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5-03-01....Ok well here it is. The final update for this website. That's right, YouShouldSeeTheWaySheDies/Pride of Youth/Counteraction/LiberalIntensity has offically broken up. I really don't know what to say. This is actually very upsetting to all of us. This has been a large chunk out of all of our lives. In some ways I feel like it's been wasted. But when it comes down to it, the time we spent on these bands has been so worthwhile. We've met so many great friends, and made so many enemies. We've played with so many incredible bands, and even played with some bad ones, but it never mattered, we were never incredible. I know I have learned so much from this whole experience. I learned how to deal with people, and the different people I've met has been very numerous. We've been exposed to the whole scene, and we'll remember all of this for the rest of our lives. Even two studio sessions are under our belts, so all of this has definitely gotten us ready for our future endeavors with music. Steve, Fama, Mike, Beau, Joe, Andy, Howard...they're the seven members that actually ever mattered in this band. I want to say thanks to all of you. I know this seems like it's just me (Mike) speaking for everyone, but it's kind of hard to say "we" for everything when Im not positive of everyone elses feelings. As for a reason why the break up happened....well, things just weren't working out. We weren't practicing as often and as long as a few of us would have liked, and things just weren't going as we thought they should have, so we stopped before we got too far ahead of ourselves and wasted any more time on something that wasn't going to last. Also, we'd all like to thank all of our friends that have stuck with us the whole way. We really do love you guys.....Now, as for future endeavors...Joe and Andy have The Advancement of Melody, a completely amazing band that is from Deptford, and if you see any bands play, chances are you'll see them eventually. Fama doesn't have a project lined up yet, but we all know that this kid can be super creative and emotional when he wants to be, so he'll find somethign that will keep his creative side occupied when it comes to music. As for Howard and Mike, a new band has been formed that is already in order. The lineup so far is: MikeyTyler-vocals, Mike-guitar, Howard-drums. This band has great potential, we just need to find a bassist and guitarist at this point. This band is starting their practice schedule in a few days, so expect us to be playing out within 3 months or so. So yeah. That's it. I can't beleive I'm actually typing the last words on this website...ever. Thank you everyone, especially my band members, and you know I love you all. -Mike, and the rest of YSSTWSD (foosbapoydestroy....fuckyeah)