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Hello I am Spirit Angel Eyes.. I am The Spirit Leader
for The DaBunnies Team! I hope To Do a Great Job for
DaBunnies I love them as Family!!! This Page is for
DaBunnies I will be putting Gifts here for you to have
Lets Keep Our Spirits High!! We are all Family with a
Shineing Spirit!
Hugs! & *Spirit*
Spirit Angel Eyes!

Aug 2/8 Thank You DRainbow for this Lovely Award

DRaidiant Spirit

Week August-16-1999 Thru August-22-1999

Spirit Angel Eyes Please Except
"Our Honor To Spirit Shared"

A Beautiful Gift from a Sister, Thank You
Sweetie!!! ((((((HUGS))))))

Sep.20th I am so Honored to Have this Award! To me
The Spirit I Love is The Spirit in The *Smiles*
of Many! Thank You so much! DSpirit, DRainbow,
DStarCatcher. This means the World to me. To
See That I can do a little of what you Ladies do
on a Daily Basis! Thank You for each of you!
Spirit Angel Eyes

Thank You so much DStarCatcher!!!! I Love these
Gift with all my Heart! It's Beauty, and The Beauty
of your Heart!

This indeed is a Special Gift! For it
came from a Very Dear Person to me. DRainbow
Thank You form the bottom of my Heart!
I put my Hand on my Heart, and say You are an
Angel on Earth!
Spirit Angel Eyes

WOW! I Love Stars! Thank You so much
DStarCatcher!!!! I will always Treasure This
Beautiful Gift! (((((((HUGS))))))
Love Spirit Angel Eyes

Thank you, D'Rainbow, for these gifts
I will treasure them.

D'Starcatcher, Thank you for being there for me.

Aug 2.1999
Happy Birthday DaBunnies!

Look I won Pin the Bunnie Ouch! sorry Bunnie *L

Spirit Song:
I see Spirit in my Eyes when I look at a Person In Song
Spirit can make us all feel like reaching for a Star!
Giving of ones Heart to Better Another is my Song.
Giving of Spirit Will always put a Star in Someones Eyes
Lift a Heart this very Day! Sing the Song of Spirit, for
all to Hear!
Send a Smile and a Hug to the people you come across.
May the Spirit of the Song always Fill Your Heart with
Love Spirit Angel Eyes

This was made by Sara, Thank you Sara!!

I Like to Thank all The Spirits for the Beautiful
Gifts, and Welcomes! Your Kindness brings Joy!
Thank You!

Thank You For This Lovely Gift D'Rainbow I will
Treasure This. I Love Rainbows!

Take Thy Spirit and let it Shine! In The Wand I
will bring of the Special Spirit of DSpirits!
Let The Spirit Ring deep in your Heart! For all are
Stars of The Site Fights!

The Poem of The Stars
I see the Stars that Live among The Site Fights.. I Know
they are Stars for I see there Shine in there Smiles
It was this very night I saw a Star not Twinkle Bright
I flew right over and this I said, Oh Little Star why is your
Twinkle so Dim.... The Star looked at me and replied..
I did not know I was a Star!! Oh but Sweetie you are!!
I will Tell you why.
Stars are everywhere in the night. They Twinkle just like
Jewels so Bright! and Wonderful by Far!
These Stars are Everywhere!
They Shine over the Oceans and the Valleys Below, They
Shine for you this very Night!
The Stars are Everywhere! They Twinkle in the night to
Light thy way. They Twinkle high in the sky, To Let You
know That you are a Star for all to see!
For the Stars are the Heart of The Night! Shine and Twinkle
for we will be there, To send you DSpirit and Guide you
Through the Night! Twinkle little Star for you too are

Gifts for all DaBunnies..

Made By Karen.. Thank You Karen...

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site owner of: Lisa's World.

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"DEssence of DSpirit, I help spread the spirit!"

