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L.F.O-- Brad
L.F.O's Brad Fischetti

Nickname: "B"
Full Name: Bradley D. Fischetti
Age: 23
Birth Date: 9/11/75
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 185lbs
Write with: Right hand
Tattoos: none
Piercing(s): 4 in my ears
Pets: Jingles my 16yr old black cat
Innie or Outtie: Neither in the middle
Brothers/ Sisters: Michael - 10, Robert - 34 and Richie - 35
Language Spoken: English, German enough to get around and can read French

Favorites and First
"Lose Control"- Silk
Food: Ice cream
Cartoon: Beavis and Butthead
Animal: Cat
Sport: Baseball
Drinks: H2O
Christmas present: $ and Silver Jewelry
Video Game: NHL for Sega
Color: Black
Car: 2 door Cadillac
Cologne: DKNY
Unleaded City: Miami Beach
Movie: Romeo & Juliet
First Album/CD: The Who
Concert: R. Kelly
Kiss: Katie Wagner @ a school dance

Who is the most influential person in your life and why?
My mom, she raised me right!

Person you most want to meet and why?
Michael Jordan, I think he's amazing

Weight lifting, sleeping and writing.

Who is your Hero and why?
My mom because she worked so hard to give me a good life.

You are stuck in a dessert island. What three things would you bring and why?
My Puffy CD, CD player and THE WOMAN OF MY DREAMS.

What is your heritage?
75% Italian, 20% German and 5% Irish

To you, what is the most important thing in a relationship?
Trust and Love

Musical instrument played: Keyboard

Describe your wildest fantasy:
To meet the woman of my dreams, set my friends and family up w/ $, and buy an island and have no worries; just PURE HAPPINESS!

Describe your perfect Christmas gift: Money, (I don't think that needs much description) Oh, and silver jewelry and black clothes.

What magazines do you read?
VIBE, Muscle & Fitness and The Source

Describe the perfect date:
Like to just chill, so cooking dinner for my date, renting a movie and having desert

What is the weirdest rumor you have heard about yourself?
I was only 19 years old.

Tooth Brush Color: Blue

Tooth Paste Brand: I'm a "Crest Kid"

Boxers or Briefs: Boxerbreifs

Item you couldn't live without: My CD player

Shampoo: "El Vital" (some German shampoo)

Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads, or other:
I'm an equal opportunity employer, I don't discriminate

Gold, silver, platinum plastic or other:
Silver, it's dope I wear lots of it!

Who or what is your biggest enemy?
Nobody worth mentioning

What about yourself do you like the most?
My honesty and generosity

What is the best country that you have seen so far?

What is your shoe size?
12 or 13

Were you popular at school?
I had a tight knit crew

Who(of the people in your band) do you think is the best dancer ( not including yourself)?
Dumb question!

In one word describe yourself:
Laid back

Do you believe in aliens?
There's probably life somewhere else but I don't think an alien has been here yet.

What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say "Mc Donalds" ?
My job, I used to be a Manager at McDonalds

Do you have a license to kill?
Another one........

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