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... Winners Come and Go ...
~ Legends Live Forever ~

Shhhh, My Friends
By Michelle Bannworth

Shhhh, my friends.
Don't you recognize me?
Dry your eyes and look up
It's me! The Intimidator. #3!

Don't worry, okay?
I'm fine, believe me, I'm okay.
I know you're hurting
And don't know what to say.

So let me do the talkin
Through this little poem you see
Cuz it's important you realize
Not even death can stop me.

I know you all have been worried
Cuz death seems like such a finality,
But listen to me, okay?
Nothing stops this #3.

You think I was scared?
Well, maybe a tad,
But let me talk you through
So you have peace like I have.

A brief moment of darkness
That's all that I knew,
No pain, no nothin
And then Heaven's Gates came to view.

All my loved ones and friends
I had missed for many years,
welcomed me with open arms
and many happy tears.

All the hurt, fear and pain
that I have ever known,
is gone from my life,
I am finally home.

"The Intimidator afraid?" you say?
Yes, I've felt fear too.
Not really the fear of dying,
but the fear of leaving all of you.

But I want you to know,
I want all of you to see,
That although my body died racing,
My spirit's in eternity.

Don't regret my dying,
For I did not die in vain.
I lived life so full,
What more did I have to gain?

Sweet memories of yesterdays
These are yours as my gift to you.
Remember my number, my name,
An accomplishment done by few.

And you know the Big Man here?
It was the coolest thing.
When I saw Him he reached out for my hand
And gave me a new Championship ring!

So, friends, I know that you miss me,
but please dry your eyes.
I will always be watching and loving you
from my #3 in the sky.

Pictures taken during various NASCAR events of Dale and his car

Dale Tribute Links

Richard Childress Racing
Jayski's Earnhardt Tribute
The Earnhardt Connection
That's Racin's Earnhardt Memorial Page
Johnathan's Tribute to Dale Earnhardt
Deb's Tribute to Dale Earnhardt
Dale Earnhardt. the Greatest of all Time
Dale Rules Fan Page
Dale Earnhardt 2K1
Dale Earnhardt Tribute
The Earnhardt Zone
Sporting News Tribute
The Man in Black
A Poem to Dale
Earnhardt Country
Post Tributes

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Dale Earnhardt's Winston Cup Stats

Year Starts Wins Top 5 Top 10 Points
1979 27 1 11 17 7th
1980 31 5 19 24 1st
1981 31 0 9 17 7th
1982 30 1 7 12 12th
1983 30 2 9 14 8th
1984 30 2 12 22 4th
1985 28 4 10 16 8th
1986 29 5 16 23 1st
1987 29 11 21 24 1st
1988 29 3 13 19 3rd
1989 29 5 14 19 2nd
1990 29 9 18 23 1st
1991 29 4 14 21 1st
1992 29 1 6 15 12th
1993 30 6 17 21 1st
1994 31 4 20 25 1st
1995 31 5 19 23 2nd
1996 31 2 13 17 4th
1997 32 0 7 16 5th
1998 33 1 5 13 8th
1999 34 3 7 21 7th
2000 34 2 13 24 2nd

A Few Notable Career Highlights

1975-- First career Winston Cup start came in World 600 on May 25.
1979-- First career Winston Cup victory came at Bristol on April 1; Winston Cup rookie of year.
1980-- Won first Winston Cup title during only his second full-time year.
1986-- Won second Winston Cup title.
1987-- Won third Winston Cup title.
1990-- Won fourth Winston Cup title.
1991-- Won fifth Winston Cup title.
1993-- Won sixth Winston Cup title.
1994-- Won seventh Winston Cup title, tying Richard Petty for the most championships.
1997-- Failed to win a race for the first time in 15 years.
1998-- In his 20th attempt, won the Daytona 500 for first time.
2000-- Last win, during the Winston 500 at Talladega on Oct. 15.

Driver Reactions and Quotes to the Earnhardt Family

“I, like everyone else, am in shock with the passing of Dale Earnhardt. Besides being an incredible driver and spokesman for the sport he so loved, he was a true friend and has been a major influence on my life and career. Understandably, my family’s thoughts are with Teresa, Kerry, Kelly, Dale Jr, and Taylor Nicole as well as all of the employees and their families at Richard Childress Racing and Dale Earnhardt Incorporated. May God bless all of them and watch over them in this time of need.”
-Bobby Labonte

"Brooke and I are deeply saddened by this devastating loss. Not only is it a huge loss for this sport, but a huge loss for me personally. Dale taught me so much and became a great friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with Teresa and the entire Earnhardt family."
-Jeff Gordon

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to Teresa and the kids in this time of mourning. But knowing Dale, he would rather this be a celebration of his amazing accomplishments. This, we will do in his honor. Just know, Dale, that we love you and we all are truly going to miss you. Thanks for making our sport what it is today and for being my friend."
-Dale Jarrett

“Dale Earnhardt made a difference in the world. On the track, he made us all better drivers because he set a standard of excellence we all aspired to achieve. He had a passion and a desire that took the sport of NASCAR to a new level every time he climbed in the car. Off the track he was a kind, giving, loving man who gave his all to his family and friends. He worked tirelessly to make the world a better place for as many people as possible who were less fortunate than he. I did not know him as long as most of the other drivers but he made a huge impact on my life in the years I have been in NASCAR. I am grateful and blessed to have had the benefit of his wisdom and guidance. My heart and prayers go out to his wife Teresa; his children Dale Jr., Kerry, Kelley and Taylor; and all his family and friends."
-Tony Stewart

"I don't know what to say. This is incredible, just incredible. I think everybody is just in shock right now. "I didn't see much of what happened up there (in the fourth turn). After the race was over, I heard things didn't look very good but, man, Earnhardt. You figure he'll bounce right back. Your first thought is, hey, he'll probably come back next week at Rockingham and beat us all. My heart goes out to Theresa and Dale, Jr., Kerry and Kelly, and to Taylor Nicole."
-Jeremy Mayfield

"I'll miss him. There isn't one person in NASCAR that won't say they'll miss him. I was talking to my dad today and I said to him, 'What are we gonna do as drivers?' We all congregated around him. He was always one of the first drivers to go out for pre-race introductions and I don't care if you were Rusty Wallace or Dale Jarrett or who it was, we all talked to him because he was the guy."
-Jimmy Spencer

"I feel like somebody kicked me in the chest. I'm stunned. And I'm really sad. That's about all I can say."
-John Andretti

"No matter where it happens or how it happens or even how prepared you think you might be for it, losing somebody close to you hurts. My heart just breaks for Theresa and the family."
-Kyle Petty

"What can I say, the guy was my hero. I'll never forget talking with him about doing one of my benefits in Lexington. He had been hurt a few days before and he still showed up as if nothing happened. Even after health problems, he was a man of his word to show up for the benefit." The Rockbridge Baths driver added, "People don't realize how generous this man was. Dale was very generous, especially behind the scenes. Dale shoes will never be filled. He was a very, very talented racecar driver. He was the best."
-Rick Mast

"There is really nothing I can say right now. I found out about Dale after I got home (Cornelius,N.C) tonight. I'm very sad. NASCAR lost its greatest driver and probably the greatest driver it will ever have. My heart goes out to his family, his crew, his friends and his fans. There is no better group of fans in our sport and I feel for them tonight also. Our sport will go on, but I don't think it will ever be the same. NASCAR is about family, and I can't think of a time in its history when it needs to pull together like a family. I know everyone on our team and our entire sport sends its condolences to everyone hurting."
-Johnny Benson

Though I was never an Earnhardt fan, I admired his abilities and respected the fact that he was currently the best driver on the track. In my time as a NASCAR fan, this is the worse tragedy I've seen in the sport. And for this wreck to happen on the last turn of the last lap in NASCAR's Super Bowl is unreal. I still cannot believe that the Intimidator will no longer be with us. He helped make this sport what it is and whether you like him or not, you know this is true. My heart goes out to the Earnhardt family, as well as his friends and fans. You will be greatly missed, Dale.

A picture of me in Earnhardt's car at Charlotte in 2000

Your just one lap ahead ...

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Every picture used on this page, excluding the background in the banner, were taken by me and my sister during various NASCAR events. If you would like to use them on your page, feel free to as long as the copyright and name is not removed. The memory banner may also be used with credit given to