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Anime Central!

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THIS SITE IS NO LONGER GOING TO BE UPDATED! Thanks for visiting my first Anime Page. I am going to start a new page with my friend and the last update i ever do will contatin a link to the page. There is a download section updated with a game all you Sailor Moon/Anime lovers will love! Now there is a weather banner for your enjoyment, now you can see what it's like where I live! This web page is protected so no-one can steal images. I have ditched my club mainly because it wasn't very popular and no one cared about it any more. Check out my adopted character section(even though it's currently just pokemon). If anyone has any ideas, compliments, or complaints just let me know. Well, that's all for now so... Please come back again!

Last Updated: 12/13/2000

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Three Favorite Anime

  • Sailor Moon
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • The Tenchi Series


Dragon Ball Z Section of My Page
Sailor Moon Section Of The Page
Awards and Adopted Characters
LanphEs's Useful Page, an excellent page , Personally... I think i's better than mine
Your Chance to Win My Award(Award will be changing)
Japanimation, One of my friends sites, I think it's pretty good, check it out
Anime Tape Trades INC, A site that sells lots of Anime Tapes
My School's Weather Club(under construction)
My Final Fantasy Part of the Page
