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Catchin' Up

~all ur fave goodies~


White Feather flowing Dust-sealed past unfreezing
Never looking back Has always been my style
White Feather being blown away by the wind Quietly Settling into the crowd of people
I watch as Your goodbye leaves My expression Contains no smiles

White Feather flowing Lightly Floating toward the sky
I can't make your time stay I've decided to just let go
The feather inside of my hand That saddness isn't as heavy as imagined
I'm still not impulsive enough after all Toward dream

From "White Feather"  of Ruien's Debut album (Ruien)

01/06/03 1:55 a.m.


02.24.03 -- Wooo~~~ another update after more than a month!!! Amazing huh? -_-;; i bet some of u wondered if i've been dead or sump...=P It's alrite~ I'm still alive! ^^;; Actually...been kinda lazy these days (aren't i always? -0-) so...kinda slacking off on building the new version of Catchin' Up again =T I started it...just..never think it will be finished!!! ><
Anywayz tho...hope u ppl like this wall :) Been really into MayDay these days...if any of u listen to them and know of their work~ u'd understand why ^^;; Gotta go read their lyrics ppl~~~ just simply great!! AhShing's such a talented guy!...Hate myself for discovering how good they actually are just now that they've temporarily broken up =T But heard they're coming back this year in August! So looking forward!!~~ u ppl with me? *^^*
Anda...oh yeah! I've got all of u ppls' msgs in my guestbook...i'll try my best in everything ok? thnx for all u'all support! =D *tearing*

01.06.03 -- Finally made updating to this website!!! =D (If u call this update at all --;;) Wellz~ actually...just made a wall on F4's Zai Zai by first work ever! Hope u all like it ^^;; Feel free to d/l it and make it ur wall...but be careful~ cuz i know what it feels like when u turn on ur pc and feel like doing nothing but to stare at his face all day long...hahahaha -0-+ (Soree~ maybe it's just me -_-+)
Anyhowz...if u like it~ leave a msg in my guestbook! I'll be glad to hear comments on it ^^;; (Believe it or not~ altho I haven't updated this site foreva long...I do still check on my guestbook periodically =P)
Also~ btw...none of the other stuff and other pages work on this site no more..I had to clean all the files out to save some of the important stuff when I had to reboot my system...soree! >< (the Jay songs still work tho..those are from Sean ^^)

Download the songs on my Background Music Box!

May Day - The Apple
May Day - Migratory Bird
May Day - Romeo And Juliet
May Day - People Life Ocean Wild
May Day - Innocence
May Day - Terminate Loneliness
May Day - Hey I'm Leaving
5566 - Sound of the Gun
5566 - Wa Sa Bi
Luo MeiLin - Red Sunflower
Luo MeiLin - Love Keeps On Sparkling
Energy - Ra Men Song
Jill Hsu - King's New Blouse
Leung JinLoo - Beautiful
Da Pump - Break! Go!
Sweety - What's the Matter With Love

Evonne - Keep It Up
Edison - I've Never Told U
Wu - If You'd Like To
5566 - One Light Year
5566 - Without Your Love
Ruien - Good To You In Unique Ways

孔令奇 Jeffrey Kung - 01

Jeffrey Kung-
By the producer "Lil Bug"...Bearing the crown of being the 76th descendant of the greatest teacher Confucious...Jeffrey's trying to bring out another taste to Chinese Hip Hop and R&B.

It's hard to believe that just a year ago, this now 20 year old UMich senior whose family tree could trace back to the most influential Asian philosopher/scholar of all time, could barely speak any Chinese!!  It was only until a year ago when he went to China to pay visit to his ancestral cemetery...and was being looked down upon in shame as a "Chinese who can't speak Chinese" that he started to sense the necessity of knowing this language that has so much to do with his great family background.  In a time period of just a year studying in an University in Beijing, Jeffrey went from a complete typical ABC, to someone who could even make raps out of Chinese now!
And being a music-lover, he sent a demo tape to super producer Lil Bug who helped created Alex To and many other popular singers...and he was picked out of thousands of other tapes sent to the producer as Lil Bug got "caught by his voice".   In interviewing...Jeffrey showed a talent of free-styling...and he was immediately signed!

Now this new force is destined to open up another road to Chinese Hip Hop and R&B.  Away from David, Jay, Alex, Harlem, LeeHom's styles...Jeffrey's new combination of East Meets West is simply raw and promising!!!

For online HERE

01 01.Intro
哈過頭  Over Hot
 妹妹  Mei Mei
04.不關它的事  Got Nothing to Do With It
05.上火 (華視連續劇"麻辣鮮師"的主題曲)  On Fire
天天這么快樂  Everyday Happy Like This
07.腮紅Intro  Red Cheeks Intro
心里不甜  Not Sweet Inside
09.Should I Stay Should I Go
腮紅  Red Cheeks
11.是你小孩也是你的Man  Like Your Child Like Your Man
干嘛悲傷  Why Sorrowful
13.Go Crazy


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Catchin' Up created ?2001 LoVyViv.  All Rights Deserved.