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UCW Wrestling: hardcore lies with us!

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UCW: Hell on Earth
May 20, 2000
Days Remaining-
Next PPV
May 30, 2000
Days Remaining-
Current Champs
UCW World

Extreme Machine

FTW Title

Big Dave

UCW Tag Team

The Misfit & Racist Pig

EBWF World

Tomm Gunz


Little R.



EBWF Tag Team Title

High Treason

MATCH SIGNED FOR FRIDAY! Brother -vs- Brother

The Extreme Machine will be taking on his brother chrisFTW in a UCW World title match up! Can the current (7) time UCW World heavyweight champion The Extreme Machine defeat his arch rival chrisFTW? Or will chrisFTW take what he wants the most the UCW World title away from his brother, this friday at EBWF's weekly world war! Stay tuned...

4/20/00 Update:: Major Pain PPV was one that i think none of us in the UCW will ever forget. During the FTW title match Little R was surverly injured with taking a t-bone suplex the wrong way he landed straight on top of his head. So that was alot of title changes today. We have a new UCW World heavyweight champion, a new FTW Champion and new tag champions for results of the event CLICK HERE

SuperWarfare delayed!
SuperWarfare has been delayed until the end of May due to that our new ring isnt built yet but when UCW officals heard of this we decided to have a UCW April PPV entitled "Major Pain" to be held on April 20, 2000. a card of the matches will be up shortly come back and keep checking.

BREAKING NEWS: The Extreme Machine and chrisFTW have retired from wrestling click HERE for the whole story!

4/4/00 11 Days remaining-
The clock is ticking away until the biggest PPV of all time. UCW/EBWF SuperWarfare 2000. Wrestlers lift weights get in the best feeling possible way your bodys can because we are setting a new standard in all of backyard wrestling feds across the country when the superstars of the UCW take on the superstars of the EBWF in one hell of a event.

3/31/00 At this weeks Jakked Up Friday event we saw a UCW World title defense with The Extreme Machine(c) taken on Rancid in a one hell of a match! To find out how Rancid won the title from the Machine CLICK HERE

Today 3/30/00 the UCW held a huge event at the UCW arena called Spring Hell 2000! These are the wrestlers that attended the event: Big Dave, Extreme Machine, The Misfit, Hardcore Henry, Rancid, Nova Mack, Tomm Gunz. The UCW tag team champions Da Boyz (chrisFTW & Jakked Jeff) werent able to attend todays show. CLICK HERE to read full results of the event.

For all the latest UCW news always check out and bookmark our newsboard, The UCW President is the one that reports for us with all the latest news/rumors and commentary, so if you want to know up-to the minute what is going on with UCW then CLICK HERE

If you wanna see what our wrestlers think of eachother and what other people do then visit our highly visted UCW Message board. Im incourageing all of you web surfers to post what you think of us and what you think of Nova Mack! Visit the board HERE
Our May 20, PPV "Hell on Earth"

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This site is in no way affilated with WWF WCW or ECW. All material news, info and media were created by the Webmasters for this website. No reproduction of anything on this site should take place without permission of the webmasters.
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