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Here is a few guides that may help you with your gameing experience. There are only a few that may help you with newer games. When more people e-mail me for help on games i will post the questions and my help. E-mail your questions here: I hope this helps.


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Q: How do I return myself to Link from the Deku Scrub in the begging?

A: First what you have to do is when you get into Clock Town is to find the yellowish fairy. During the day it will be in South Clock Town. In South Clock town walk up the stair case to the right of the gate where the guard is standing. The fairy will be flooting above the small pond. You'll have to skip on top of the water to get it. At night it will be in East Clock Town. It will be flying around a poll in the center. You will have to get into the Deku flower close by and fly to it. When you get the fairy go to North Clock Town. You'll see a boy shooting a ballon in the air with his blow gun. Past him you'll see a cave. Go into the cave and the fairy you saved will join the many other fairies. The Great Fairy will then be formed and give you magic. Go out and shoot down the ballon that the kid is shooting at with your new found powers. The be will surprised and standing there looking around. Next talk to the boy and he will challenge you to find all the "Bombers" in a hide and seek game. You'll find 2 Bombers in North Clock Town, 2 in East Clock Town, and 1 in West Clock Town. When you find all the Bombers the leader will give you the password to their hideout. Go to East Clock Town and give the password to the Bomber guarding the entrance. Go down the hall and at the end of the underground hall you find an Astral Observertary. Talk to the Astralager and look through his telescope. look at the top of the Clock in the center of town and you'll see the Skull Kid. A short sceen where a "Moons Tear" will fly out of the moons eye. Go out the door of the observator and get the Moons Tear. Next go back to South Clock Town. You'll find a Deku Flower in town and when you go to it a Deku Scrub Sales man (or Scrub) will fly into his flower. He will ask you about the Moons Tear. If you give it to him he will give you the land title deed that includes the Deku Flower. Use the Deku Flower to fly up to the clock. When you get to the clock entrance door you'll find a Heart Piece. At midnight on the final day the door will open. Walk up the stair case that has just appeared to you to get to the Skull Kid. After you have a conversation with the Skull Kid he will be workin on bringing the moon into town some more. Shot him with your bubble and he will drop your Ocarina. Grab it and a sceen will come up telling you how to play the "Song of Time". Use the song to transport to the first day. When you get to the first day go through the door behind and talk to the traveling mask collector and he will teach you "The Song of Healing". Your former Deku Scrub body will turn into a mask. The mask collector will get mad and request again for you to get his mask back.

