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Wolf Park Pictures

These are pictures from the summer of 2003 when I worked at Wolf Park.  It was the best summer ever and I met a lot of really great people and wolves!  For those of you who worked with me at the park, please excuse my "tour" voice that I use at varying points on this webpage.  My favorite wolf is Chetan, but unfortunately, I do not have any digital pictures of him right now.  He is part of the Happy Pack: Chetan, Erin, and Tristan.  We hope that Chetan will be the proud father of Erin's pups.  Other wolves at the park (that are not mentioned) are: Kiri & Socrates, Deneb, Chani, and Ursa.  And then there is Wild Bill, the lone coyote.

Above is a picture of Marion kissing me.  Below is a picture of me petting Marion.  Marion loves people, but doesn't care much for other wolves.  At Wolf Park, she is known as Marion the Barbarian.  She likes to pick on other wolves and bite them on their behinds.  Marion is currently park of a pack of three: Marion, Miska, and Seneca.  They are better known as the Alpha Pack.


The two pictures, above and below, are of Barbara (my best friend over the summer) playing with the foxes, Ember & Basil.  There are two other foxes, Corey & Devon.  They are red foxes.  Two of the ways you can tell if they are red foxes is by looking at their tails and eyes.  Their tails should always have a white tip and their eyes should be slit-like, similar to cats. 



These are pictures of me and Orca.  Orca's nickname is Orca Bork.  As you can see from the bottom picture, Orca loves to be scritched and scratched.  He has problems getting to his neck area because he injured himself and is now partially paralyzed from his waist down.  He can still walk pretty well, but sometimes he looks like a drunk man walking.

Orca currently lives alone because he is injured.  If he lived with another wolf, they would attack him because of his weakness.  However, he used to be the alpha male of the main pack.  I actually think that for the most part, Orca enjoys living by himself.  In the wild, there are some wolves that are loners, but most live in packs.

This is Andrew scritching Orca.  At one point, Andrew was an intern, but he has basically become a permanent employee at Wolf Park, at least until he's done college anyway.  Andrew was one of the only guys at Wolf Park all summer, and, for the most part, the only one who was our age.  Isn't he cute?

Last, but not least, is Alyeska, better known as Big Al.  Alyeska is one of the shyest wolves at Wolf Park, so when he comes up to you, it's an honor.  He is such a sweetheart and, unfortunately, is more of a loner in his trio.  The trio consists of Apollo, Alyeska, and Karin (pronounced "Car-in") and are better known as the Pillow Pack.