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A lot of foolish people think they know what they're getting into when they tangle with the likes of HYPNOKRISHNA. The whole lot of them are damn fools, if you ask me. Thanks to this glorious new age of cyberspace, I am able to chronicle the weakened wits of those who would attack the rock upon which this foundation is based. What would drive a dolt to instant message me to tell me I'm sick or twisted or sexy is beyond even my vast intelligence. But it happens, as you can see for yourself.

Of course, I don't mind a little debate now and again. You're free to challenge me, it just so happens that you're going to lose again and again. Read this charming little exchange:

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): This is one sick website you have

Godkoresh: bless you my child. how did you come across my words?

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): From reading your profile. Why do you say you're a female?

Godkoresh: i'm actually a hermaphroditic deity, but aol don't give you that option when selecting a gender. but i hate to be limited. this isn't an either/or universe.

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): so just choose neither. It's blatantly obvious a woman would not create such a disgusting site

Godkoresh: well, then, you've obviously never met my grandmother. or aunt sissy, for that matter.

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): Aunt Sissy?

Godkoresh: she's ahoot at family gatherings. she's given me a lot of story ideas just from observing her exist. she's a pretty trippy broad.

Godkoresh: besides, what makes you so holy to judge me? got ourselves a god complex? (hey, get in line, mister!)

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): What's with the hypno reference? Nothing hypnotic about you or your site

Godkoresh: lord above, did you even read what i was writing? hello? are you oblivious to these very tumultuous times? do younot recognize the voice of a true prophet?

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): I recognize the signs of a true idiot. All over your

Godkoresh: hooo hooot hoot you're givin me a chuckle there freddie. i'm just about peeing myself. i bet you went to my website cause you saw i was a chick and that i had my own site, and you were hoping to see naked pictures of me! do tell the truth. god is listening.

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): Actually I went to your site thinking it was a joke. But after chatting with you I see that you're really just a mentally incapacitated peon.

Godkoresh: whatever, milquetoast internet queen. you're probably a god's boy to boot, looking at the 700 club website. do you wear one of them WWJD bracelets? like a little girl?

Drooling Idiot(name changed to protect the retarded): Don't worry. Someday someone will put you out of your misery psycho boy

Godkoresh: is that a threat mister? i hope it's not. cause that's a big no-no. hypnokrisna don't like that one bit. no sir. why bother getting so upset anyway? got a lot of free time? are you in jail? you should be, you wacko nutjob.
