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Chapter 22

J led us towards the table where the rest of the group was seated. Abs closely behind us with Danielle. I heard every word she spoke to him even if it was a whisper. Scott rose from his chair at my arrival. His smile turned into a frown at the sight of my state.

'You're pale' He whispered, placing me in the chair next to him.

'Just overwhelmed' I explained, never meeting his gaze.

'You look nice' He said softly, placing his hand on mine. I shuddered at his touch that just made him more suspicious.

'Well looks like the group is almost complete' Chris commented as he joined the table.

'Just missing Ritch' Sean observed.

I looked at him from across the table then at Nicky who was clinging to his arm possessively. She smiled at me with innocence. I returned with a blank stare. Small chatter began amongst the occupants of the table. Scott remained silent; with his hand on mine I knew he was watching me from the corner of his eye.

'Danielle looks really nice' Hannah commented to me in a whisper. I looked over at Danielle in a daze. It took me few minutes before realizing she did look very nice but by then she caught my gaze and gave me an uneasy smile. I must have been staring. My gaze turned away from her and against my will turned to Abs who to my surprise was looking straight at me. With a soft smile on his lips he held my glance till I was the one who looked away. Another shudder went through me.

'Cold?' Scott asked.

'No' I replied simply, taking a sip of my champagne that was placed in front.

'Ritch!' I heard Sean exclaim. My head rose from the table to the approaching lad. Once again the dizzy feeling swept past me. I clenched my glass of champagne while watching Ritch stop at the table and greet everyone. He looked more handsome than ever with the midnight blue tux bringing out the blueness in is eyes. They turned pale blue once noticing me.

'Hi Keri' He said almost with an effort.

'Hi' I managed to reply. He gave me a reassuring smile and took a seat next to Hannah.

'Perfect' J clasped his hands. 'We can begin.'

And began it did. Starting with a speech from the company's executives, from Chris and the lads. Finally the food was served and the music began. 5 glasses of champagne down and I finally found myself relaxing. The disco ball put on the club atmosphere, instantly J jumped up to the dance floor and began showing off his moves with everyone else cheering him on. The party from the table scattered around the banquet leaving Scott, Ritch and I remaining.

'Come on lets go dance' Scott urged, being confined to his chair left him full of energy waiting to be released.

'I can't' I told him. 'My feet feel wobbly. I heard Ritch let out a hearty laugh before quieting down at Scott's cold glare.

'Do you want anything?' He asked.

'Yes' I put my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. 'Leave me alone and have fun.'

Scott stood for a moment, torn between the decision of leaving me alone with Ritch or staying here and boring me with his presence.

'I'll be back soon' He finally said and dashed off into the crowds. I watched him in amusement before suddenly realizing I was alone with Ritch. I could feel his gaze on me constantly. Now it was just more intense.

With my back turned to him I watched as the guests danced. I heard the chair rattling and before I knew it Ritch was seated next to me.

'How are you?' He asked cautiously.


'Anything new?'


'Are you sure?'




His head fell discouraged. I took a deep sight and turned my head sideways to look at him. Not a good idea, once his eyes met mine I forgot everything including my name.

'I'm sorry' He said simply. No more words needed. An unspoken forgiveness formed between us.

'Come with me' without much hesitation his hand cupped my elbow and led me out onto the hallway that linked the exit doors to the banquet doors. I looked over my shoulder, fearing Hannah and Nicky may have seen me leave with him.

'Ritch…I' I began explaining my condition after champagne but he silenced me with his finger on my lips.

'Shh' He whispered softly. 'I understand.' He led me over to the elevator. I glanced at it surprised. I didn't even know this building had more than 1 floor.

He pushed the button and the door closed, within seconds we were on the 2nd floor. A mellow music filled my ears as he led me through the lounge area of the exclusive club. Finally stopping at a mid size glass door. He opened it swiftly, leading me onto the balcony that came out onto the back of the building. The night breeze rushed at me, making me shiver uncontrollably, or maybe it was just Ritch's presence.

'I missed you…so much.' He said, cupping my face in his hands.

I tried hard to choke up the words for a response but nothing came out. Ritch smiled at my effort.

'Do I still make you speechless?' He asked in a husky voice.

The nerve of him! I thought but my face softened when he looked at me jokingly.

'How's MaryAnn?' I asked indifferent, turning away from him towards the rail of the balcony. After a short silence Ritch took a step to be beside me.

'Don't do this' He whispered with a plead. 'Don't stab the knife any deeper'

I gave him a sideways glance and smiled inwardly. What a beautiful feeling it was to have his heart in my hands.

'Congratulations on the baby' I continued, feeling him wince next to me. 'It will a beautiful one, wont it?' Ritch responded with silence. He stood there staring at me with a painful look in his eyes. Suddenly his eyes narrowed at me and with his chin raised up he spoke calmly.

'Yes it will be. I'm looking forward to marry the mother of my child.'

His words slashed through my body like a painful beating.

