<xmp> <body> </xmp> Do YOU want to be a FREEDOMCHAT helper? There are currently technical support positions available. I'm looking for good men & women with good solid internet related backgrounds, i-business references or IRC experience, to give technical support to users, for epona services, Unrealircd selene 3.2 and brutal icestorm scripts. Tell us a little bit about yourself for our files, include your IRC nickname, full real name, email, and phone number, and how YOU can be an asset to the Freedomchat/SSSNW LTD staff! We firmly believe in FREEDOM of SPEECH, We don't tolerate harassment of any kind, and we're always happy to welcome new chatters to our friendly server. SO, if you think you've got what it takes to be that special kind of person, WHAT are you waiting for? Submit your application, and please include any CHANop experience, or IRC experience you have had in the past! Please contact the Webmaster of The S.S.S.N.W. if you have any further questions about our Network.... All network rules are available on our servers, by typing /RULES and reading your irc client status window. You may NOT apply online, in any chatroom! It is urgent that you must FIRST submit an application, please do not message any operators on Freedomchat or any other network, regarding your application. I am sure that you are excited, but we take these applications seriously, and will get back to you when we are able. So please submit your full application, and be patient. Thank you. ~ZuBZ3R0~
You're the visitor to apply.

Full Name:

Email Address:

Do you have an O: line, or are you a channel operator anywhere else?:Enter Yes, and server plus channel name(s), or just No:

Phone number:Please enter in this format - (area code) ***-****

Desired IRC Nickname: This nickname must be registered on Freedomchat Networks Services:

Time You're Online:

Your IP on Freedomchat Networks:

What can you do to help ?:

Your Application DATA:Channel op, or IRCop experience. and where.

You may apply for an IRCop position at Freedomchat if you have been given the user ID and password.

User Name:

Ok, thanks for applying to FreedomChat!! We may not be hiring at this exact time, but ALL applications are SAVED on record for 90 days. Bring your friends to where bringin users earns you points!

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This site is managed by the staff at Freedomchat.