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April's Homepage



Hi, my name is April.  I'm 23 and will be graduating from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in May!  YAY!!!  I have no clue where I'm going afterwards, but hopefully somewhere near wolves, and nowhere near New Jersey.  I love wolves!  They're a very fascinating animal.  If you would like to see some cute pictures of wolves (among other things), you can go to the Wolf Park website.  I worked at Wolf Park during the summer of 2003.  It was the best summer ever!  I have also worked for Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. in San Rafael, California!  As you can tell, I love animals very much.  I want to work with them, but I'm not sure what it is exactly that I want to do.  And I can't wait to graduate because shortly after, I will be getting a dog, hopefully a German Shepard.  Some of my other interests include sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball (GO SALUKIS!!!), bowling and billiards, music (I play flute, saxophone, trumpet, and a little guitar) and some others too.  I also like to hang out with friends, go out drinking and partying, watching movies, going on road trips, traveling, doing things outside, etc.

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.  Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

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This page was last modified 3/20/04 .