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A Chemistry Chapter 6 Study Guide

1. pressure
2. barometer
3. vacuum
4. Pascal
5. atmospheres
6. standard pressure
7. manometer
8. partial pressure
9. Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
10. Charles’ Law
11. Kelvin temperature scale
12. absolute zero
13. Boyle’s Law
14. law of combining volumes
15. Avogadro’s principle

1. Describe gases in terms of molecular speed, volume, compressibility, temperature and pressure.
2. How does temperature affect the speed of molecules?
3. How does wearing high heeled shoes or snowshoes help to explain the concept of pressure?
4. Why is mercury commonly used in barometers?
5. How is a barometer read?
6. What are the units for pressure?
7. Compare standard pressure in the units of atm, kPa, torr and mm Hg.
8. How is the pressure in a manometer read?
9. What is the equation for Charles’ Law?
10. How do you convert from k to °C ?
11. What is the equation for Boyle’s Law?

p. 200 #1,2
p. 204 # 3,4,5,6,8,9,10,13
p. 211 # 14,15
p. 212 # 16,17
p. 218 # 18,19
p. 221 # 23 (a), 24,25
p. 224-227 # 5,8,10,11,13,14,15,19,20,22,23,28,29,30,31,32,34,37,38,39,42