun today
So coffee cups, our pick me ups Melissa singing in the car It wouldn’t matter where we drove As long as I am where you are
I wanna chase the sun today Go down by the water, sit by the bay Let it warm us inside out Melt all the world away Baby, let’s chase the sun today
The world is sometimes crazy and sometimes we’re so afraid Let’s forget all about it And chase the sun today
~Katherine Brandt~
© Copyright 2001.

That’s When........

It’s that moment when you have no past when all your walls are down your soul is bare, no one else is there when your body is mine and there’s no such thing as time
When we’re so close but don’t touch when we breathe the same air when I’m alone at night & close my eyes It’s when I feel you there
It’s that look that sees my soul when our hearts keep the same time It’s when you say “I love you” and I believe...............
That’s when I know you’re mine.
~Katherine Brandt~
© Copyright 2001.


When desire becomes so strong
& the nights are so long
when you play the music
but you can't hear the song

Close your eyes Let the leaves whisper to you When your soul is tender let the wind blow through
Feel the Wind Breathe me in & I'll be there with you
Can you believe in something you can't see? You can if you have faith Just believe........... when memories fail
You can feel the wind & I'll be there with you, my friend Until we meet again Breathe me in
Feel the wind
Kathy Brandt © Copyright 2000.

The Way Out

Running in circles 
Running into walls
Door to Door
Through Endless Halls

I just want to be free
free to be me
Somebody show me the way out
I want to love who I want to love
Somebody please show me the way out

Grasping at moments
when I can see that smile
looking into those eyes
letting love run wild

I just want to be free
free to be me
free to love who I want to love

Kathy Brandt © Copyright 2000.

Silent Surrender

What is this silence? Casting shadows in my soul. Holding on to my breath and wondering.... should I stay or should I go What were those last words that left this bitter taste on my tongue In the echos of this silence how do we know if we lost or if we won Let me just give you My silent surrender I'll close the door I don't want to hurt anymore Let this silent surrender give you the peace you're searching for there's something here you can't seem to find Let my silent surrender end this love suicide Somewhere we took a turn down different roads and I can't catch up to you any more What I am doesn't seem to be enough for what you're looking for Let me give you My silent surrender I'll close the door I don't want to hurt you anymore With this silent surrender I'll close my eyes and say goodbye and let this silent surrender Give you the wings you need to fly Kathy Brandt © Copyright 2000.

Just Be

Let me drink you, let me take you in Let's get lost inside where I end and you begin Let the wind breathe for you and me So we can ........just be Be inside this place where no one else can see where our souls meet and passions rise in heat Let the wind breathe for you and me so we can be....just be Let the rain fall and the thunder call our names in the darkness lightning guides us when our breath blows out the flame Let me feel you in the deepest part of me Let the waves of passion wash us out to sea No words are spoken and the storm passes by traces of rain drops and our bodies side by side Let the wind breathe for you and me so we can ........just be...... ........just you and me. Kathy Brandt © Copyright 2000.




Baby where'd the time go
my how it has flown
After all these years 
You are all that I know

I don't know how to wake 
.......up alone
I don't know how to 
........answer the phone
You had all the answers
To the where's and why's
Somewhere along the way
I lost myself in you
What do I do now......
You are all that I know

Nothing to prove, no one to blame
Just two souls relinquishing the chains
Uncharted waters for you & me
Riding different waves
Heading out to sea

One more look before you close your eyes
I see into your soul
I don't know how to let go....
Let go of all that I know
This pain inside.......
How do I say goodbye?

Baby where'd the time go
My how it has flown
After all these years
you are all that I know
I don't know how to wake up alone
I don't even know how to answer the phone
you had all the answers
to the where's and why's
Somewhere along the way 
I lost myself in you

Tell me one more thing
before you go
Tell me how do I let go
Of all that I know

Kathy Brandt
© Copyright 2000.