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To write Gameshark codes you need to know a few basic logarithms, which are used in Gameshark codes, and fully understand binary and hexadecimal code.

Hexadecimal Binary
0 0 0000
1 1 0001
2 2 0010
3 3 0011
4 4 0100
5 5 0101
6 6 0110
7 7 0111
8 8 1000
9 9 1001
10 A 1010
11 B 1011
12 C 1100
13 D 1101
14 E 1110
15 F 1111
16 10 10000

Binary and hexadecimal code.

Binary code is a very primitive yet still widely used computer code. Old computers such as the Apple 2E, were only able to process code strands of ones and zeros. Binary code was created so digits such as two thru nine could be understood by the computer. The only draw back, was that this took a large amount of space and time to process information. Later, once more sophisticated processors came out, binary code was transferred to hexadecimal code, which took less time to process than binary. Hexadecimal is the most commonly used computer code today.

How the Gameshark works.

All Nintendo games are written in ASCII. A Gameshark intercepts all the strands of code being sent from the game cartridge to the Nintendo and translates them into hexadecimal code. Then the Gameshark ads which ever codes have been entered by the user, and then are placed "nicely inconspicuous" into the strands of code. The Gameshark then translates the info back into ASCII, and sends it to the Nintendo.

What makes up a code.

First of all, every Gameshark code strand has 8 digits then a space then 4 more digits.

12345678 1234

12345678    The front

		1234    The tail

To make it easier to comprehend this, break the first 8 digits into 3 parts and the last 4 digit code as a 4th part.

 [123]     [456]       [78]      [1234]

		^         ^           ^          ^

		(PART 1)   (PART 2)   (PART 3)   (PART 4)

(PART 1) is a 3-digit bit used to tell the game cartridge what type of code will be used.

810 - Basic code beginning which will be used to access parts of the game cartridge, which will then go through the GS to create an effect, which the game cartridge can not produce.

880 - Basic code beginning which will go through the GS to create an effect, which the game cartridge can not produce.

D00 - Basic code beginning used to modify aspects of the game which were used for designing the game and were meant to not be produced by the game cartridge.

(PART 2) is a 3-digit bit used to tell the game cartridge how the code will be used. It also supplies data for how the code will work in the game.

3-digit data bit - used to designate the code to certain parts of the game such as levels.

696 - Basic code bit for designating that the code would show up on the cheat menu in the game.

(PART 3) is a 2-digit bit used to tell the game cartridge how the code will be used. It also supplies data for how the code will work in the game.

2-digit data bit - used to designate the code to certain parts of the game such as objects and cheats.

3C - used for codes editing health in 1-player games.
FF - used for codes editing ammo in 1-player games.
F3 - used for codes editing weapons in 1-player games.
F5 - used for codes editing health against enemies in 1-player games.
75 - used for code editing clipping and map settings.
3D - used for code editing clipping and map settings.
2 digit data bit - used to designate the code to certain parts of the game such as objects and cheats.

(PART 4) the 4-digit bit at the end of a strand is unexsplainable and is used for data work in Gameshark and game cartridge.

0000    0001    0030    0007    3F80    3C80   

The following are all of the 2 bit and 3 bit data codes. There are formula codes to get you started on how to use them.

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Author: Joel Unger
ICQ Number: 67019315 (Brak)
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