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Diary Quotes

March 6th, 2001
Can they not see I am only starving for love?

March 9th, 2001
and lonliness
are the artists
of my heart.

March 13th, 2001
I want to be loved, I want to be safe, I don't want to feel alone. That's me in a nutshell.

March 14th, 2001
The life I live is not easy
The life I live is painful.
The life I live envokes tears
The life I live is ignored.
I do not exist to those I love.

March 15th, 2001
It hurts, but what would my life be without pain?

I pray for faith...
that can move mountains.

March 21st, 2001
All that is left to my body is numbness and my mind, pain.

March 22nd, 2001
This was written in a fit of intense rage and should be taken with a grain of salt.
You have broken my heart so completely

April 5th, 2001
I was but a toy
who's interest has long gone.

I don't know which would hurt more- if he what he told me were lies or the truth!

April 26th, 2001
Why do you falter to free me from these flames? I burn alive...

June 10th, 2001
My life is one adventure after another. If you want adventure in your life, become my friend.
God knows I love to be kept on my toes. That's the one good thing about it all.