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Current News

December 2001

Let me start this monthly update by apologizing for not keeping our members updated on the current union events over the last three months. Our present military mission has been the focus of all our attention and should continue to be. I will do my best to keep everyone better informed in the future.

Union Status:

There has been a lot of questions asked lately about the status of the Union so let me try and clear up a few issues. The Union is still active with management and on a limited basis; we are still representing the Bargaining Unit. Col. Cosby has sought our opinion on several occasions pertaining to the current mission. He has listened to our concerns about staying in a civilian status while trying to fight a Homeland War. He is always concerned about the working conditions of his people regardless of what status we are in.

We also have several Bargaining Unit Members who are not on Title 10. The Union is still representing those individuals. I’m certain that we will also be active in the reemployment phase when people return to their civilian positions.

On the National level, ACT is very active in lobbying for or against key Bills going through Congress. If you would like to see what ACT is doing on these matters you can go to the Nationals Web Site.

I have heard people questioning why they are still paying dues when we are on Title 10. My answer to that is, your Union is still working for you! As I stated above, go to the National Web Site and see what the Union is doing for you. Dues are only taken out when you go into some kind of civilian pay status. If you go into a LWOP status, no dues are taken and your Union rights and entitlements will still be intact no matter how long you are in that status. There are no dues balance accrued; your dues will simply start again when you go back to a civilian paid status.

Contract Update:

The Negotiation Process has been stopped until we come back to our Civilian status. We have only two Articles remaining to negotiate. Please be patient. It’s far more important that we focus our efforts on the present mission at this time.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas
a Happy New Year

God Bless America

J.P. Jones, President