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Bangladesh Youth Organization of North Jersey....Bangladesh Youth Organization of North Jersey....Bangladesh Youth Organization of North Jersey....


   Become Member   E-Board   Constitution     Up-Coming Events  Past Events


Article I

Name and Purpose 

Section I

            The name of this organization is Bangladesh Youth Organization of North Jersey. (BYONJ)

Section 2

            The purpose of the B.Y.O.N.J. is the following:

v  To help all the Bengali people who are at need

v  To promote Bengali culture among other cultures.

v  Help our peer to understand the culture better

v  To help our society by doing goodwill services at both the local and global level. 

Article II

Section I

            Membership is open for anyone. There is a $10 non-refundable membership fee.  However,

    A. Approval will be made by the e-board.

    B. If your membership have been canceled previously for any reason, you won't be able to be a member for two years.

Section II

            Members in good standing.

A.     Must attend a minimum of six general meetings in a single year.

B.     Must serve the community by participating in the community service activities. Member must attend at least one project every month. 

C. Members must pay all the due and all other fees for all the activities.

Article III


Section I:        Meeting Time

      At the first meeting of each year the members shall set the time and date for general meeting, which must be adhered to throughout the year. 

Section II:       Emergency Meetings

      Emergency Meetings may be called by the President, Vice President, or by two-third of the voting members signing a petition to be submitted to the President. 

Section III: Executive Board Meetings

      The Executive Board shall meet once a month to discuss the organization’s upcoming meeting and activities. 

Section IV:  Transitional Meetings

            A Transitional meeting shall be held after the meeting of the new Executive Board with the outgoing Executive Board, where all organizational material will be transferred.

Article IV

Executive Board

Section I:

      The organization shall be administrated by an Executive Board, which shall consist of the Adviser, President, Vice President, General Secretary, Assistant general secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Organizing secretary, Publisher, Assistant Publisher, Education Secratery Community Service Representative, Sports & Cultural Secretary. 

Section II: Duties of the Adviser:

      The Adviser Shall

v     Advise the President.

v      Monitor the entire board members.

v     Advisor could show case board members or regular members with a 2/3 vote of the majority board members.

v      Monitor the election

     Section III: Duties of the President

            The President shall:

v  Be Responsible for all club activities

v  Preside over all meetings

v  Shall vote only in case of tie vote.

v  Be the official host of the organization.  

     Section IV: Duties of the Vice President

            The Vice President shall:

v  Keep in contact with all the members.

v  Be the co-official host of the organization

v  Oversee the functioning of all committees.

v  Fulfill the duties of the president in his/her absence.  

     Section V: Duties of the General Secretary

            The General Secretary shall:

v     Maintain complete records of all activities.

v     Responsible for making initial contacts.

v     Responsible for finding place for meetings and any events. 

    Section VI: Duties of the Assistant General Secretary

            The Assistant General Secretary shall:

v     Take attendance at every meeting.

v     Assist general secretary. 

    Section VII: Duties of the Treasurer:

                        The Treasurer shall:

v     Keep records of all financial activities and expense of the function.

v     Report financial status of the organization at the monthly meetings.

v     Responsible for fundraising activities. 

   Section VIII: Duties of the Assistant Treasurer:

             The Assistant Treasurer shall:

v     Collect & Record monthly dues

v     Help treasurer

v     Responsible for fundraising activities. 

   Section IX: Duties of the Publisher

             The Publisher shall:

v     Be responsible for the design and distribution of the publicity in all forms of media.

v     Make special announcements to the members. 

  Section X: Duties Of Assistant Publisher

            The Organizing Secretary shall:

v  Be responsible for the design and distribution of the publicity in all forms of media Responsible for organizing functions and activities.

v  Work with the publisher. 

  Section XI: Duties of Organizing Secretary

            The Organizing Secretary shall:

v  Responsible to inform members about the meetings.

v  Responsible for organizing functions and activities. 

 Section XII: Duties of Sports & Culture Secretary

            The Sports & Culture Secretary shall:

v     Responsible for creating new activities.

v     Responsible for all the sports and other cultural events. 

 Section XIII: Duties of Community Service Representatives

            The Community Service Representative shall:

v     Responsible for contacting community service agencies.

v     Coordinate community service projects.

v     Writing letters to organization. 

Section XIV: Duties of the Education Secretary

            The Education Secretary shall:

v     Responsible for creating educational activities.

v     Coordinate Bangla School. 

 Section XIV: Term of Office

            The term of officers shall be from August first to July 31st

Article V


 Section I: Eligibility to run for a position.

   Candidate for President, Vice President, General Secretary, and Treasurer must meet the following:

A.    One year of membership

B.     Attend at least 10 members meetings per year.

C.    Must participate at least three-community service activities.

D.    Candidate cannot hold any position to any other organizations (except for positions in student organizations at college or high school).

E.     To be eligible to run for the position of President or Vice President you must serve the board before. 

   Candidate for all the other positions must meet the following criteria:

A.    Eight months of membership

B.     Attend at least 9 members meeting per year

C.    Must participate at least three-community service activities.

F.     Candidate cannot hold any position to any other organizations (except for positions in student organizations at college or high school). 

Section II

Eligibility to Vote 

In order to vote a member must:

·        Attend 6 meetings per year

·        Must participate at least three-community service activities.

·        Must become a member of the Bangladesh Youth Organization of North Jersey 3 months before the election. 

Section 2: Procedures.

·        Nominations shall be made at the first meeting in the month of June.

·        To be eligible for any elected position, the candidate must be a voting member.

·        The election shall be conducted at the end of June.

·        Voting shall be conducted at the First week of July.

·        Tabulation of voter shall be done by two (or more) mutually agreed upon members in good standing (with the advisor).

·        A plurality of the vote’s case is required to win.  

Section 3: Vacancies

   In the event that any offices shall be vacated, the following procedures should be followed:

·        Nominations will occur for that position at the next general meetings.

·        An election for that position will be hold at the following general meeting. (All appropriate procedures governing elections should be followed.)

·        The replacement officer shall hold that position remainder to the term. 

·        the advisor or president could appoint a board member if election is closer to one year, however, board have to approve the decision.



Article VI

Section 1: Cancellation of membership:

    1. Advisor showcase the board members and president showcase the general members.

    2. Must be approved by the 2/3 of the board members.

Article VII


Section 1: Introduction to Amendment

   Any members may introduce amendments. The proposed amendments must be introduced at least one meeting before voting. 

Section 2: Passage

   A 2/3 vote of the voting membership present shall be required for the amendments to go into affect. 

Section 3: Final Approval

   Final approval by the Advisor and the Vice president is necessary before any amendments go into effect.