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I wanted to write a disclaimer to all of you who may read this and be mentioned in it...

The names of the people mentioned here have been changed to protect the innocent (namely myself and my status as an alive human being...)

I appologize if I offend you in anyway. If you feel as though I am wronging you in anyway by what I have written on this site, please email me or let me know.
If I have mentioned you, the purpose is not to tear you down because you have hurt me or say something negative about you to hurt you, but rather to show to whomever the thought processes and the reasoning behind, well, me.
The idea is to have people read this and understand me better.
The idea is for you or whomever to be able to read what I have written and take something home from it, to have you better understand me and people like me.
In no way is this mean to tear down or hurt anybody. I want to be real, honest, and open, which I have never truly done before and isn't all that easy for me, or anyone for that matter. I am no more honest than I am in these pages.
I have never been more real, and I do not mean to offend or hurt or guilt anyone by what is written here.
-K Koval

This page created on 03/08/01 and last modified on 03/16/01