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Rahway Association Of Wrestling - [RAW]

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Welcome To The Official Website Of The Rahway Association Of Wrestling!

RAW Current Champions

RAW World Champion
Hardcore Glen
RAW Intercontinental Champion
RAW Television Champion
RAW 2000 Champion
RAW Hardcore Champion
Aerial Assassin
RAW Tag-Team Champion
Birds Of Prey

The RAW Poll
What Stipulation Should Be Added To The World Title Match Between Violator, Jeremy Wallace, And Hardcore Glen?



This past week, the RAW celebrated it's one year anniversary by holding Full Throttle on October 24, 2000. The night kicked off with World Champion, Hardcore Glen, coming to the ring to set up a huge 6 Pack Match for the main event featuring Fly Guy, Second Nature, Titan, Violator, Jeremy "Wicked" Wallace, and Hardcore Glen.

Xavier defeated Phoenix in a great match to take claim to the RAW 2000 Title. Following the match, Fly Guy and Phoenix challenged Gama and Xavier to a Tag-Team Title match later in the night.

In that match, the Birds of Prey (Fly Guy & Phoenix), defeated the team representing Team No Respect to take home the RAW World Tag-Team Championships. This is Fly Guy's fourth reign as tag-team champion.

Fly Guy came to the ring and called out Violator. Fly Guy said he was sick of Violator's attitude and wanted a match rightnow. Violator agreeded and beat Fly Guy to take the RAW Intercontinental Championship for the second time.

In the main event, Hardcore Glen battled through a lengthy match where he was in the ring most of the time. He came out on top after pinning Violator after hitting the Glen Splash.

Don't forget, the RAW will be holding Capital Carnage this weekend. The main event will feature a triple threat match with Violator, Jeremy "Wicked" Wallace, and Hardcore Glen for the RAW World Championship. Don't be the only one to miss this great card.