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Open letter July 2sd 2017

What the people must think?
I have watched those this has been written to and for, who waste their lives on perceived soap operas created in their minds and in my opinion ( pretty sick one’s at that).
You don’t have to know anything about us to live your lives
and the one’s I have talked to know, I would had never done
any of this to you but ( be assured I don’t waste a second of my life thinking about you) although I hope for good welfare for all, everyone I meet in this town and talk to for hours also watch infestation that breaks down a society.
We own our home, we are three years ahead on our tax’s
We try to live within in our means and go out at night and talk
on the swing, improvise, like, use your minds and at 60 hopefully instead of cell phones talking about people we know nothing about, get to know them, some outcast (perceived) know so much more than we do because they go to the source!. You believe we are the source of any of you perceived notions opinions, analogies perceptions because you do not know anything about us and you go the church and judge others rights? Gather at a church that no one believes in the bible? Do you think your doing godly things from Monday to Saturday?
then harmoniously gather to pray - not judge others - repent on the 7th day?
Your anger will fester and fester as your righteousness cant figure anything out. Personally I knew we would be here until We decided to leave here and I never doubted it!
So, it doesn’t matter you cutting down our woods, it excites pathetic lives, but what If I cut down your woods? I can not believe how spiteful, arrogant, my neighbors who are like a cancer spewing their ignorance down their bibs! 18 Ivan today had the police called on him for threatening me and revealed all the notions in your heads.
Their must be more to life than to even think you could be in my business, again knowing nothing. The grape vine you are creating is being swung on by ignorance!
Guarantee this, who ever put that barrel in that lake has
no morals, no identity, a true deceiver of nature and man kind in it self! nothing more than a cancer to this earth, no soul whatsoever!
You will emotionally suffer how do I know this? because you already are and will continue!



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This was faxed to the Belvidere Prosecutor office!

with Transmission Verification    Receipt

Dated:Fax: (908) 475-6286 06/25/2017! 1:27pm



Richard T. Burke, Prosecutor

413 Second Street

Belvidere, New Jersey 07823

Phone: (908) 475-6275

Fax: (908) 475-6286

Dear Sir

I am a resident of Knowlton Township NJ, residing in Columbia, NJ 07832 for 18 years, 30 years in total.

We sustained sever property damage, then threatened

I filed a complaint with the New Jersey State Police Barracks in Hope, NJ: Complaint date 10/03/2016

Police report # B020201600476 10/17/2016

I then inquired about these charges with the New Jersey State Police barracks and was given the proper information to contact the state of NJ for a report, and did.


State Of New Jersey

Office of the Attorney General

Date December 28th 2016

Investigating Officer: K C Bruno #7728

Signed by Robert C. Price, Acting Captain

Bureau Chief

Criminal Justice Records Bureau

Revealing nothing had been investigated, no one charged.

Reading this response, prompted me to call

the Belvidere Court House and was asked the complaint # and was told, it did not come through the Belvidere Court System and shows nothing in their system.

I was asked to read what I had received from the state to them, and I did and I waited online awhile and was transferred 3 times..

I was then told by the Belvidere Court House to go directly

to the Knowlton Township Court House and do not let them

push you away until you file criminal charges against the defendants.

I did so, and my charges were found credible by Judge Dominick C. Santini of criminal mischief 2C:17-3 against Dave Marsjanik - Darlene Marsjanik - Eric Marsjanik - Thomas Malcolm - Nicole Malcolm

Our community court only handles $500.00 in damages even though they can not award damages of criminal mischief 2C:17-3 -c or b

and clearly 50 tress were cut down on our property

destroying private trails with intent, and I am filing criminal mischief 2C:17-3-b

Please link to the damage caused by criminal mischief 2C:17-3-b

$2,000.00 dollars or more as proof of tangible property damage

The Defendants

did this to our property after 14 Ivan stating they had ran a property line, while they never had!

Please view this evidence that no one has excepted as vital proof

The Plaintive - us

Our property prior to innocent

Dear Sir

Richard T. Burke, Prosecutor

I would like you in your position to clear this obstructed path of injustice and charged these persons listed above as this clearly did not go through the proper channels in finding it’s way to your office.

We were threatened on our own property!

We sustained Property damage of 4 ft to 53 ft wide and over 200ft long! And the defendants admissions to doing this and nothing about it!

Thank you

Thomas F. Thom - Susan M. Thom Property owners

16 Ivan road

Columbia, NJ 097832


18 years!

Stay  the fuck off my Property!

One More hit, the

Federal Bureau of Investigation


Human Rights Services
are going to be called!


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