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10 steps to financial freedom

1. You must have a checking account and a savings acount. It's imperative that you have at least access to financial liberty. Pre-paid accounts or check cash alternatives allow business to run as usual, but don't allow you as the individual to be financially free. A checking account (from a FDIC insured bank or credit union) provides you the opportunity to have money, access to it, and security from theft. A savings account should be used as a way to easily set money aside that is not to be spent on daily activities. Let the reason for saving be for big pre-determined gifts, retirement, or emergencies.

2. Pay your bills early. If you get paid on the 15th, and your bills are due on the 5th, it is wiser to pay them with that paycheck than wait for the next paycheck. First of all, it prevents you from paying any penalty or late fee. Second, when the bills are paid before the deadline, you will feel more pleasure as the deadline passes, than any pair of sneakers will make you feel. Buy the sneakers with the next paycheck.

3. Save some money. As stated before, a savings account is useful for big pre-determined gifts, Christmas shopping, retirement, or emergencies. Most people understand emergencies, such as court costs, hospital bills, or car repairs, but not enough think it through to retirement. The average worker has to keep in mind, the time when he or she can no longer work. Social benefits such as social security are not enough. Without going HAM over saving, 10% of your income would be a good portion. Basically, if you make $500 on a paycheck, you would save $50 of that paycheck.

4. Learn about investment options. Banks have a number of ways for you to save your money. And of course they pay different amounts of interest for saving your money at their particular bank. CD's (Certificate of Deposits), IRA's (Individual Retiement Accounts), and 401(k)s (Employer Investment Funds) are a few examples of investment options. Learn about theses and which ones might help you gain a little more financial independence.

5. Spend more money at the grocery store than at the fast food restaurants. Besides the health benefits of foregoing the happy meal or the value meal specials, a lot more money would be saved if more meals were bought in bulk and prepared at home. Fast food restaurants are never going away, and for a lot of people, the convenience is neccessary. But when the reason for eating at fast food restaurants is 'just because,' you have an opportunity to practice the discipline of not spending frivolously.

6. Go to free events. Living in a city, there are many free or cheap events to attend that are not financially based, such a symposiums, neighborhood meetings, school recitals or performances, and of course museums. So spend time doing something not-focused on spending money, and you might even learn something new.

7. Invest in yourself. The main point is to spend wisely. So allocate some money towards a class thats geared toward a hobby or a future goal, such as cooking or music. "The best Investment is an investment in yourself."

8. Keep a finacial diary. It takes more than a day to make a useful and accurate budget. Most budgets have many rough drafts. But if you can keep track of what you spend your money on, you can make better adjustments in the future. Seeing what is on your bank staments will help you make a budget more geared to your lifestyle.

9. Create a simple savings technique. You might be surprised how easy it is to save a couple of dollars a day. If you dine-out regularly, every so often, try to drink 2 glasses of water before ordering meal, so that you are more apt to order a smaller and cheaper meal. Another idea is not to spend your coin change during the week.

10. Trust yourself. These are good guidelines, but as always there are extenuating circumstances in everybody's lives. Remember, your freedom depends on you. And only you should be spending your money.