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hasta ayer~til yesterday

hasta ayer~til yesterday

  • hasta ayer

    English Translation
    comprendan que no pretendo ofenderla
    tampoco le estoy haciendo un reproche
    usted es dueno de su vida
    de su cuerpo y de sus noches

    confienso me enamore como un nino
    y siento que no estoy arrepentido
    disfrute de su experiencia
    hasta calmar mi ansiedad

    fui dueno de su alcoba y de su almohada
    la tuve beso a beso, piel con piel
    y el sol me soprendio por su ventana
    cansado de delirio y de placer

    hasta ayer, hasta ayer
    y perdone usted senora
    pero cuando el alma llora
    el silencio no es remedio
    para calmar el sufrir
    hasta ayer, hasta ayer
    mi dulce dama elegante
    supe que tienes otro amante
    al que quizas con el tiempo
    le haras lo mismo que a mi


    fue enredandome es sus besos
    hasta que me volvio preso y en su juego despiadado
    me entrego con su pasion luego vino la tracion
    y cual si yo fuera un nino
    me dijo que su carino lo brindaba
    a quien quisiera eres otra bandolera
    que jugo con mi querer
    ya no creo mas mentiras
    ni en llanto de mujer

    yo te queria tanto mujer
    yo te adoraba mujer

    hasta ayer
    english translation

    REMEMBER: This translation is my personal work. It is most of the times very difficult to translate word for word from Spanish to English, so it may sound weird in one languange when it is perfectly natural in the other. As long as you keep this in mind, you'll get the general idea!

    til yesterday

    understand, that I am not trying to offend you
    Nor am I reproaching you
    You are the owner of your life,
    Of your body, and of your nights
    I confess that I fell in love like a child
    And I feel that I am not sorry
    I enjoyed the experience of you
    It even soothed my anxieties
    I was owner of your alcove and of your pillow
    I had you kiss by kiss, skin with skin
    And the sun surprised me in your window
    Tired as I was from delirium and pleasure

    Until yesterday, until yesterday
    And I forgave you, madam
    But when the soul cries
    Silence is not a remedy
    To calm the suffering

    Until yesterday, until yesterday
    My sweet elegant lady
    I know you have another lover
    And perhaps in time
    You will do the same to him as you did to me

    I tangled myself in your kisses
    Until they emprisoned me in your hateful game
    I gave myself to you with passion
    then came your treason
    As if I were a boy
    Something told me you offered your love
    To whoever wanted it—you are another abandoner
    Who played with my caring
    I no longer believe in lies
    Nor in the cries of any woman