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RELATIONSHIP COACH...A Different View!!!

Note that the contents of this website represent my PERSONAL view of life and relationships based on MY path in life. If you have traveled a different path in life, you probably have a different view of life and relationships. There is no one view of reality that is correct...This website serves a very useful purpose for me. It acts like a sieve. Basically, it saves me a lot of tiresome back and forth email with women are not interested in knowing me. My best relationships have been with women who loved this website. Since there have been a few women who felt this way, it has served me well. If there are specific items on this website that irk you, feel free to write to me and tell me about those specific items. I might learn something. If you only want to criticize my ideas in general, create your own website and send me the address. Note: For some reason, I seem to get along best with English Majors and Psychologists.

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    MY PERSONAL AD-----------------------------------------
    Looking for a prince? Contact your fairy godmother (however, you may have already used up your 3 wishes).
    Looking for faults? Consider a career in seismology.
    Looking for the perfect guy? Try another planet.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Hi...I am a playful scientist. My basic hobbies are science, mathematics, psychology, paddleball, fixing/building things, watching TV, cooking, current events and relationship talk. I am looking for a friendly female who wants to join me in doing interesting things. The main objective is personal growth for both of us. Women who spend excessive time in their serious state or who focus on controlling others should not answer this ad. Women who thoroughly enjoy one-to-one interactions should definitely answer this ad. I have websites that contain everything you ever wanted to know about me but were afraid to ask. If you are a fully grown up female, go ahead and ask. Beauty is not required...Chubby is OK. Callipygian is a plus. Niceness and enthusiasm are necessary. Age is not an issue. Each of us is a like a 1000 piece puzzle. Do not try to figure out the whole puzzle from the 5 or 6 pieces you see in this personal ad. We are all much more complicated than that. Send me some pieces from your puzzle. I have MCI USA Unlimited Nighttime (7PM) calling. Send me your number and I will call you. Have fun.
    ***A friend is one who knows you as you are, understands where you've been, accepts who you've become and still gently invites you to grow.***


    1. When men use the word "like" in a personal ad, they are usually defining themselves. When women use the word "like" in a personal ad, they are usually giving a list of their requirements.
    2. Relationships are the most valuable assets one can have in life. Yet many of the women I have met seem to prefer no relationship to an imperfect relationship. That is very sad. Alternately, I have recently met women who are a lot more practical. They already have a relationship, but they are looking for an upgrade. I'm sure lots of men do this too!
    3. The word sensitive has two to discern feeling in others...easily hurt. Most women seem to recognize the latter meaning.
    4. Many women say they are compassionate. However, a more exact description is situationally compassionate. They are compassionate only in certain situations. They are not unconditionally compassionate. Few people are.
    5. In personal ads, most women don't seem to realize that when they list what they like (fine dining, movies, theatre, opera, etc.) they are telling you the obvious. It's like saying you want a high paying job with no work. That's also obvious. I invite them them to consider describing themselves. I want know more about the real person. I want to know what interests they have other than entertainment.
    6. If a woman really likes a man, then all of her requirements disappear. If she doesn't like him, then the requirements become essential. This theorem applies to men as well.
    7. The most interesting women I have known are those women who know how to make a relationship with me last forever. The relationship may change in level or focus, but it never goes away. Essentially, they know how to keep on making and enjoying exchanges with me. The relationship requires continuous adjustment as time passes and both of us change, but they are flexible enough to deal with those changes. Very few women seem to be able to do this. To me, those are the REALLY beautiful women. Not the ones you see on TV and in the movies.
    8. The most disappointing thing I find in women at this time of my life is the enourmous decline in relationship enthusiasm. Years ago, I got phone calls, letters, cards etc. from some wonderful women. And I responded in kind. Now I can barely measure the level of enthusiasm. It's very close to zero. If you want to shock me, show some enthusiasm!
    9. The interesting thing about criticism is that it usually reveals a lot more about the critic than the person being criticized. The need to criticize seems to arise from an internal weakness that the critic is trying to cover up. I accept the fact that I reveal a lot about myself in this collection of theorems. I expect to get lots of criticism. But remember. If you choose to criticize, you will be revealing lots of things about yourself in the process! Are you sure you want to do that? Are you ready to reveal your faults and accept criticism? ...Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away. And you have their shoes. The desire to accuse and hurl invective is strong. My guess is that a person who does this has suffered a lot of injustice (real or imagined) during his/her life and has never really recovered. Complaints about my website from disgruntled females are quite common and I find that sad. Typically, they do not point out a specific statement that irritates them. They just say they don't like the whole site. I suppose that event is positive for me since it filters out women I could not possibly deal with.
    10. Men can be very tricky. Women have told me about sneaky men who managed to lure them into a relationship by promising them a full list of princely activities. However, once the relationship began, those interests disappeared and the women found themselves hanging out with a typical non-prince male. I prefer the upfront method.
    11. If you are a really good critic, you will tell me you found both negative AND positive stuff here.
    12. When you have a real problem accepting someone it's often because of something you see in them that you don't like about yourself.
    13. Remember the words of the Beatles' song: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED!
    14. When it comes to relationships, do we get older and wiser? I think that as we get older we protect ourselves by taking fewer chances. Wiser suggests that we are better at working out relationships later in life. I have not found that to be true. It only seems like it is true.
    15. If you are not having enough fun in life, you probably have too many boundaries or requirements.
    16. I am looking for intelligent responses to my website. Please do not give me emotional responses.
    ***As a result of some feedback, I have changed my mind here. Emotional responses are OK. I invite you to tell me something about your emotional response to this website. Thanks. Best Wishes.***
    17. The ability to use the word PLEASE is significant. When I get email from a female, I look for places where this word would be appropriate. If it does not appear, I suspect that this woman focuses on power and control. Statements like: "Please consider this issue." or "I would be pleased to hear from you." are appealing. See how many times I use please in this website!
    18. When it comes to noticing clues, most women disappoint me. In my personal ads, I often use the handle nerdyguy609 and I talk about my non-existent dog name Hotmeal. Yet, not one woman has been able to put the two together and send a message to On the other hand, I have done this several times. Recently, I saw a female ad that included the name of her cat. The name was pretty unusual, so I tried to contact her by writing to,, etc. worked and we connected. The other addresses caused the web to send me messages that my message could not be delivered. Has any curious woman ever tried this technique? I would love to know.
    19. Some women think that this website defines me completely. However, my personal ad indicates (with the word websites) that I have other websites. And I do. But I reserve those websites for unique females who define themselves as fully grown up and comfortable with erotic stories. My statistical guess is that most women would not be interested in my other websites. I think this has a lot to do with creating a "proper" image for the outside world, but I'm not really sure why this is true. If you are interested, I will have to ask you some questions first to determine where you stand on certain issues before I let you see those websites. I must
    admit that this requires complex subjective judgement on my part and I do make mistakes. In any case, this item should give you additional things to think about. This is where the idea that everyone is like a 1000 piece puzzle plays a role. And you never really know ALL of the pieces.
    20. Thanks for reading Allan's Theorems. If you have any to add, please send them to me.
    As we go thru life, we tend to come across people or ideas that affect us greatly. Certain people become our super-heros and certain ideas become our super-truths. Any attempt by another person to ridicule or undermine our beliefs in these super-things is met with very stiff resistance. No amount of logic or rational thinking will change our views. The emotionality that we create to protect our super-things makes us shout, scream and lose control of ourselves. One person suggested to me that we should pay attention to the level of emotionality that is created and back off. This is easy to say, but not easy to do. Usually, both parties are caught up in the battle and neither one can return to a low emotional state in order to sensibly assess the situation and try to defuse it. My suggestion is that you ask your partner to identify their super-heros and super-truths early in the relationship so that you can adjust your conversation and avoid heated arguments that will go nowhere. If it turns out that you and your partner have conflicting super-heros or super-truths, it may be impossible to construct a sensible relationship. Example#1. Someone who had a particular person (friend or spouse) in their life that provided them a with wonderful time and who died suddenly. Example#2. A person who insisted that he/she did not have to save money because he/she was going to win the lottery. Example#3. A person who thinks G.W.Bush is the best possible president of the U.S. Example#4. A scientist who has a pet theory to explain complex laboratory observations.
    When a woman creates conversation rules, the first thing that should come to mind is control. One example is "No statements about previous women." She will say that she wants this rule because she doesn't want to be compared to other females. The trouble with making up conversation rules is that the woman who makes up a rule will, in the course of a conversation, probably break the rule. Basically, once an interesting conversation is started, it's very hard to think about rules. Example...M: Recently, two women who had agreed to meet me at a well defined location failed to appear. F protested, saying that I was implying that she might not show up either. F: My last bf said I was too short and too feisty. M: I took her statement and played with it. I asked how tall he was and how tall she was. When she said 6'4", I said I understood. I ignored the feisty part because that was obvious from the conversation. My guess is that once conversation rules start appearing, the likelihood of a match is zero. If the woman really likes me, she will never think of producing any conversation rules. Instead, she will convert a negative comparison statement into a positive statment about herself. F: In that case, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by my dependability.
    MAKING CONNECTIONS THEN AND NOW...(Let the controversy begin)
    A long time ago, when I met a woman face-to-face in a crowded room, the criterion of acceptability was facial appearance, smile, ideas, humor, clothing, the sound of my voice, my body language, etc. Entertainment issues never came up. Nowadays, the female personal ads seem to focus entirely on entertainment issues, as if the other characteristics of the male are secondary or not significant. This seems to imply that companionship and friendship are not important. Meeism and materialism seem to be at the top of the list...In direct conversation, I don't ever recall a woman telling me how much she liked walks on the beach or candlelight dinners. And no woman ever told me she was equally comfortable in jeans or an evening dress. Nor did women give me a long entertainment list. In one of the most unusual phone calls I had with one woman, the only thing she asked me was how many plays I had seen in the past year. When I said none, she said there was no need to continue the conversation and hung up. Since then, I have had many email arguments with women about the importance of outside entertainment. To those women, entertainment was Numero Uno.
    BULLETIN BOARD...I think every relationship needs a bulletin board. I suggest to women that I meet that they place a white board (plus a black marker for writing messages) in the bathroom next to the potty. Each of us can write messages to the other on it. Pictures may be included with a message. After a while, I find that my partner has left me some very unusual messages she was not able to say to me directly. And I send messsages that I may not be able to say directly as well. As the relationship progresses, the message content gets deeper and deeper! I once had this type of message board in my bathroom while I was a member of a rap group years ago. Certain members in the group left me or other members of the group some very interesting messages. Apparently, they were not comfortable expressing their ideas while the group was in session, but had no trouble writing down what they had to say while sitting on the potty. The fact that everyone could read the messages did not seem to be a problem. People seem to have a greater ability to express themselves more fully by sending messages this way than by direct conversation. The fact that the other person who will receive the message does not get a chance to respond immediately may play a role in making this technique work as well as it does. I also think some women are uncomfortable saying certain things, but they seem to have no problem writing those things down. Think about it.
    THE PYGMALION PROJECT, by Dr. Stephen Montgomery
    In Greek legend, a brash young sculptor named Pygmalion found the women of Cyprus so impossibly flawed that he resolved to carve a statue of his ideal woman, embodying every feminine grace and virtue. For months he labored with all his prodigious skill (and also with a strange compulsion), rounding here, smoothing there, until he had fashioned the most exquisite figure ever conceived by art. So exquisite indeed was his creation that Pygmalion fell passionately in love with the statue, and could be seen in his studio kissing its marble lips, fingering its marble hands, dressing and grooming the figure as if caring for a doll. But soon, and in spite of the work's incomparable loveliness, Pygmalion was desperately unhappy, for the lifeless statue could not respond to his desires, the cold stone could not return the warmth of his love. He had set out to shape his perfect woman, but had succeeded only in creating his own frustration and despair.

    The premise of this book is that, in our closest relationships, we all behave like Pygmalion to some extent. Many of us seem attracted at first to creatures quite different from ourselves, and seem to take pleasure in the contrast. But as we become more involved and start to vie for control of our relationships, we begin to see these differences as flaws. No longer satisfied with our loved ones as they are, we set about to change them, to transform them into our conception of what they should be. No longer able to appreciate our loved ones' distinctive ways of living, we try to shape them according to our own values or agendas. Like Pygmalion, in short, we take up the project of sculpting them little by little to suit ourselves. We snipe and criticize, brow-beat and bully, we sculpt with guilt and with praise, with logic and with tears -- whatever methods are most natural to us. Not
    that we do this ceaselessly, nor always maliciously, but all too often, almost without thinking, we fall into this pattern of coercive behavior.

    And like Pygmalion, we are inevitably frustrated, since our well-intentioned efforts to make over our mates bring us little more than disappointment and conflict. Our loved ones do not -- cannot -- comply meekly with our interference in their lives, and even if they were to surrender to our pressure, they would have to destroy in themselves what attracted us in the first place, their individuality, their distinct breath of life. Our Pygmalion projects must fail: either our loved ones fight back, and our relationships become battlegrounds; or they give in to us, and become as lifeless as Pygmalion's statue. In this paradoxical game, we lose even if we win.

    In the legend, as it turns out, Venus took pity on Pygmalion and brought his statue to life, and he and "Galatea," as he named her, blushed, embraced, and married with the goddess's blessing. The rest of us, however, cannot rely on such miraculous intervention. Living in the real world, we are responsible ourselves for the success our relationships, and this means we must find a way to abandon our Pygmalion projects, by learning, if we can, to honor our fundamental differences in personality. For only by respecting the right of our loved ones to be different from ourselves -- to be perfect in their own ways -- can we begin to bring the beauty of our own relationships alive.
    VALUES CLARIFICATION...The Alligator River Story
    Once upon a time there was a woman named Abigail who was in love with a man named Gregory. Gregory lived on the shore of a river. Abigail lived on the opposite shore of the river. The river which separated the two lovers was teeming with man-eating (and woman-eating) alligators. Abigail wanted to cross the river to be with Gregory. Unfortunately, the bridge had been washed out. So she went to ask Sinbad, a river boat captain, to take her across. He said he would be glad to if she would consent to got to bed with him preceding the voyage. She promptly refused and went to a friend named Ivan to explain her plight. Ivan did not want to be involved at all in the situation. Abigail felt her only alternative was to accept Sinbad's terms. Sinbad fulfilled his promise to Abigail and delivered her into the arms of Gregory. When she told Gregory about her amorous escapade in order to cross the river, Gregory cast her aside with disdain. Heartsick and dejected, Abigail turned to Slug with her tale of woe. Slug, feeling compassion for Abigail, sought out Gregory and beat him brutally. Abigail was overjoyed at the sight of Gregory getting his due. As the sun sets on the
    horizon, we hear Abigail laughing at Gregory.
    Make a list of the five characters (Abigail, Gregory, Sinbad, Ivan and Slug). Place your favorite
    character first, second favorite next...least favorite last. Send me your list. Look for my answers in the Guestbook.
    MY FAVORITE PSYCHOLOGIST........................
    I first came across the book "On Becoming A Person" by Carl Rogers in 1973 in a library in the Quaker Study Center in Pendell Hill, Pa. Ten years later, I obtained my own copy of his book and realized how much I liked his thinking. Chapter 9 is entitled "A Therapist's view of the Good Life". On page 186, Rogers talked about those clients who made the most progress toward achieving the good life. "If I attempt to capture in a few words what seems to be true of these people, I believe it will come out something like this. The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination." My interpretation is that in life we get very little destination, but we get lots of process. Consequently, we should spend time learning how to enjoy the process of life. If we focus all of our attention on the destination, we will probably be disappointed. Elsewhere in the book he indicated the point at which a client no longer needed his services. It was when the client had learned to be his own therapist. These two ideas have remained in my mind ever since I read his book. Carl Rogers created AHP, the Association for Humanistic Psychology and I attended many meetings of this group at the Unitarian Church Of Princeton. My favorite session was a demo of PsychoDrama. I heard Rogers give the opening keynote speech for the AHP Convention at Princeton University in 1985. It was called The Journey. Carl Rogers passed away a few years ago.
    Notes: LOVE is not in this file because love is not a skill that can be taught. Love is the natural result of a connection between two people who have the relationship skills which will permit it to flourish. EGO is the biggest obstacle that keeps people from using these ideas. Meeism is a huge problem.
    1. Truth vs Harmony--The ability to make sensible decisions on truth vs untruth when relationship harmony is threatened. Success requires a deep understanding of your partner.
    2. Having a sense of humor.
    3. Conversation skills--one idea per sentence--ability to be interrupted--if you are interrupted, you're probably saying too much in the sentence--try to make a series of brief statements giving the other person a chance to respond--don't lecture--that's not conversation.
    4. Negotiation skills--ability to deal with relationship friction--don't drop the bomb--don't use the exit threat--don't save up old arguments--try statements like "I invite you to consider..." or "What can we do to make this relationship work?"
    5. Accepting people as they are--don't change or manipulate your partner.
    6. Thinking about what you will bring to the relationship instead of what you will get from the
    7. Search for fairness, equality, balance--the relationship should not be more of a burden for one
    8. Not playing victim--taking full responsibility for your own life, not blaming others for your problems.
    9. Avoiding demands and requirements.
    10. Being in touch with reality--don't ask for too much--avoid pessimism--avoid superoptimism--Ex. "Don't save for retirement, we'll win the lottery."
    11. Willing to share innermost thoughts and feelings--opens doors to new understanding of each other.
    12. Able to enjoy warmth and affection--this is a very powerful force in relationships--don't use it as a weapon in a power struggle.
    13. Willing to let the relationship evolve--you can't expect a relationship to immediately fulfill your dreams.
    14. Able to recognize the value of a relationship--think about the benefits you get from the relationship --learn to enjoy them.
    15. Able to make exchanges--if you do this for me, I'll do this for you.
    16. Being truthful, honest.
    17. Able to think logically.
    18. Relationship creativity.
    19. Willing to be vulnerable--able to ask for help
    20. Able to appreciate things received--recognize value when you get something --saying it's not good enough is not helpful.
    21. Avoiding comparisons with other relationships--This is the "You can do better" syndrome.
    22. Rejecting the Cinderella complex--there is no Prince awaiting you. Rejecting the Barbie Doll Complex --there is no Princess awaiting you.
    23. Avoiding stereotyping--"You're just like all the others."--avoid being a stereotype.
    24. When your partner is complaining, ask your partner if he/she wants you to be a problem-solver or a listen-and-understand person.
    25. Don't expect continuous relationship happiness. That exists only in movies and sitcoms.
    26. Mind games are OK as long as they are based on honesty, are not harmful and increase the relationship fun. Ultimately, the success of any relationship rests on the good will of the two people involved.
    27. Learn your partners SUPER-HEROS and SUPER-TRUTHS. Figure out ways deal with them.
    28. Is it really possible to carry out what I suggest here? I think the recipe is good but it is hard to get a partner to follow it if he/she has not been exposed to psychological ideas or has never been in therapy. I had to spend a lot of time reading and facilitating groups to come to these conclusions. This does require awareness and logical thinking and these are not common traits. Unfortunately, the stress that occurs in everyday life situations can keep us from being as aware and as logical as we should be and bad things happen. It is unfortunate that we do not have a class in M/F relationships in high school. I have no doubt that two people have to have a strong desire to succeed to create a successful relationship. However, if it works only some of the time, that may be good enough.
    DIFFERENCE OF OPINION...........................
    I had a feud with a female on an internet website. She was angry with with me about my statements about how a female should deal with a bad partner. I thought it was strange that none of the other members of this group wanted to add their comments to our discussion. Afterwards, I realized that they knew her position on this topic from her earlier posts and chose to remain silent. In the process of trading email messages with her, she sent me a private message that contained the three sentences shown below. I was startled. After that I gave up. I had nothing more to say. I hope very few women feel this way. "Furthermore, obviously the differences in opinion are socially based. It's true, a majority of a woman's self-esteem is related to relationships; it's how we define ourselves. Nietzsche knew it, everyone knows it." I thought Betty Fridan (The Feminine Mystique, 1957) had settled this issue a long time ago. To let another person determine your happiness allows for the possibility of a psychological disaster. It's nice to have a partner but, ultimately, the only person you can truly depend upon is yourself.
    A lot of people want their partners to have certain values (honesty, integrity, compassion, etc).
    And those partners do have them. However, these values come with unstated conditions. You do not get
    unconditional honesty, unconditional integrity, unconditional compassion, etc. What you get is
    situational honesty, situational integrity, situational compassion, etc. Most of the time these
    partners give us what we want. What we don't know are the conditions under which your partner deviates
    from the particular desired characteristic. We had a president who had all of the qualities a president
    should have. However, in a very special situation (an attractive intern showed the President her thong)
    the ideal qualities were temporarily lost. If you were divorced, I bet your spouse initially had all of
    the ideal qualities you were looking for. And he/she still does. But those qualities came with
    conditions you did not know about. In addition, the conditions may change with time. Only Mother
    Theresa had unconditional compassion. The rest of us are mere mortals. The conditions/situations
    could be the following:
    1. When a more beautiful person comes along.
    2. As long as you do what I want you to do.
    3. As long as you give me lots of freedom.
    4. As long as you are beautiful.
    5. As long as you don't nag me.
    6. Many more possibilities.
    LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS.....................
    I have never had a successful long distance relationship. By successful, I mean one that lasted
    more than a year. Basically, my relationships succeed when I can give a woman lots of attention when
    she needs it. Important life events are not limited to the weekends. Another problem is time. I
    have found that long periods of time together on weekends on a regular basis get in the way of both
    partner's lives. A much better arrangement is one or more shorter meetings during the entire week. All
    of this is only possible in a short distance relationship. Another problem I have is that I dislike
    long distance driving. I find it to be a waste of my valuable time and as I increase the time I spend on
    the road, I also increase the likelihood of being hurt in an auto accident. My guess is that the length
    of a relationship gets shorter as the distance gets longer. Strangely enough, I get a lot of
    responses from distant women who pay no attention to the distance issue. For them 100 to 200 miles is
    not significant. I guess that is because they have no intention of doing the driving. I suppose many
    women seek men over a wide geographical area because that gives them a better chance to meet an
    ideal mate. The idea that the relationship will be short seems to be unimportant and the fact that both
    partners are probably tied to their locations by homeownership, career and family is also not
    considered. Of course, if you are looking for a relationship that consists of only occasional
    meetings, then probably distance is not that significant. Instead of trying to pursue long distance
    relationships, I suggest that women lower their standards and/or improve their negotiation skills. In
    life, you do not get what you want. The best you can do is find a way to enjoy what you do get.
    LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS (more analysis).....
    I have been giving this topic more thought and I have come up with the following analysis:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    1. Women have met nearly all of their local men.
    2. None of those men have been good enough. The men are not sufficiently sophisticated, attractive,
    intelligent, rich, etc.
    3. Women believe that suitable men must exist (they see them in movies, in newspapers, on TV, etc).
    4. Therefore, good men must live elsewhere.
    5. Hence, women search the world!!!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Item 1 must be true because it is based on experience. Item 2 is true because each geographic
    area has a distinct culture and the men in that culture are, for the most part, similar in behavior.
    Item 3 is based on a combination of statistics and imagination. If you check out a larger population, you
    are bound to find what you are looking for. Item 4 gives them that larger population. Item 5 follows from
    items 1,2,3,4. If a woman wants to create a long distance relationship, she will have to provide her
    partner with a lot of incentives to make the travel worthwhile. Most women cannot or will not do
    MY FAVORITE MALE PERSONAL AD (author unknown)...
    A guy who wonders why all you women are asking for so much in a man. I once got my wish for a great
    woman. It wasn't very nice. Every man wanted her and all the attention from them destroyed our
    relationship. I know a lot of you women have had one or more bad experiences with men and now you want
    what you want. If you can hold out long enough to get what you want, don't forget, other women will want
    him too and you'll always be wondering if he will fall prey to the many temptations these women put in
    his lap, so to speak. I can say more, but I think you've got the idea. Don't forget, a man who has
    everything wants to share it with as many women as possible. I've been there. Good luck, ladies and be
    careful, You just might get what you wish for.
    MY FAVORITE FEMALE PERSONAL AD (author known).........................................
    Meeting of Minds, Touching of Hearts...
    About me===Combination of spunk, perserverance and warmth, I love people, spending time outdoors, writing
    poetry, attending synagogue. Professionally, I am a scientist and corporate exec who has had many
    opportunities for world travel, but basically, I am a down-to-earth gal. Sophisticated at work, but
    just enjoy a walk in the woods, serious conversation, thoughtful gestures, spending time
    cooking for family and friends in my free time. I'm organized and energetic, enjoy helping others and
    going out with friends.
    What I'm looking for===I'd love to meet a soulmate who shares my interests, love of Jewish traditions to
    enjoy life with or just have a good time. He should have integrity, inner depth, joie de vivre,
    humor, intellectual curiosity and passion. And: My interests are eclectic and I have a sense of the off-
    beat, non-conformist who enjoys testing the thinking of the majority for a deeper view. I like
    someone who is independent yet can develop a deep emotional attachment and sharing.
    MY MOST REALISTIC FEMALE PERSONAL AD (author unknown)........................................
    Title:Too ridiculous for words (Yahoo Personals)
    Doesn't everyone sound the same here? Seems like we all like movies, dining out, keeping in shape and
    NYC, so how do we differentiate ourselves and jump off the screen all within 120 characters? I have no
    idea. This is stupid. And it's making me cranky.
    INTERPRETING A PERSONAL AD......................
    I recently received this message from a female on how to interpret a personal ad. See if you think she's
    got it right:
    Thanks. I think I know what you mean... seeking tall, fit (stud) professional, educated (lots of cash)
    who loves travel and gourmet dining (and loves to spend it on ME) for friendship and possible serious
    relationship (I hate my job and want kids!)
    YOUR'E NICE BUT...A collection of the rejection statements I have received.
    1. I don't like your clothing. I want a guy who is a sharp dresser.
    2. I don't like your bushy eyebrows.
    3. I need a guy who likes ballroom dancing.
    4. I need a rich guy who will take care of me.
    5. I don't like the car you drive. It's not expensive enough.
    6. I don't like the development you live in. I hate ex-New Yorkers.
    7. I don't like scientists.
    8. I need someone to take me to expensive restaurants.
    9. I need someone who can help me with my career.
    10. I don't like the way you ran that group.
    11. I need a hunk.
    12. I'm too fat. I am ashamed to let you see me.
    13. I can get a guy a lot better than you.
    14. I'm looking for a CEO.
    15. I need someone to marry me.
    16. I met someone on my vacation trip and I can't see you anymore.
    17. I have no time for a relationship.
    18. I don't like your home.
    19. I don't want to give you a reason because you will put it on your website.
    20. My mistake you are Jewish. No Jews do I date...add that to you ridiculous list!!!!
    1. You will never be as generous to my children as you are to your own.
    2. You're too smart for me.
    3. You ask too many questions.
    4. You talk too much.
    5. You're not tall enough.
    6. You think about sex too much.
    7. You probably have too many relationships already.
    8. You live too close to me.
    9. You don't know how to treat a lady.
    10. You're not religious enough for me. I need to marry a rabbi.
    11. You argue too much and you always win. You are too logical.
    12. You watch too much TV.
    13. You're not my type.
    14. You're not my soulmate.
    15. Your house is too messy.
    16. You are too pessimistic. I know I'm going to win the lottery.
    17. You are too defensive.
    18. You were born under a (zodiac) sign that is not compatible with mine.
    1. We have nothing in common.
    2. My friend said that she met you once and she didn't like you.
    3. A friend of mine who knows you told me I could do better.
    4. My intuition tells me you are not the right person for me.
    5. At this point in time, I have to focus on raising my children.
    I HOPE YOU DANCE...dedicated to those who don't like me...Best Wishes!
    I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
    You always get your fill to eat
    But always keep that hunger
    May you never take one single breath for granted
    God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
    I hope you feel small when you stand beside the ocean
    Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
    Promise me you?ll give fate a fighting chance
    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
    I hope you dance
    I hope you dance
    I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
    Never settle for the path of least resistance
    Living might mean taking chances, but they?re worth taking
    Lovin? might be a mistake, but its worth making
    Don?t let some hell bent heart leave you bitter
    When you come close to selling out reconsider
    Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance
    And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
    I hope you dance
    FEELING OR REASONING? What is your viewpoint?...
    Those who are accustomed to judge by feeling do not understand the process of reasoning, because they
    want to comprehend at a glance and are not used to seeking for first principles. Those, on the other
    hand, who are accustomed to reason from first principles do not understand matters of feeling at
    all, because they look for first principles and are unable to comprehend at a glance.
    -Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
    THE PERFECT MAN................................
    The perfect man is gentle
    Never cruel or mean
    He has a beautiful smile
    And keeps his face so clean.

    The perfect man likes children
    And will raise them by your side
    He will be a good father
    As well as a good husband to his bride.

    The perfect man loves cooking
    Cleaning and vacuuming too
    He'll do anything in his power
    To convey his feelings of love on to you.

    The perfect man is sweet
    Writing poetry from your name
    He's a best friend to your mother
    And kisses away your pain.

    He never has made you cry
    Or hurt you in any way
    To hell with this endless poem
    The perfect man is gay!
    BATTLE OF THE SEXES.............................
    Some women have told me that my website portrays women as full of negative characteristics. I disagree.
    I am only pointing out the negative stuff I have come across and many women have none of these
    characteristics. Now there IS a male on the internet who has focused on the negative
    characteristics of women. If you really want to holler, go to the website below called "My Opinions
    About the Girls of My Generation (Now aged 45-50)" by Men_versus_Women (Yahoo ID)
  • Men Versus Women

    About 15 years ago, I heard some of his ideas discusssed by a psychologist who agreed with his
    views. Basically, as a young scientist, I rarely interacted with girls as a teenager, so I did not
    experience what he experienced. He could be right. I don't really know. Enjoy!
    A SINGLE GUY LEARNS............................
    I do learn a lot from other people on a continuous basis. At the present time, I have the opportunity to
    study two marriages and the relationship decisions of two single women. Interacting with them is quite
    fascinating. The two single women struggle to find perfect men in the face of impossible odds. As I watch
    this going on, I conclude that for them, the real adventure comes from searching rather than finding.
    Their requirements make no sense to me, but I have to realize they are coming from special paths in life
    that I have never taken. So I probably could not make sense of it no matter how hard I tried.
    Basically, they are focused on finding men with unique (but different) sets of characteristcs. I
    conclude that many of the women I meet on the net are probably very similar. Their life expeiences have
    motivated them to also search for men with unique characteristics which I don't have. Knowing that, I
    uderstand the rejection I get.
    In January of 1980, I was invited to talk about being a single parent at a group meeting in the
    Unitarian Church of Princeton. My talk ended close to lunchtime and as I walked off the stage, a woman in
    the audience approached me. She said that she liked my talk. I thanked her, gave her my card and
    walked off to find another gal that I was interested in. I never worked out a connection with
    that gal. About 3 months later, I received a letter inviting me to a party in Princeton. I did not
    recognize the name or address of the sender. I went to the party. I got there early and wandered thru
    the house. As I did so, I noticed a woman who seemed to be following me. I turned to her and told
    her that I could not figure out how I got an invitation to this party. She told me she had invited
    me and reminded me that I gave her my card at the U.C.of P. after I walked off the stage. She was a
    psychiatrist and we made a date to meet for a 3 hour discussion about who we were and what we wanted.
    We met 4 more times for a total of 15 hours before she said she was ready for a relationship with me. I
    was impressed by her interest in knowing all of the pieces of my puzzle. That relationship lasted 5
    years. One of things I noticed about her was that she knew a lot about relationships. When we came to
    points of disagreement, she usually said "What can we do to make this work?". And if I was not interested
    in doing something, she would pull me close to her, tell me she would make it worth my while to agree
    and then she would whisper something in my ear. Typically, I could not say no. In essence, she knew
    how to domesticate men and she knew how to negotiate. Not many women seem to know how to do this.
    She knew when to take control and when to give up control. She thoroughly enjoyed one-to-one
    interactions. It was a beautiful and unforgetable relationship. What happened? I think we all know that
    most relationships are not forever. They have a life. And as people change with time, the relationship
    changes as well and both of us move on. I bet you have had some relationships that were time limited as
    well. The memories live on and we cherish them.
    GUESTBOOK...This Guestbook is an experiment. I have no idea what kind of messages I
    will get. My hope is that the messages will both inform and entertain the readers of this website. I
    will not delete any messages (favorable or unfavorable). Thanks for visiting my website. Have fun
    and may the Magical Powers of the Universe work in your favor.

    PRIVATE GUESTBOOK ENTRIES.......................
    I get guestbook entries that are private because the authors wish to remain anonymous. The ones I show
    here have are from people who have given me permission to present their views anonomously.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Hello Allan, I saw your link on L, I use the name M, although I don't have one mysterious bone in my
    body, but very misty eyes. I haven't read all that you have written here, but will do so more leisurely
    another time. But from what I did see, you have covered much of what a woman ought to want to know, as
    well as things that some men may prefer not to divulge. Thanks for your expressing yourself in such a
    frank manner, I know I'll learn something. I quite liked your line about Cinderella and Barbie Doll. All
    the best to you!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Allan...I would never presume to argue with a scientific man but exceptions exist for every rule.
    Like you, my needs are small. All I have ever asked for is honesty. Selection exists when you live
    in a large Metropolis but this I have found to be true:
    -in order to find happiness people lie
    -men 55-65 fearing death, search for perfect 30-40 year olds
    -offspring consider you their rock; only necessary as an anchor in their fast moving lives
    -and sadly good men must exist but are taken.
    I went on the net as a last resort almost 1 year ago. Foolishly naive, I travelled to meet two men--
    both married, confused and looking for someone to lean on. After my second mistake I decided in July to
    limit my search to local personals. I met interesting men:
    -one, no second date because I was a city girl and he wanted to retire to the country (15 years later!)
    -one, intellect was unimportant, breast size was paramount (very deep)
    -one, thought I was the most fascinating woman he had ever met, but didn't see a relationship developing
    (1 dinner tells all)
    -one, a widower, wanted a friend, lover, companion. It was love at first sight (miraculously
    his wife returned from the dead)
    -one, 68 (he said he was younger) was 1/2 hour late for our drink because he had to change his sheets
    in case I was that way inclined.
    Allan, distance is the least of our problems. Have a good chuckle, J.

    THE GREAT EVELYN HAS SPOKEN.........Comments on my website from EVELYN......................

    E: This is not necessarily meant to be a critique, just some thoughts of mine on some thoughts of Allan's

    A: Note that the contents of this website represent my PERSONAL view of life and relationships
    based on MY path in life. If you have traveled a different path in life, you probably have a different
    view of life and relationships. There is no one view of reality that is correct...
    E: This is actually a very good idea, since it manages to present a great deal about the person and
    his philosophy for any one inquiring to be able to evaluate. Like a series of small essays and thoughts,
    it is very insightful. The only thing that bothered me about it is the fact that he refers to
    multiple relationships right off at the beginning. That always scares me somewhat. Why so many
    (presumably) failed relationships? It is true that nothing in life is permanent, not even ourselves, but
    the happiest people I know are those who have managed to find some continuity, especially not
    regarding relationships or people as discardable right off at the beginning. This could be a case of
    transference on my part, but like most women, and probably like you also, I like to think that a
    relationship ought to be entered into with hope, and seeing a trail of broken ones doesn't foster that.
    Naturally no one of a "certain" age comes without history, but that history should be set aside when
    approaching new relationships. In our own minds, of course we want to learn from past mistakes, but
    somehow I think some things are better left unsaid, or perhaps not implied too obviously.

    A: Looking for a prince? Contact your fairy godmother (however, you may have already used up your
    3 wishes). Looking for faults? Consider a career in seismology. Looking for the perfect guy? Try
    another planet.
    E. Clever and true.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    A: Hi...I am a playful scientist. My basic hobbies are science, mathematics, psychology, paddleball,
    fixing/building things, watching TV, cooking, current events and relationship talk. I am looking for
    a friendly female who wants to join me in doing interesting things. The main objective is personal
    growth for both of us.
    E. So far so good, but there may be a slight implication that "personal growth" is some sort of
    goal. I am not so sure whether goals are constructive in relationships. Relationships come down
    to some very basic needs, warmth, the feeling that someone is on YOUR side, cares about you, brings you
    tea when you are sick, rubs your neck when you are stressed out, sympathizes, comforts and is willing to
    be comforted, warmed and have tea brought to them when they are sick.
    E: The term "personal growth" implies something rationalized and debated and pathways to self
    realization that are consciously chosen. If you don't have the nearly subliminal basics mentioned in
    the previous paragraph, none of that will ever happen. Relating is not an intellectual exercise, it
    is something that takes place on a deeper spiritual level than that, and perhaps we need to
    think in spiritual terms without getting too "fairy godmotherish" or spacey about it, but there
    is undeniably something spiritual going on.
    E: Whether love is the result of pheromones, need, interconnecting neuroses, or purely physical sex, most
    women will admit that there is an undefinable something that is often referred to
    as "chemistry"...... that makes sometimes the most unlikely person have
    powerful "draw" for us. That something is the MOST important thing to women, and being overly
    intellectual about it will only drive you further away from the truth, since it is a matter of "feel"
    rather than "think"..... an experiential matter.

    A: Women who spend excessive time in their serious state or who focus on controlling others should not
    answer this ad.
    E: Allan, be serious :-).... most controlling people don't recognize that they are so. Also accept
    that there are a lot of people who might say they don't like controlling women, yet consistently choose
    them because they like having the opposing force to interact with, again and again. It makes them
    feel more real. It makes them feel.

    A: Women who thoroughly enjoy one-to-one interactions should definitely answer this ad.
    E: Allan dear, you realize that could include everything from hookers to dominatrixes, to strangely
    neurotic women. People who are reading your website are probably seeking interaction one on one
    anyway... a bit of a given. Sorry if that sounded critical, it is not meant to be, only just
    pointing to the obvious.

    A: I have websites that contain everything you ever wanted to know about me but were afraid to
    ask. If you are a fully grown up female, go ahead and ask. Beauty is not required...Chubby is OK.
    Niceness and enthusiasm are necessary. Age is not an issue. Each of us is a like a 1000 piece puzzle. Do
    not try to figure out the whole puzzle from the 5 or 6 pieces you see in this personal ad. We are all
    much more complicated than that. Send me some
    pieces from your puzzle. Have fun.
    E: That paragraph says a great deal about you, and it is all good. I like that statement.

    ***A friend is one who knows you as you are, understands where you've been, accepts who you've
    become and still gently invites you to grow.***
    A: 1. When men use the word "like" in a personal ad, they are usually defining themselves. When women
    use the word "like" in a personal ad, they are usually giving a list of their requirements.
    E: Everybody's got 'em.

    A: 2. Relationships are the most valuable assets one can have in life. Yet many of the women I have met
    seem to prefer no relationship to an imperfect relationship. That is very sad.
    E: Since I so often counsel women, and most often about relationships, I would say that there are
    definitely some relationships that would be best off avoided. I believe that a person who is so needy
    as to accept a relationship that is VERY noticeably imperfect, or "bad for them" is operating
    from some neurotic level which is probably not so good for either party. Those who seek perfection......
    well let them seek. Life will sort them out.

    A: Alternately, I have recently met women who are a lot more practical. They already have a
    relationship, but they are looking for an upgrade. I'm sure lots of men do this too!
    E: That is life. We live in a throw away society. 'Leave them, don't bother to fix it'.
    Sometimes it is the right thing to do and sometimes it isn't, sometimes it is a lazy way of
    maneuvering for "better" position. Most of the time people find that wherever they go,
    there they are. They bring their attitudes and neuroses with them and the new relationship has
    the same psychodynamics behind it, just the names and faces have changed.

    A: 3. The word sensitive has two to discern feeling in others...easily hurt. Most women
    seem to recognize the latter meaning.
    E: All beings want to be happy and to avoid suffering. But all beings are selfish and driven by
    their own ego. True happiness is in not being too needy, and in being very caring towards others.
    You can't be hurt if you are not vulnerable to it, and many people find a way of connecting to old hurts
    by feigning new ones, seeking to have the old ones comforted with new people who haven't got a clue what
    the basis for it all is and haven't got a clue what on earth THEY did wrong! Understanding that all
    beings are complex puzzles as you state above, and realizing that they are not always complaining about
    what they SAY they are complaining about, and maybe don't any longer even have conscious access to
    the original memories that brought about that neediness and hurt.

    A: 4. Many women say they are compassionate. However, a more exact description is situationally
    compassionate. They are compassionate only in certain situations. They are not unconditionally
    compassionate. Few people are.
    E: BINGO! Excellent observation. As a matter of fact, it is what I study most. Buddhism in particular,
    which focuses enormously on non-conditional compassion as a healing influence for the person
    exercising it as well as the recipient.

    A: 5. In personal ads, most women don't seem to realize that when they list what they like (fine
    dining, movies, theatre, opera, etc.) they are telling you the obvious. It's like saying you want a
    high paying job with no work. That's also obvious. I invite them them to consider describing themselves.
    E: Allan, there is a reason most women do this. I am going to tell you the real secret reason that this
    is what is said so often. Nobody wants a non communicator, a living drop out. Doing things and
    going places are saying that they want a man who is active interested and involved. There is another
    reason too. Nobody wants a "schnurrer". Schnurrers don't want to spend for a theater ticket or a nice
    dinner once in a while. There are a lot of men who want to find someone to play sexual games, comfort
    them, be around for them to bounce ideas off of, play the game of "relationship" while remaining on a
    non committal level of not spending any money on it, or keeping at a safe distance at all times, or
    moving on to the next relationship. Allan, the real truth about women who are seeming to talk about
    money and going places and doing things, is because they have understood some basic truths that
    all men intuitively seem to know.
    E: A man with no money is not a man who loves himself, and a man who is stingy is a man who is TOO
    in love with himself. Neither one is a good bet for a relationship. Having no money means a man has
    not been aware of the rules of life, that money is power, that money means self respect in our world. A
    man who reaches a mature age who has no money is a man who has not understood or has ignored this basic
    fact. Why get involved with someone who can't take care of himself or give a good accounting for his
    life at this mature date, with the outward sign, of some financial security?
    E: A man who is stingy is someone who has gone too far in the other direction. He loves himself so much
    he relates his money to his vital essence or maybe even possibly the reverse, as the only value he
    perceives himself to have! I know about misers. So does N. They are the most insecure and narcissistic of

    A: I want know more about the real person. I want to know what interests they have other than
    E: That is good. I agree with you that often what people do in their spare time tells more about them
    than anything else.

    A: 6. If a woman really likes a man, then all of her requirements disappear. If she doesn't like him,
    then the requirements become essential. This theorem applies to men as well.
    E: Love that is not based on filling some requirements ends up dying a natural death.
    Requirements being filled without any chemistry don't cut it either. Neither one alone is enough, you
    have to have both. Mature women know this. Young women very often don't, and that is why so often
    mothers tell their daughters to marry men of means, rather than the handsome ne'er do well that she
    has fallen madly in lust with.

    A: 7. The most interesting women I have known are those women who know how to make a relationship with
    me last forever. The relationship may change in level or focus, but it never goes away. Essentially,
    they know how to keep on making and enjoying exchanges with me. The relationship requires
    continuous adjustment as time passes and both of us change, but they are flexible enough to deal with
    those changes. Very few women seem to be able to do this. To me, those are the REALLY beautiful women.
    Not the ones you see on TV and in the movies.
    E: Allan I have to ask you a question..... The relationships of your past have not in fact, lasted
    forever. You are still looking. I don't see anything wrong with your stated ideas above, but the
    proof of the pudding is that somehow you may have been seeking the wrong elements in relationships
    without understanding what, why and how this has occurred. This does not imply some fault, per se, but
    simply that you are as subject to following the wrong subliminal roadsigns just like everybody else.

    A: 8. The most disappointing thing I find in women at this time of my life is the enourmous decline in
    relationship enthusiasm. Years ago, I got phone calls, letters, cards etc. from some wonderful women.
    And I responded in kind. Now I can barely measure the level of enthusiasm. It's very close to zero. If
    you want to shock me, show some enthusiasm!
    E: Enthusiasm has died as a product of our society and the media. If you want to know why, just look at
    the ideas about relationships the media has instilled in us. Some enthusiasm dies when we lost our
    hopes our expectations and our dreams. There is such an attitude of "been there, done that" with just
    about everything, that it has crept even into our relations with other people. A sense of wonder can be
    regenerated, often with meditation and certain kinds of spiritual practices that help us to focus
    better on the moment and the person more closely without judgement.

    A: 9. The interesting thing about criticism is that it usually reveals a lot more about the critic
    than the person being criticized. The need to criticize seems to arise from an internal weakness
    that the critic is trying to cover up. I accept the fact that I reveal a lot about myself in this
    collection of theorems. I expect to get lots of criticism. But remember. If you choose to criticize,
    you will be revealing lots of things about yourself in the process! Are you sure you want to do
    that? Are you ready to reveal your faults and accept criticism? ...Before you criticize someone, you
    should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away. And you have
    their shoes. The desire to accuse and hurl invective is strong. My guess is that a person who
    does this has suffered a lot of injustice (real or imagined) during his/her life and has never really
    recovered. Complaints about my website from disgruntled females are quite common and I find that
    sad. Typically, they do not point out a specific statement that irritates them. They just say they
    don't like the whole site. I suppose that event is positive for me since it filters out women I could not
    possibly deal with.
    E: Allan it seems to me that this is a bit of your heart you have exposed above. Criticism often hurts,
    but we don't have to let it. Offense can be given but we don't have to take offense. You are right,
    those who might be overly critical may be pre-judging you, and may not be the right person for you.
    What interests me is the feeling that there is some part of you deep down that wants approval, and
    when you are criticized, justly or unjustly, it strikes some chord in you that wants approval. Be
    happy in yourself, because other people's approval is not what it is cracked up to be, and it never is
    enough to validate us. We need to validate ourselves.

    A: 10. Men can be very tricky. Women have told me about sneaky men who managed to lure them into a
    relationship by promising them a full list of princely activities. However, once the relationship
    began, those interests disappeared and the women found themselves hanging out with a typical non-prince
    male. I prefer the upfront method.
    A: 11. If you are a really good critic, you will tell me you found both negative AND positive stuff
    E: Yes, that is true.

    A: 12. When you have a real problem accepting someone it?s often because of something you see in
    them that you don?t like about yourself.
    E: Not always, but sometimes.

    A: 13. Remember the words of the Beatles' song: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED!
    E: I would tell you that is the biggest mistake anyone could possibly make. It definitely takes more
    than love. Love is essential, but it is not the only requirement in life.

    A: 14. When it comes to relationships, do we get older and wiser? I think that as we get older we
    protect ourselves by taking fewer chances. Wiser suggests that we are better at working out
    relationships later in life. I have not found that to be true. It only seems like it is true.
    E: I like to believe that we get wiser, but only if wisdom is our goal and ending our suffering through
    wisdom is a goal. There are plenty of people who don't get any wiser because they fear wisdom and want
    to simply ask for a re-do of the same old mistakes.

    A: 15. If you are not having enough fun in life, you probably have too many boundaries or requirements.
    E: It is a choice not an accident if someone isn't having fun.

    A: 16. I am looking for intelligent responses to my website. Please do not give me emotional responses.
    E: We are many kinds of beings. We are emotional, intellectual, rational, physical, chemical, spiritual,
    structural and any number of other kinds of "beings" ..... you will get emotional replies from
    the emotional ones, spiritual ones from the spiritual, monetary ones from the practical, and as
    many different kinds of replies as there are women who reply to you.
    ***As a result of some feedback, I
    have changed my mind here. Emotional responses are OK. I invite you to tell me something about your
    emotional response to this website. Thanks. Best Wishes.***
    E: Ah good, you have corrected that yourself!

    A: 17. The ability to use the word PLEASE is significant. When I get email from a female, I look
    for places where this word would be appropriate. If it does not appear, I suspect that this woman
    focuses on power and control. Statements like: "Please consider this issue." or "I would be
    pleased to hear from you." are appealing. See how many times I use please in this website!
    E: There are 5 little phrases that I find are great barometers of sincerity. They follow;
    Hello, Goodbye, Please, Thank You, Excuse me (or I'm sorry). People who use those phrases in life, in
    phone conversations, in relationships with just about anyone, customers, lovers, family members,
    whoever.... usually are easy to get along with.

    A: 18. When it comes to noticing clues, most women disappoint me. In my personal ads, I often use the
    handle nerdyguy609 and I talk about my non-existent dog name hotmeal. Yet, not one woman has been
    able to put the two together and send a message to On the other hand, I have
    done this several times. Recently, I saw a female ad that included the name of her cat. The name was
    pretty unusual, so I tried to contact her bywriting to,,
    etc. worked and we connected. The other addresses caused the web to send me messages that my
    message could not be delivered. Has any curious woman ever tried this technique? I would love to know.
    E: At the risk of sounding overly critical, if you want puzzles, try the crossword or the cryptoquip or
    the Jumble in your daily paper. In relationships stick with the straightforward (as you said of
    yourself earlier in this site).

    A: 19. Some women think that this website defines me completely. However, my personal ad indicates (with
    the word websites) that I have other websites. And I do. But I reserve those websites for unique females
    whom I judge to be fully grown up.
    E: Lots of people are fully grown up, but your definition of fully grown up seems to indicate some
    sort of special requirement. (hmmmmmmmm )

    A: My statistical guess is that most women would not be interested in my other websites.
    E: Why???? Are you referring to some special kink or some such? Shall the reader bow to your superior
    knowledge on this? In that case, many might indeed tend to run the other way.

    A: If you are interested, I will have to ask you some questions first to determine where you stand on
    certain issues before I let you see those websites. I must admit that this requires complex
    subjective judgement on my part and I do make mistakes. In any case, this item should give you
    additional things to think about.
    E: Allan dear, you have given the reader NOTHING to think about but an allusion to some unknown factor.
    You are throwing out a hook for the curious maybe? This is where the idea that everyone is like a 1000
    piece puzzle plays a role. And you never really know ALL of the pieces.

    A: 20. Thanks for reading Allan's Theorems. If you have any to add, please send them to me.
    E: I have included my comments on behalf of my sister (N), whom I might add is very different from
    myself. She asked me to reply as a sounding board, and I have done so. I myself am unavailable, and
    married for a long time. It has been fun reading here, and replying for the fun of it. I shall have to
    reply to the rest later on, but am forwarding the commentary up to this point for the sake of time.
    Best Regards, Evelyn



    ...Consider for a moment how it is that two strangers meet and for some unknown reason,
    pheromones, chemistry, expectations, opportunity, past memories, and mostly our own NEED, conditions
    make it perfect for one or both of these people to experience a momentary madness which we call ?love.?
    ...Neither one of these people really knows the other, but for some unknown reason one or both of
    these people begin to see the other as being absolutely essential to their life..We see them as
    being the sole possessor of the ONLY set of keys to our happiness in this whole world of people and
    ...Never mind that life is long, and that love changes, and people change, but that in this world
    there are millions of human beings, each one unique and many with the potential to provide us
    happiness..we must have THAT particular person in our lives. Our very future and happiness depends upon
    ...If you consider how ridiculous this seems when you are NOT in love, you may quickly see through the
    craziness of this kind of thinking, but when we ARE in love, it makes perfect sense to us and we never
    stop to question it. Isn't there something less than quite sane about something that makes perfect
    sense one minute and can be perceived as the worst mistake of our lives later on?
    ...Can it be pheromones or chemistry? Is it our own need to believe? Is it the sexual drive, which
    has intoxicated our minds? What makes this happen with one person and not another? Why is it that when
    we fall in love, there is no rational thought that can take precedence over the emotional high? Witness
    the divorce rate, and you know that ALL of those people were once in love, and just as intoxicated by
    it as we have been about it.
    ...So if you think about how preposterous the whole concept of falling in love is, you will
    understand likewise how easy it is to fall out of it, which probably makes more sense than falling into
    it. It can be something simple, body language, some silly thing that turned us off?. Anything at all!
    ...Consider that first of all, love is temporary, but it is all encompassing, completely takes over our
    minds, and the good feelings become so powerful that we cannot make ourselves stop even if we want to.
    It reminds me of the way a man I knew described the feeling he got from crack cocaine when he tried
    it..He said it was so good that he absolutely was unable to stop doing it even though he knew that it
    was dangerous, he was compulsively doing more and more and more until it was all gone. That frightened
    him so much he never did it again. But we all continually manage to seek love, nurture the illusion
    of love and do it again and again in spite of the emotional hurt, which can be devastating and as all
    encompassing as the love was.
    ...Throughout our lives love is so highly touted and everything we have ever known about it propagates
    these illusions; music, movies, plays, love songs..the media bombards us with the wonderfulness of
    LOVE and how terrible it is when it is gone, and how it gives meaning to our dull lives etc. etc. etc.
    Is it any wonder that we so easily buy into this way of thinking and continually seek this compelling
    illusion called love?
    ...In my opinion, seeking love is seeking pain. Nothing lasts forever, and most especially love
    doesn't last, since love is an emotion, and there is nothing in this world as ephemeral as an emotion.
    You can have an ocean full of love one day and the next day not a drop. You can have a desert totally
    devoid of love one day and the next day be drowning in it and not have seen it coming.
    ...Most people give more thought to the purchase of a used car than in the choice of a lover. Did you
    ever think about that? If you ask a person to describe their ideal and perfect lover, they usually
    begin with appearance, yet most will tell you that the most compelling loves they have ever experienced
    were with unlikely candidates that did not comply with their own vision.
    ...Given these things, is it any wonder that so many love affairs end up going awry? The first thing
    that we need to understand is that love is temporary, ephemeral, a form of momentary madness,
    addictive, and mostly, contrary to all rational thought. The pleasure principle involved is mostly
    because we see this precious person as a complement to our own flawed existence. We see them as
    completing us, fulfilling us, and really this is a very self-centered thought. Most love is self-love in
    the disguise of another human being.
    ...In analyzing and unmasking love in this way, it still does not stop us from indulging in its pursuit,
    believing it can make us whole, can fulfill us, can complete us. A lot like the crack cocaine
    experience that my friend described for me.
    ...The ?high? is real..(as real as any other thought). The person is real..but the perceived
    individual is made up of our own transferred beliefs about them, not at all the real person or what
    they feel inside, or EVEN what they really feel for us! These things may be hidden to us even if we
    knew them for 20 years! Yet new lovers believe that they are in perfect synchronicity with this other
    person and always perceive that all obstacles will melt away like snowflakes in April.
    ...This is the biggest clue for us, about love being a manufactured illusion of our own creative
    mind. The thought that we can continue to love them and nurture hope even if they cease to love us
    and have done unkind things to us and that if only this or that small factor were changed that all would
    be forgotten and they would return to us.
    ...So how can we ?get over it? and stop loving someone who has deserted us or hurt us or is not good
    for us?
    ...First recognize that 99% of the feeling you are so high on, was projected from your own mind, your own
    ego, and your own need. No matter how selfless your love for them appears to be, it is really seeking
    something for YOURSELF that created the love.
    ...Recognizing that it was only the creation of your own mind, suddenly we often realize that the loss
    of this lover is also the creation of our own mind. It is not at all the person who has left you,
    but the illusion of that person, and that you mistook what they felt, and transferred your wishes
    for them to love you - to them, in your own mind. If it was actually as real and perfect as you
    perceived it to be, they would not have left you. There are millions of people in the world who are not,
    nor will ever be your lovers, and yet there is no pain from being separate from them! What is the
    difference? Our transferred illusion of this perfect lover is the difference.
    ...This then, is the real truth about love. We do it to ourselves. We create it, we imbue it with our
    own thoughts, make it what it appears to be, then cry our hearts out when it is not what we wanted it to
    be, never could be, never will be, because we are talking about another person, another separate being
    with their own likes, dislikes, agendas, feelings, expectations, and created mental images about love and
    loved ones. There can NEVER be perfect synchronicity between two lovers unless they are both
    sharing a mentally generated image together, and even that is a TEMPORARY state of affairs!
    ...What is born, dies. What begins, ends. What is loved, often is eventually not loved. Change is the
    nature of our existence. Everything in life is temporary and ephemeral, everything we perceive to be
    true about everything else, is imbued with our own hopes, cravings, expectations and wants. We do it to
    ourselves every time. Seeing through that game of our own minds, is what Buddhism is all about.
    ...So let us say that luck, pure luck, or pheromones, or karma, or chemistry, or whatever, has
    created a situation where two persons have shared this mutual mental creation and they LOVE each other.
    Remember how temporary love is? You have loved before, and not only have you gotten over the love,
    but you may even HATE your former loved one whom you could not live without before!
    ...Eventually everything changes, sometimes sooner and sometimes later. So how do we get over the loss of
    a lover and deal with the change? It is simple, but no one wants to do it. They WANT to nurture the
    illusion, the self created fantasy, and ascribe all sorts of excuses as to why it ended, blaming
    others, life circumstances, the lover, themselves, but never the true reason, that their own mentally
    created illusion that took on a life of its own, finally ended.
    ...The way to get over the loss of a lover and to stop the emotional pain is to first of all recognize
    all the things I have said above, and to simply STOP indulging the fantasy. To not feed it till it
    dies a natural ending. Throw away the mementos, the photos, all of it. Actively cease to indulge the
    memories and the feelings about the person. Meditate deeply and symbolically GIVE THEM UP till the
    feelings are gone.
    ...You make a pact with yourself and the universe or God or whatever you hold holy, that you understand
    that you have created something, which then developed a life of its own, unrelated to the actual
    situation. You do anything you must do to give it up. You do mental exercises, prayers, visualizations,
    and practice diligently, actively and purposefully abstaining from the thoughts, which regenerate the
    images and emotions in your mind.
    ...I have a meditation that I often give out to my clients on how to give up things that bind us. Whether
    it is love or illusions of love, anger, pain, past issues, anything we tend to cling to that hurts us in
    our lives. It is possible to give it up.
    ...It takes a little effort, but we can do it. The biggest obstacle we face is OUR OWN resistance to the
    idea of giving it up, but it can be done. If you are hurting enough, you find the strength within you,
    to want with all your being, to stop the hurting, and you will try it.


    Study found outlook on life mostly same before, after tying knot...Monday, March 17, 2003 Posted:
    10:43 AM EST (1543 GMT)

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Most newlyweds experience a brief emotional bounce after their wedding, but they
    eventually return to the same outlook they had on life before they tied the knot, according to a study
    released Sunday. "We found that people were no more satisfied after marriage than they were prior to
    marriage," the researchers said. The study was published in the March issue of the Journal of
    Personality and Social Psychology, a publication of the American Psychological Association. Researchers
    tracked more than 24,000 people from 1984 to 1995, asking participants every year to rate their overall
    life satisfaction from zero (totally unhappy) to 10 (totally happy). The average boost from marriage
    was small -- one-tenth of one point on the scale, researchers said. The study, which took 15 years to
    complete, also found that people who were already satisfied with their lives before marriage were more
    likely to stay married longer. "People who get married and stay married are more satisfied than
    average long before the marriage has occurred," the study said. Researchers said the results were
    based on an average and that happiness is an individual experience, reflecting "the fact that
    marriage can be very pleasant and rewarding but has the potential to be very stressful." Dorian Solot,
    co-founder of the Alternatives to Marriage Project, said the study showed marriage was not a cure-
    all. "I think it reminds us that there's no magic ticket to happiness. Wedding bells might do it for
    some people, but true happiness is about you and your own life, not your marital status," said Solot,
    who also co-wrote "Unmarried to Each Other." While long-term marriages tend to be happy, a constant
    search for that initial euphoria could be disastrous, said David Popenoe, co-director of the
    National Marriage Project, a Rutgers University-based think tank on marriage trends. "It may be one
    reason for divorce is they are looking to maintain that high level of happiness throughout the marriage,
    which is kind of impossible for most people," he said. The study also found that widows and widowers
    were less likely to regain the same level of happiness they had during their married years,
    especially if their marriages were satisfying. Most people who lost a spouse but did not remarry took
    about 8 years to recover emotionally.


    Swami's 2003 State of the Universe Address by Swami Beyondanadana
    Hello everybody -- it is great to be here ... and you know what? We really have no choice. Because no
    matter where we are, we are always here. And it is always now. In fact, there's even a book called The
    Power of Now. I haven't had time to read it yet, but I hope to get to it in a later now.

    Meanwhile, back in this now, the issue facing the United States, and indeed the world is, will George
    Bush give in to his Big Iraq Attack and order up a war? Latest reports say that a war to force a regime
    change in Iraq will cost $200 billion. It is puzzling to me why some of those fiscal fitness
    fanatics in the Republican Party haven't tried to find a cheaper way to do it. Maybe if they offered the
    Iraqis half -- $100 billion -- they could do it themselves. Then we'd still have $100 billion left to
    spend on regime change in this country.

    Because -- and I have to be blunt here -- the folks we have in charge are fossils fueled by fossil
    fuels. And in the reptilian brain, problems aren't solved, they're attacked. Like the War on
    Poverty. Remember that? I'm happy to report that it's finally over. The poor people have all
    surrendered. And take the War on Drugs -- please! How many billions have they spent? My solution is
    cheaper and more effective...improve reality!

    Now we have the War on Terrorism. We're going to terrorize those terrorists into giving up terrorism if
    it's the last thing we do! And it just might be. The good news is -- and I have it on the Highest
    Authority -- there will indeed be peace on Earth. Whether we humans are around to enjoy it, that is up
    to us.

    No wonder there is so much fear, uncertainty and confusion on the planet. I'll tell you how bad it's
    gotten. You've heard of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle? Well, they're not even sure about THAT
    anymore. And so, more and more people are turning to the mystics for answers.

    I have often said there are two kinds of mystics, the optimystics and the pessimystics. Now pessimystics
    seem to be more in touch with "reality," but optimystics are happier and live longer for some
    reason. The pessimystics have been crying, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" The optimystics
    say, "No. It just looks that way because we are ascending."

    Now, for those people who read the news -- not to mention those unfortunate enough to BE in the news --
    last year was not an easy year to keep an optimystic attitude with so much pessimystic evidence.
    Call me a hopeless "hopium" addict, but I choose to accentuate the positive. For example, you can say
    we human beings have moved further down the path of self-destruction. Or you could say the Earth
    is ridding itself of a virulent parasite.

    You can despair over continuing war, disease and starvation, or you can go, "Hey, population control
    the good, old fashioned way -- without birth control or abortion." Who says "compassionate
    conservative" is an oxymoron?

    You can worry about the government taking liberties with our liberties or you can say, "Life has
    become simpler! They've boiled the Bill of Rights down to just one: You have the right to remain

    So I am not going to dwell on the negative. As my guru Harry Cohen Baba used to say, "Life is like
    photography...we use the negative to develop." So let us look at the bright side.

    Like technological advances, for example. Forty years ago President John F. Kennedy promised to have a
    man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. Well, we have far exceeded that. Thanks to the so-called
    Patriot Act, George Bush can have a man on Uranus by the end of the week!

    George Bush was responsible for a great spiritual advance last year, as well. He upgraded the Golden
    Rule for the new millennium. It's now the Gold Rule: "Doodoo unto others before they can doodoo unto

    And -- say what you will -- President Bush has made great strides on behalf of minority
    representation. Never before have we had a President who was looking out for a smaller minority.

    Now this is the State of the Universe Address, and seen from that higher perspective, things look great!
    I am happy to report that the Universe continued to expand in 2002, and in fact, they actually had to
    let the Photon Belt out a another notch. An expanding Universe means more jobs too, so we can
    expect a steady influx of aliens looking for work. Yep, the Universe just keeps purring in perfection,
    ever-changing as usual. The planets continue to harmoniously spin in their orbits, and except
    for the occasional case of asteroids, they just calmly go about their business.

    Meanwhile, back here on earth, things are a bit more problematical. We still haven't fully recovered
    from that vicious dogma attack of 911. But as an optimystic, I believe you can indeed teach an
    old dogma new tricks, simply by changing the emPHAsis to another sylLABle. Instead of focusing only
    on emergency measures, why not take emerge 'n SEE measures?

    When we emerge from our fearful hiding places and see from the cosmic comic perspective, we realize that
    beneath all the stress and distress and sadness in life there is a deep well of joy. Each time we let
    laughter bubble up from the well, we experience deep wellness. Levity helps us overcome gravity,
    especially when we shine the light of laughter on those poorly-lit corridors of power.

    Do you know what the leading cause of terrorism is? It's seriousness. I'm serious. Think about it.
    Those people have no sense of humor. Otherwise how could they believe they will get to heaven by putting
    other people through hell? Here is my vision: A suicide bomber arrives at the Gates of Heaven, and God
    clops him over the head and says, "SCHMUCK! What'd you do that for? 72 virgins? YOU get one 72-year-old
    virgin, and his name starts with Ayatollah!"

    But if Americans are willing to revive the Iraqi Horror Picture Show just to feed our out-of-control
    oil habit, how are we that different? How many innocents will be put through hell, just to preserve
    our little corner of relative heaven? There is no real peace without harmony and balance, only the
    vicious cycle of injustice. Peons get tired of getting peed on, right? You get pissed on, and pretty
    soon you're gonna get pissed off. This causes the hot spots to flare, and pretty soon you have an
    uprising, which usually results in a downfall. All these uprisings and downfalls can be wearing on the
    body politic.

    Fortunately, we do have a choice. One of my favorite stories recently is about a Native American
    grandfather talking to his young grandson. He tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him
    struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other wolf is fear,
    greed and hatred. "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy. "Whichever one I
    feed," is the reply.

    Every day -- every moment -- we have the choice to feed the wolf of love or the wolf of fear. It is
    interesting that we are called humanKIND. What better time than now to find out, can mankind treat
    man kindly?

    I have a dream ... I call it tell-a-vision. I say, if you're dissatisfied with the current programming,
    you can turn off your TV and tell a vision instead. Here is my vision: Remember the Manhattan
    Project during World War II? It took less than four years for a group of scientists to develop the
    first weapon of mass destruction. My vision is, we can do even better for an even worthier goal. We could
    call it the Manhelpin Project, and its purpose would be to develop the first weapon of mass
    construction instead.

    Think about it. What if we used that $200 billion set to detonate in Iraq, and put it toward becoming
    the worldwide leader in renewable, clean, sustainable energy sources? Now there's some real
    power. Create something so plentiful you don't have to pay an army to protect your share. A healthy
    income, a healthy outcome ... what could possibly make more sense? Boy, talk about feeding two birds
    with one scone!

    The choice is up to us. If we want an alternative, we must feed the "alter native" economy ... anything
    that alters us natives for the better. The world we live in is a byproduct of the products we buy, is
    it not? What if we only choose to buy products with healthy byproducts? Think about this: There are
    at least 45 million Americans who consciously want to feed the wolf of peace. If each of us switched just
    $100 into the alter native economy, that would be $4.5 billion!

    Last year, we launched a blisskrieg and declared "all out peace." I'm happy to report it is
    already working. More people are letting their inner peace out, and these outbreaks of peace are
    actually causing esteem to rise! And we all know that rising esteem is good for the atmosphere. As
    esteem rises, more people on the planet will be able to be all that they can be -- without joining the
    army. And when more of us put our energy into love and laughter instead of criticizing and condemning, we
    will have Uncritical Mass ... and we will bring about Nonjudgment Day, and along with it,
    Disarmaggedon. Now you might be wondering, what will Nonjudgment Day look like? Let me tell another

    I have been to the heights of levity, and I have seen people all over the world dancing together in the
    universal dance of fool realization....The Hokey Pokey. I want you to hold this vision with me: all of
    the world leaders at the United Nations beginning their sessions with the Hokey Pokey. What if Ariel
    Sharon and Yasser Arafat put their whole selves in in? That would be commitment. And then pulled their
    whole selves out. That is detachment. Then they turn themselves around, which is transformation. And
    that, my friends, is what it is all about!

    So, how can you help raise the laugh force on the planet enough to bring about Nonjudgment Day? First,
    you can take a vow of levity, and laugh more. And we even have a Laughmore Society to help you do just
    that. Next, you can support everyone's right to laugh by joining the Right To Laugh Party ... "One big
    party, everyone is invited. All for fun, and fun for all."

    Commit random acts of comedy. Practice Fun Shui and leave the world a funnier place. Anything to
    elicit a moment of fool-realization with a spark of laughter. Because only when we lovingly laugh at
    our foolishness, can we seriously change things for the better . May you wake up laughing and leave
    laughter in your wake ... and may the Farce be with you!

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    My Nerdyguy609 personal ad at occasionally gets a response, but I am not a subscriber. Consequently, I cannot reply to the messages. Here are the names of women who have sent me a message recently: Crolyn, GoodHumourLady, Sunshine0306, Lucria, Elisheva4, NobleTeacher, JuneCarol, Rosalyn23, Soul_Talker, KarinBlixen, EroticAndBrainy, SongFlight, Sanalet, PLFoxx, CaroleK and JohannaC. The fact that I do not respond is not a sign of rejection. deceives them by NOT telling them that I cannot respond (unless they include their email address in their message). If you are a subscriber, please contact them and tell them to send me a message with their email address or send me a message directly ( Thanks and have fun...


    1. Only about 25% of the listed members are real paying subscribers. The remaining 75% are free members who are retained to make the website look more popular than it really is.
    2. Free members show up just like paying members but they are usually unable to respond to your messages (unless you send them a real email address or phone number). To send a message to any member (free or paid), add a CODED version of your real email address to the message. Coded means that you do not include the @ sign in your email address. The websites that charge a fee scan messages for the @ sign and delete or change the email address that is in the message. Therefore, Change yahoo to y-a-h-o-o, change hotmail to h-o-t-m-a-i-l, etc. Change the dot to d-o-t and com to c-o-m.
    3. If you send a message to an interesting profile at non-free sites and you get no response, you might think that person was not interested in you. But it also might be true that they have no way to respond if you don't give them a real email address to write to outside of the website.
    4. The best way to get connections thru a dating website is to make your handle/screen-name the same as your email address. See the examples below.
    4.1 Email address is Handle is janedoe. Personal profile: Like to visit hot climates or sitting in front of a hot fireplace or playing tennis on hot summer days or talk about the play "Cat On a Hot Tin Roof" or give a list of your favorite hotspots.
    4.2 Email address is Handle is janedoe. Personal profile: Like to visit American places or where the blue running man hangs out. Another indication is that you are a member of the Academy Of Life.
    4.3 Email address is, handle is janedoe. Personal profile: Like to visit the local Y (YMCA) or interested in the "why" questions of life or you can be found at the yelling place or places where they holler like cowboys. If possible, use the headline: You Are Here Only Once. Enjoy it!
    4.4 Email address is Handle is janedoe. Personal profile: You Like men who attempt to give your lots of attention or like colorful attire or don't like bigg, fatt men. Use lots of words that begin with att.
    4.5 Handle is janedoe143 (1=a, 4=d, 3=c). Email address is
    4.6 Handle is janedoe843 (8=h,4=d,3=c). Email address is
    4.7 Handle is janedoe_y43 (y=y, 4=d, 3=c). Email address is
    4.8 Handle is jane250403 (25=y, 04=d, 03=c). Email address is
    4.9 Name of cat/dog in profile is fuzzyball (unique). Email address is,, (try all three).
    4.10 Word in profile is LUVABLE (the only uppercase word in your profile). Email address is,, (try all three).
    4.11 Word in profile is luvable;>). The symbol ;> identifies important word. Email address is,, (try all three).
    4.12 Word in profile is recieve (INTENTIONAL spelling error...all other words correct). Email address is,, (try all of the big three).
    4.13 Handle is jane_why. Email is
    4.14 Handle is janedoe. Headline is "WARM female likes HANDSOME guys". Email address is
    4.15 Handle is janedoe. Profile sentence is "I paint with mathoil." Mathoil is an anagram for hotmail. Email address is
    4.16 Handle is janedoe. Favorite book is "Blue Waters" by Gunther Hamilot. Hamilot is an anagram for hotmail. Email address is
    4.17 Handle is janedoe. Favorite male characteristics are Humorous,Debonair,Content (no spaces, HDC is hotmail). Email address is
    4.18 Handle is kuttaten. Email address is (tta=att, ten=net). I use that email address at AmericanSingles.
    4.19 Handle is janedoeh (Last letter in handle is first letter in Email address) Email address is Handle is janedoea. Email address is or Handle is janedoey. Email address is Handle is funnyguy123. Email address is
    4.20 Word sequence clue: There are seven barriers to a connection with me: History, Objectives, Taboos, Motivation, Age, Interests and Location. To attempt to find someone with essentially the same life view is almost impossible. So one must choose to give up some things to work out a sensible relationship. It is important to decide which attributes are absolutely necessary. The alternative is depressing. In order to attract a woman, I will attempt supply her with totally new experiences. Let me tell you how irresistable you are when you like everything I do. To really understand me, please read the first sentence in this section several times. The seven barriers are particularly important. Then send me a candid message. (Find hotmail in this message).
    4.21 Match R/L Example: Able to read between the lines johnnie and get @ what you want and savor and enjoy it in rochester. If this sounds interesting then you .rr ready and I'm your man and you can leave this .com place. (Can you figure out his email address?)
    4.22 Yahoo R/L Example: You can ask me any questions directly:(remove"and"):andsixand and0and andnineand andtwoand andsevenand andnineand andnineand andtwoand andfourand andtwoand; Or write me(remove "and"):andnuriaand andatand andeclipseand anddtand (put "o" between "dt"; I'm sorry for inconvenience) andntand(put"e"between "nt"). (Can you figure out the phone number and the email address?)
    4.23 Email address phrase clues:
    at the Y place = YAHOO
    Headline: You Are Here Only Once = YAHOO
    at the running man place = AOL
    at the Academy Of Life = AOL
    at the American Place = AOL
    at a very warm place = HOTMAIL
    next to the fireplace = HOTMAIL
    5. blocks email addresses by doing a computer search of your messages for ISP names or the @ sign. Suggestion: replace by janedoe ta loa tod moc and reverse letters.
    6. is the largest site on the web. A few years ago, AOL exited from the personal ad business and gave Match all of its profiles. Match attempts to discourage you from giving out your email address in your message by raising phoney privacy issues. Remember, their job is to make money and get you to become a paying member. NOTE: To add special information to your profile (email address clues, etc), make the changes at the start of a big national holiday (like Thanksgiving or Christmas or July 4th) or when the weather in Texas is very bad...hurricane. During these important occasions, checking of profile changes is done by computer software because the people who do the checking need to spend time with their families. Computer checking is never as good as checking by humans!
    7. and will NOT let you read your email unless you are a paying member. They tantalize you with statements about how many unread messages there are in your email box. Some of the messages are probably from Jdate itself suggesting that you become a paying member. These two websites will reject handles that contain att and/or net. A word containing the letters com (sitcom, comedy, etc) will appear in the profile with the letters com removed. has been around a long time and it is in a state of decline. To cut costs, only computer checks of profiles are employed. You can insert coded versions of your email address in your profile without being detected.
    9. Totally free personal ad websites:,,,,


    Sometime, when you're feeling important,
    Sometime, when your ego's in bloom,
    Sometime, when you take it for granted,
    You're the best qualified in the room;

    Sometime when you feel that you're going,
    Would leave an unfillable hole,
    Just follow this simple instruction,
    And see how it humbles your soul.

    Take a bucket and fill it with water,
    Put your hand in it up to the wrist.
    Pull it out, and the hole that's remaining,
    Is a measure of how you'll be missed.

    You may splash all you please when you enter,
    You can stir up the water galore,
    But stop, and you'll find in a minute,
    That it looks quite the same as before.

    The moral in this quaint example
    Is do just the best that you can,
    Be proud of yourself, but remember,
    There is no indispensable man.


    Before I lay me down to sleep
    I Pray for a man, who's not a creep,
    One who's handsome, smart and strong
    One who loves to listen long,
    One who thinks before he speaks,
    One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
    I Pray he's gainfully employed,
    When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed.
    Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
    Massages my back and begs to do more.
    Oh!!! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,
    Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind???"
    I Pray that this man will love me to no end,
    And always be my very best friend.
    I Pray For a Deaf-Mute Nymphomaniac With Huge Bo-bs
    Who Owns a Liquor Store and a Bass Boat.
    This Doesn't Rhyme and I Don't Give a S-it.