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     The Gossip Stones have always been a strange aspect of Zelda 64. When you hit them with a Sword or Deku Stick they tell you the time which has to be significant in some way or another. When you where the Mask of Truth and press "A" next to them they tell you a hint that doesn't help much. When you play the Song of Storms next to them, a farie will apear. Also, they do weird things when you hit them with various items. There has to be more to these than just a stupid hint or the time.

Weapons Effect
Sword Tells time
Deku Stick Breaks
Megaton Hammer Flattens
Boomerang Wiggles
Slingshot Wiggles
Longshot Wiggles
Arrow Wiggles
Magic Arrows Spins rapidly then stretches
Din's Fire Spins rapidly then stretches
Bomb Flashes Blue then Red and then rockets off into the sky

Here is a list of the Gossip Stones locations and what they say.

1.Hyrule Field, near Lake Hylia, in a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
2.Hyrule Field, West of Hyrule Castle, in a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
3.Hyrule Field, stone circle at Gerudo Valley in a secret grotto-
They say that there is a switch that you can activate only by using the spin attack.
4.Southern Hyrule Field, Under a boulder, in a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
5.Outside the Temple of Time-
They say that Malon set the original record in obstacle cource of Lon Lon Ranch.
6.Outside the Temple of Time-
They say that Malon of Lon Lon Ranchhopes a knight in shining armor will come and sweep her off her feet some day.
7.Outside the Temple of Time-
They say that it is against the rules to use glasses at the Treasure Chest Shop in Hyrule Castle Town Market.
8.Outside the Temple of Time-
They say that Gerudos sometimes come to Hyrule Castle Town to look for boyfriends.
9.Next to Hyrule Castle, near the vines-
They say that if you get close to a butterfly while holding a Deku Stick in your hands, something good will happen.
10.Next to the Hyrule Castle moat-
They say that, contrary to her elegant image, Princess Zelda of Hyrule Castle is, in fact, a tomboy!
11.Next to Hyrule Castle in a secret grotto opened by the Song of Storms-
They say They say you may find something new in dungeons you have already visited.
12.Gerudo Valley ledge next to water-
They say that say that the thief named Nabooru, who haunts this area, is a Gerudo.
13.Lake Hylia, next to the Lakeside Laboratory-
They say that there is a secret on the road that leads to Lake Hylia.
14.Lake Hylia, back wall in water-
They say that the Chicken Lady goes to the Lakeside Laboratoryto study how to breed pocket size cuccos.
15.Lake Hylia, back wall in water-
They say that Ruto, the Zora Princess who is known for her selfish nature, likes a certain boy...
16.Sacret Forest Meadow, near forest temple-
They say it is possible to find a total of 100 gold skultulas thoughout Hyrule.
17.Sacret Forest Meadow, on top of maze-
They say that strange owl, Kaepora Gaebora, may look big and heavy, but it's character is rather lighthearted.
18.Sacret Forest Meadow, on top of maze-
They say that the owl named Kaepora Gaebora is the reincarnation of an ancient Sage.
19.Lost Woods, near Gorgon City, in a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
20.Lost Woods, near the bridge-
They say that when non-fairy folk enter the Lost Woods, they become monsters!
21.Kokiri Forest, near Lost Woods entrance-
They say that the small holes in the ground that you can find all over Hyrule make a perfect breeding ground for bugs.
22.Same place, play the Song of Storms to reveal a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo Stallion.
23.Kokiri Forest, near Deku Tree-
They say that the Kokiri are always followed by small fairies.
24.Kokiri Forest, behind the Deku Tree-
They say that one Kokiri has left the forest, but he is still alive!
25.Zora's River, up a latter, near the heart piece-
They say that there is a man who can always be found running around in Hyrule field.
26.Same place, jump across to a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
27.Zora's River, near waterfall-
They say that Princess Zelda's nanny is actually one of the Shiekah, who many thought had died out.
28.Zora's Domain, near King Zora-
They say players who select the "hold" option for "Z TARGETING" are real "Zelda players!"
29.Zora's Fountain, left of Lord Jabu Jabu-
They say that there is a secret near the lone tree which is not far from the river in the northwest part of Hyrule Field.
30.Zora's Fountain, near the Great Fairy Fountian-
They say that you can swim faster by continuously pressing B
31.Graveyard, near Shadow Temple entrance-
They say that there is a secret near a tree in Kakariko Village.
32.Kakariko Village, near Potion Shop, in a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
33.Dodongo's Cavern behind wall-
They say that Gerudos worship Ganondorf almost like a god.
34.Death Mountain Trail, ledge near Great Fairy Fountain-
They say that Biggorgon's Sword is super sharp and will never break.
35.Death Mountain Trail, play the Song of Storms in a stone circle to open a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
36.Death Mountain Crater, under a stone, in a secret grotto-
They say that the horse Ganondorf rides is a solid black Gerudo stallion.
37.Death Mountain Crater, behind wall-
They say that Medigorgon didn't really think about his own size, so his store is really cramped
38.Desert Colosus, near Spirit Temple-
They say that treasure you can earn in the Gerudo's Training Ground is not as great as you would expect, given it's difficulty!
39.Gorgon City, in the boulder room-
They say that there is a secret around the entrance to Gerudo Valley.
40.Gorgon City, Medigorgon's shop-
They say that Ganondorf is not satisfied with ruling only the Gerudos and aimes to conquer all of Hyrule.

And that makes 40! There's three things that are interesting out of all these useless hints. The one about real "Zelda players" select the "hold" option for "Z TARGETING" makes me wonder what that has to do with anything. It's probably just to make things a little more chalanging. Another is the repetition of the solid black Gerudo stallion thing. I heard that in the Beta version, the rough draft, there was a armored horse you could make friends with and use weapons on. Maybe it has something to do with ganons horse. Lastly, the hidden Gossip Stone behind the Deku Tree. I wonder if there's a Reason for it. Well I hope someone finds a GOOD use for these things.

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Author: Joel Unger
ICQ Number: 67019315 (Brak)
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