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My Poetry and Such

Poetry is an acute expression of the soul, or ones most conscious self. When you read one's poetry, it is as if you enter their world, if only for 20 lines, be gentle. Be nice to this world because if you're not, you'd be hurting them from the inside out. My poetry is posted here to show what I am thinking and feeling, so that you all may better understand who I am and where I'm coming from. God Bless.

This page last updated on 03/14/01

LINKS Within Website

Poem I: Water Grave
Poem II: If Tomorrow Should Fail to Come For Me
Poem III: Come the Dusk
Poem IV: Those that Sin
Poem V: The Nothing
Poem VI: Lonliness Consumes Me
PoemVII: I Seem to See Him Everywhere
PoemVIII: The Greatest Actress That Ever Lived
PoemIX: They Come in Waves
PoemsX&XI: A Friend in Jesus; No one Knows But Jesus
~* H O M E *~