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Evil United!!!
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Evil United!!!

Daily Screen Shot

A very high level Necromancer holding the Black Book with Silver Runes and a Shimmering Orb.

Shadow Knights United!!!

October 30

Happy early Halloween everyone! I updated the skills pages a bit, thats about it.

June 25

HAHA!!! I'm back!!! It's taken me a loooong time, but I'm back! Updates coming in!! I'm updating the spells, and I'm thinking of a good hunting places tpye of section, but I'll need help with that. So, keep on coming, I'm finishing it off!! And, if you didn't already notice, I trashed the Necro area. I didn't really like the class, and I already have my hands full. Maybe I'll make some other class page to go along with this, if I have time. Email me info and pictures!!!

May 14

I just can't seem to think of anyhting to put down. I may be taking the site down, completely remodeling, and adding a whole lot of information on lots of other things to the page. I may add things for each class I have played extensively. Please email me your thoughts on how I should do this.