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Temptress Jane Griggles

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Mistress Jane Griggles
Member of the International Wenches Guild, #740, madame

Temptress Jane at her best

May, 2001: Alas and alack! Our Grande Dame, in her wisdome, hath disbanded the Featherstone Clan. Proud I am to have been a member of such a clan. So thus my story shall remain, though I be not a Featherstone Wench now.
Yet, one and all come to read all about how I came to be a Featherstone Wench!
My Story

The Original Featherstone Wenches (at least the ones that came to NYRF!)
Featherstone Wenches

More pictures of me!

The Temptress showing the leg. Tempting passers-by!

Swishing out of Faire! Swishing out of Faire after a successful day of wenching!

Bethany and Jane
With Mistress Bethany pointing to beautiful necklace my rogue bought me. Such a kind hearted lad he be! See here a closeup of the necklace!
What a booth full of wondrously beautious objects!

Pictures of the 1999 Featherstone Clan Invasion of NYRF

And now, an update: NYRF 2000 pictures!

A Wench and her Watermelon!