If you have a medical problem, Please see a doctor, this site is in no way able to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.

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feel free to email jb with comments/ advice.

 American Holstic Medicine Association Home page.
 general herbalism
 American Herbalist Guild

Holistic Medicine encompases all forms of healing including spirituality, the  use of supplements  and approaches from other cultures.

    This website is an exploration of current ideas in diet therapy for common diseases, herbal approaches and spirituality in medicine. Some of the material here is meant to provoke thought.  There are vast frontiers  just begining to be explored. Any links that are commercial are suspect, on controversial topics I'll try to have sites for both sides of the issue.

Information on diet for Cardiovascular disease, HTN and Multiple Sclerosis follow
Herbs and supplements with introductions include: flax seed, Coq10
A new section on Spirituality in Medicine is being added.

 Guggulu, Terminalia Arjuna and

Coming soon: Hawthorne

Fries Cause Cancer!! acrylamide a carcinogen is present in fried foods, especially french fries and potato chips. Find out more at:
  Center for science in public interest article

Dr. Greene's website

Cholesterol & Atherosclerosis
 Diets for Atherosclerosis

  Omega-3 fatty acids have shown an incredible reduction in sudden cardiac death, just about the major killer in america. Find out more at:

 Supplements I'm researching
 Integrative approaches to Cancer treatment
brief summary of some ideas for cancer treatment at a recent conference:
integrative approaches to cancer
 Herbs I'm researching

Multiple Sclerosis And Diet: Patients with Multiple Sclerosis should see a neurologist to ensure their care is optimal. To read about supplements and diet which may be beneficial, look here:
 Multiple Sclerosis information diet, information sources

Spirituality in Medicine/ Social Responsibility:

 Spiritual side and good works
If you have a medical problem, Please see a doctor, this site is in no way able to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.