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March 15th, 2001

I pray for...


that can move mountains...

Dear Diary,
Well, I have a testimony! OK, OK, here it is-

I was so upset that I had made close to nothing yesturday for tips all day so I prayed to God last night that I would make between $X and $Y- which, by the way, is hard to do on a weekday (the amount I picked). So, anyhow, I prayed to make alot of money in tips because I was reading Matthew last night (i knew this before hand but it was ironic that it was in there...), but the part, "ask and ye shall recieve." So I asked!
Anyhow, to make an unneccesarily long story short, I made within the range today- it was so weird because I was saying to someone I work with who said it was going to be slow, "God will provide" and she just kinda was like ok and that was that, but it was awesome- my prayers were answered and God is good! (not that that's an update.)

Well, anyhow, Randy hasn't returened any of my phone calls- whatever- I don't think he cares that he hurts me- it's almost like it's on purpose... anyhow, haven't thought much about Hannah- or anyhoe. Popele have just kinda left me out of their lives and I am very lonely, but so be it.
It hurts, but what would my life be without pain? Not a day goes by without rejection or abandonement anymore. It hurts...
and lonliness
are the artists
of my heart.
-K Koval