This is the Midnight Flower

Missive from the resident looney: I honestly do not know what anyone expects from this site, but here it is. It's not the prettiest, not the best, nor will it ever be either of these. Why? Because I'm human (I think). All I hope is that some of you will enjoy what is here, and those of you that do not that's just fine as well.

The Way I See IT...

...There's no sense in hiding it. Hi my name is Nessa and I'm an anime addict. Sure it looks like only a mild case involving children's cartoons, but it has grown so rapidly!

Meet Your Hostess

Yeah yeah yeah I know. Not at all a true to life pic. However, if you are at all familiar with Sailor Moon and you know me you'll see a striking personality resemblance. Yes up to and including the continual shopping, which was once better left as a spectator sport for all I cared.
There you go, a nice fine link if you really want to hear some more about me.

Nope sorry, the garden is going to be down for a bit longer than anything else here. Yup, that means just like the last time. In the mean time why don't you look at something WEIRD