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June 1, 2002

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As you son/daughter considers embarking on another educational opportunity, it is important for everyone to understand the commitment needed to successfully complete the 14th District’s EMT-Basic program.

Even though your teenager has probably decided to join and volunteer their time for a first aid squad, some may not realize that the word volunteer is also associated with the concepts of accountability and responsibility. Since the area of Emergency Medical Services deals with human life, this is a message that needs to be reinforced. Therefore, we hope that before your son/daughter agrees to enter the EMTB program, they understand that there will be rules and regulations to follow and high expectations they will be asked to live up to.

The EMTB program that exists presently is similar to a college program. Your teen is expected to attend all classes. (As per the State of New Jersey, 100% attendance is mandatory) There will be reading and workbook assignments, and tests, both written and practical, that your teen is expected to complete successfully. There will also be extra practice sessions that your son/daughter may be asked to attend in addition to regular class nights. There is a major time commitment involved and any teen with a busy school or extracurricular schedule may find it difficult to fulfill their EMTB course responsibilities. There will be other requirements as well, of which your teen will be advised of and receive in writing on registration night. These policies will be sent home and you will be asked to look them over and sign an additional consent form where you agree to help your teen abide by these regulations. You may also join us on registration night, especially if you have any questions regarding the program.

It is not the intent of this letter to make any prospective student fearful, but we believe that in order for them to succeed they need to understand the great commitment they will be making. Please discuss this matter with your son/daughter before signing and submitting their application.

Also, it is a 14th District policy that minors will not be permitted to smoke during our programs without written permission from the parent. Please see the consent form on the EMTB student application and circle your response.

Thank you for reading this letter. Should you have any questions, please call me at (732) 721-9696.


Mary-Ann C. Gugliemella, RN, EMTB (I)
14th District EMTB Course Coordinator