KirE Wasted

Last up date
05/10/04 CE

KirE Wasted is in the works for a big update but intill then I and Brooke have set up shop. You can buy over 30 some art 8x10 prints, posters 16X20 (and soon 20X32).The Mute Girl, my first album and free MP3s as well as Lunch boxs, Stickers and Journals and we always have some kinda of sale so...please take a look. If you want to be kept informed of any up dates, theres a mailing list or you can keep in touch with my dead journal as found below.
If you want to be added to the mailing list you can write me at:

What ever is easyer for you


Old news

the 14th album is finaly up and it is all photos I took of or with Brooke...I love you Brooke
Your KirE .


Once again here I am.
Abandoned Deceived was (and still is) a place where I express my self and shared my art work. How ever Abandoned Deceived was a dark, pretty and almost passive page(which is all well and good).This is far more experimental. "Kire Wasted" is more ugly, dirty and morbid and even sometimes blunt. This page was made to release my anger and pain, to speak my mind in a louder tone. The point of this site is to release my feelings on to this page, just pouring it out for every one to see. And to take my ugly and forbidden feelings and pain and to turn them into something beautiful. Something that not every one can understand, something we all cant see, but something I have came to find as my only release in this world. I just hope you can understand this and how much it means to me. If this is to hard for you to do, please leave.

I am an Artist
And I will express my self
I will find beauty
In ugliness and in my self
I will not feel shame
I will not feel guilt
for the things I see
the things I feel
How I show it....

Click on one of the film strips to see my work:

KirE Thanks you for wasting your time at his page

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tous les américains sont des gros porcs!

No animals were hurt in my art work.
Because hurting little animals sucks
Im all for animal rites so don't give me any crap
all dead animals on my page were all ready dead
when i found them!