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National Spiritualist Association
of Churches

From the Desk of the President
The Rev. Barbara Thurman, NST


Delivered October 8th, 2002 to the Officers and Delegates of the
110th Annual NSAC Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Arranging and hosting this convention has taken a lot of effort by a lot of people. We would like to thank the members and friends of the First Spiritualist Church of West Allis, Wisconsin, and members and of the Morris Pratt Institute. Let's give them a big hand!!

Also, I wish to thank the churches who provided Proxy Delegate Credentials to persons who requested them. By doing so, other NSAC members have been allowed Delegate status.

Let's take a quick look at what has happened this past year. I attended the annual convention of the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They had requested me to be their featured speaker for the evening service. The event followed our convention, so I had the opportunity to be flying once again to the East Coast when people were still leery about flying.

The AFSC convention was a delightful and beneficial experience. The Federation members welcomed me with great courtesy and friendliness. NSAC Board member, the Catherine Snell had the opportunity of attending for one day, including attending their evening service.

Two months following the Convention, I had further discussions with the Rev. Irene Harding on the topic of the possible merger of NSAC and AFSC. The two of us arrived at a mutual conclusion that any further negotiations concerning the merger of the two church organizations would be fruitless. The Rev. Irene Harding and I have remained friends, and I admire her courage in trying to negotiate a merger arrangement.


In June this year, Catherine Snell and I repacked our bags and headed north to Canada. The occasion? The World Congress of the International Spiritualist Federation in Toronto. NSAC was well represented with many others from across our country. One evening, Tom and Lisa Butler gave their new slide presentation concerning EVP and ITC. They presented an excellent show with a totally new professional image. We can be justly proud of this presentation. In addition, we found the presentations of Walter Meyer zu Erpen of the Survival Research Institute of Canada most interesting. It would be great if we could bring him to next year's National convention to make presentations.

Also, while in Toronto it was announced our David Saunders was elected to the ISF Committee as a result of the balloting by mail previous to the meeting. Gene Pfortmiller and myself were asked to provide clairvoyance at evening presentations. Most of us spent long hours in classes, and lectures, and although quite tired at the end of the week, we did find the experience well worth the time spent, not only to represent NSAC, but to meet other Spiritualists from around the world.

After we arrived home we found out that our NSAC Board Trustee, David Saunders was elected Vice President of the ISF Committee.

In other matters, we do have requests from persons with extensive life experience requesting exemption from the two week Pastoral Skills. Consequently, your NSAC Board has been discussing the possibility of providing an alternate to the Pastoral Skills requirement for Licentiate Minister and Ordination. This would be a portfolio system for evaluating the applicant's background. If the proposed bylaw amendment for this is adopted, we have the materials describing the portfolio process in place for immediate use.

A NSAC board committee is presenting an Interim Code of Ethics for the ministry of NSAC at this convention. In this changing world, it is important to establish a working Code of Ethics for the Ministry of NSAC Spiritualism. This Ethics Code adds a layer of protection for the Ministry and allows for alternative procedures for handling situations that arise out of personal differences. We ask you consider carefully the proposed Code and ask for your adoption of the document.

As for other procedures developed this year, we now have written directions for an Investigation Committee to follow. We have been quite fortunate in having competent persons handle the few investigations we have had. With these written procedures, we should have even more comprehensive results from any investigation. These procedures also will be available to any auxiliary considering the investigation of complaints.


The Fox Cottage property in Hydesville, New York is being developed. This is an exciting project for all Spiritualists. At the Spring NSAC Board meeting the Board received the preliminary plans for development of the first phase of the site. As a beginning, brick pavers for use in pathways, will be sold to raise money. A little later this week you will have further details from Cosie Allen. She will have forms for you or your auxiliary to order your personalized pavers. Donations in any amount are needed for this project and many avenues are being explored for fund raising. We will need a large number of volunteers in this project to help us in raising these funds. According to our preliminary studies this is going to be an expensive project. This site is a valuable asset for all Spiritualist worldwide.


Last week Pamla Ashlay told us about the ideas of author, James Lewis, who is writing a book on Spiritualism. Lewis believes four factors hinder the growth of our Spiritualist organization. He cites dual membership; the effects of a hierarchical organization with regard to church property; the need to publish new materials on our Religion, and the need for better public relations. Each issue is complex and there are no easy answers. As a result of this information your NSAC Board took last Thursday to brainstorm various issues we felt were important with respect to the four issues. Goals were created and plans for implementation were outlined.

The first goal considered is development of a public relations and marketing plan for NSAC. Marrice Coverson will chair at this convention a meeting of volunteers who will formulate questions for the first step. As the various steps outlined by the board are followed, this organization will have a public relations program initiated by mid April of 2003.

A second goal is the publication of new materials on Spiritualism. This includes enlisting additional writers for our publications. Collecting the work of current writers in our organization for publication, and creating more "how to" class materials is being is being considered Another goal was to meet with the Director of Missionaries, to revisit the role of the Missionary program. As an example, the chair of the Outreach Program recommends a more active role between the Missionaries and the Outreach.

The last goal was Funding. Priorities and possible sources were considered. This goal requires more development, and creative structuring to carry on the work of this organization and the people willing to carry it.


The theme of this year's NSAC Convention-Education Speaks for Itself-is extremely appropriate in these times of drastic change in the world. The 19th century English literary historian, Robert Willmott said: "Education is the apprenticeship of life." He wrote those words as Modern Spiritualism was in its early growing years.

Over the years the National Spiritualist Association of Churches and the Morris Pratt Institute have worked to inspire our members. If you know the history of Morris Pratt, you will know that Mr. Pratt had a vision-a vision that everyone would know and understand Spiritualism. His vision was a school, an institute that spread the important message-there is no death! Morris Pratt wanted an educated ministry to serve in our churches and camps.

Over the years, NSAC has strived to educate our members, our students, our ministers, teachers, mediums and healers. I can honestly say that our accredited people rank second to none in the practice and knowledge of Spiritualism as a Religion, Science and Philosophy. But is this enough? Are there leaders to replace the leaders who no longer lead? Are we allowing the uneducated, untrained, and the psychic to serve on our platforms and represent our Religion? Are we maintaining the standards we need to maintain? Are we looking to charter new auxiliaries? What are we going to do about this? Many are called and a few are educated, certified and go on to serve successfully. How many are being educated for certification in your church?


In another realm, almost ten years ago, at a village called Scole, in Norfolk, England a group of psychic researchers and healers got together and with the cooperation of Spirit and produced incredible evidence of life after death. This included such things as photographs of people who had passed over and pictures of the Spirit World, lasted five years and the results are still being studied today. It is exciting to realize that physical phenomena is still happening, although it may not be in the same format of a hundred years ago.

Around the world, many other researchers conducted similar physical experiments. Electronic Voice Phenomena provides evidential material from the Spirit World. In 2000, as the new century dawned, Professor Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona gathered a team of mediums for the most rigorous testing. These mediums were John Edward, George Anderson, Suzanne Northrup, Laurie Campbell and NSAC's Anne Gehman. The results were astounding and are still being talked and written about all over the world. With the publication of Mr. Schwartz' book on his experiments even more persons are learning of the results. More work of this kind will provide the evidence many seek to prove our efforts with mediumship.

Also in the year 2,000 that television viewers saw a medium in action, bringing through unique messages from loved ones and others who had passed over. Television programs such as Crossing Over with John Edward are syndicated across the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain and other countries. Other mediums are working on television too. This past year a TV drama on the life of James Van Praagh had many at their TVs watching his life story unfold. And, just a couple of weeks ago, his new daily program became available in many TV markets. These TV presentations validate the possibility of communication with those who have passed. The stars of these programs are not necessarily Spiritualists, but they are spreading the word about the continuity of life far beyond what all of the Spiritualist churches in this land could do.


The effect of this programming is that millions and millions of people are being exposed to the phenomena of spirit communication and the continuity of life. They see, hear and experience people validating messages from loved ones and marvel at the evidential messages given. It gives new meaning to the word Belief.

Many people are asking "How is it done?" People are interested. They are flocking to our website seeking answers. They are reading books. They are flocking to local mediums. They are also coming to our churches. They ask the same questions: "Is it true?" "What can you tell me?" "What is the Spirit World like?" "How can I live without my physical body?" Persons with metaphysical knowledge and background usually send these people to our Spiritualist churches because they know we have the answers to these questions.

We have a wonderful opportunity to help people. People want to be educated in these things. They want to have the knowledge and confidence that there is an afterlife-that there is a special place we go to as life moves into the Spirit vibration.

Education Speaks for Itself. Findlay must have been thinking this when he wrote: "All the people of the earth must therefore rise to a higher mental level and discard the old ideas and low ethical values of the past."

Education Speaks for Itself! There is a tremendous opportunity for our members and our auxiliaries to spread the philosophy of Modern Spiritualism. The way has been opened. Mediums are on the air waves in many countries of the world. Hollywood movies are becoming more up front with stories about spirits and the afterlife. Twenty years ago, the offerings of books on spirits, mediums, spirit guides and similar things, were very small in the big bookshops. Today, spiritual books occupy major sections of these outlets and sales continue to rise.

The Internet offers an ever increasing number of educational website concerning survival after death, and sites for out of print literature and books which document the beginning of Modern Spiritualism. Our NSAC News often lists sites such as these for your information.

Until we have a comprehensive Public Relations program, we can work at the grass roots. We can work in our communities. We can help educate people in our communities and particularly so in our churches and camps. People want information. We have that information. We should be qualified to share the information. What is more important, we can not only help educate people in communities; we can validate the existence of the afterlife, we can validate the fact loved ones are alive and well in Spirit. Books cannot do this-mediums do this.


An important, if not primary, mission of Spiritualism is to demonstrate the continuity of life, and that the personality does continue on, and that our loved ones are on the other side of a very thin veil. It is a fact, and many of our mediums bring forth these validated messages every day.

Another mission of Spiritualism is to teach persons the Laws of Life and how to live according to these precepts. Are the members of your churches progressing spiritually? Are they applying the highest teachings to their daily living? Some of words in our definition of a "Spiritualist" apply to this.


Emma Hardinge Britten, author of Modern American Spiritualism, many years ago said that there were three fifty year periods to Modern Spiritualism: The first would "advance by leaps and bounds;" the second period in which "our movement would dwindle in strength, . and the platform would cease to be educational, and phenomenal work would displace spirit teachings..."

Ernest W. Oaten quoted Emma Hardinge Britten with: "This was to be followed by a third stage, during which a revival would occur, which would be as remarkable and wonderful as the original outpouring. She saw a new order arising out of the materials provided by the second period, as a result of which, Spiritualism, as a movement might be organically small, but more compact, enduring and dynamic in character, so that the Spiritualist of this later era would be of a higher and more spiritual type, than those of the intermediate state, and would more than regain the influence in human society which it formerly exercised.

As the results of the evolutionary changes she believed that the 'God sent cause of Spiritualism' would assume an important place in the world as a thought compelling system of facts, science, philosophy, and above all, of religion."

Many have interpreted these three periods of Modern Spiritualism as the first one being for the abundance of physical mediumship, followed by a period of mental mediumship, and then the return of physical mediumship. Britten's prophecy of a revival could well be that of what John Edward is producing-the spreading the knowledge of communication across the land, just as it happened in the late 1800s.

If we are returning to more physical phenomena as in the first fifty years, it may not be based on the ectoplasm of the seances a hundred years ago, but, in my opinion, may manifest in the electronic technology of the present day with such phenomena as Electric Voice Phenomena and Instrumental Trans Communication. This is an exciting age to live in! It is an age of much information and opportunities for learning!

All of the previous points the way-there is no excuse for lack of knowledge. There is no excuse for ignorance. Progression is made through education-education of all types. The way is open for knowledge to be shared. And that is what the theme of this Convention is all about. The challenge for us all is Education- educate ourselves and educate others. Modern Spiritualism is the Prep School to Eternity.


Those receiving President's Awards this year include:

In appreciation for being Convention Hosts-First Spiritualist Church of West Allis, WI and the Morris Pratt Institute Association, of Milwaukee, WI;

For updating and modify the auxiliary's Constitution & Bylaws with a Bylaws-only Format-Maine State Spiritualist Association of Churches, Madison Spiritualist Camp, of Madison, ME; Temple Heights Spiritualist Church of Northport, ME; The Church of Spiritual Life, NSAC of Salem, NH; Northern Lake Michigan Spiritualist Camp of Charlevoix, MI; Golden Rule Spiritualist Church of Charlevoix, MI.

For Chartering their Auxiliary with their Bylaws in a Bylaws-only format-College of Spiritual Science of Lily Dale, NY; and The Light Center Spiritualist Church of Glen Burnie, MD.


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