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The REAL Pit Bull--


Promoting A Positive Image

Site News

08/02--Project Pit Bull has disbanded. The Real Pit Bull site will continue to be updated and grow and its creator Mary Harwelik will continue on with her work educating the public and offering help to rescues/shelters/owners via a variety of outreach services. The work involved in running an organzation--which was solely on Mary's shoulders--was just too great. Working independantly will allow for more flexibility.

07/02--The Real Pit Bull site has been awarded the Critter Haven website award for its promotion of ethical breeding practices and stance against BYB's and puppymills.

06/2/02--Once again The Real Pit Bull website has ungone a rehaul. Please note the change of email address. If you'd like to contact the webmaster for any reason, the email address is:

09/22/01--Message from Mary: I, like everyone else in America, have been deeply affected by the events of 9/11/01. Many sleepless nights have been spent worrying, praying, crying. I mourn for our country, for our people, for the world.

The REAL Pit Bull site wishes to offer condolences to the families of the victims of the WTC and Pentagon attacks, as well as the heros who lost their lives on Flight 93. Let us also hail those rescue workers, firefighters, police officers, who have sacrificed so much for the sake of others. America is coming together in ways we never thought possible. This is just another testiment to the strength and conviction of our people. United we WILL stand. Onward and upward.

08/16/01--The REAL Pit Bull now has its very own domain name! The new URL is Please update your bookmarks.

06/11/01--We've redone the site once again. Because of conintued growth, the site was getting too cluttered and difficult to surf. The new directory should make things easier, and we've also divided the site into four parts: the Main Page, which is the Pit Bull Information Center, the Project Pit Bull Rescue & Education page, the Realpibull-L page (info. on the list and how to join) and our Affiliates page. Happy browsing!

03/25/01--Launch of Project Pit Bull

01/12/00--We're on a roll! Yet another award to add to our collection, this one from

01/11/00--We've won another award! This time, has honored The Real Pit Bull with their Good Dog Site award.

12/13/00--The Real Pit Bull site has undergone a major faceleft. The new look is slightly more streamlined, easier to navigate, and more organized. Please continue to check back for content updates, more pictures, and continued growth.

6/22/00--The Real Pit Bull site has been awarded the "Positively Pit Bull" award by the Dr. Pit Bull Site. Check out Dr. Pit Bull's site

03/11/00--Launch of The REAL Pit Bull website.