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Night with Her Train of Stars

I wrote this poem when I was in middle school. It was inspired by a painting of the same name by Edward R. Hughes.

The angel makes circles above the Earth,

Closing eyes with her gentle presence.

Night is descending upon the villages and towns,

The dreamers are at peace.

A procession of rosy-cheeked cherubs, stars in the sky,follow night until morning comes.

Then at last, they too will shut their eyes and go to sleep.

But for now, darkness is slowly settling, and in the velvety blue sky,

The stars are at peace.

One star, fallen, is now protected, safe under the glorious wings of Night.

Other stars gather round to gaze at the beautiful cherub.

The sun is at rest for now, and the stars must once again light up the sky with their splendor.

The world is at peace.

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