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Pictures of me


Me again

Me in First grade

My Teeball pic from Kindergarten

This is me yet again

i'm the smaller one

i'm the one in the bikini

yes i have my belly button peirced and no it didnt hurt

tattoos too i know what your thinking she's a freak but actually i'm very sweet oh and dont mind the pic it makes me look really fat well if you couldnt tell they're butterflies and the biggest one is no bigger than a quarter and the smallest one is no bigger then a dime so uumm yeah thats its

yup i also have my tongue pierced and yes it did hurt and this is my most recent pic it was taken 11/10/01

dont ask with the hair ok? i was in kindegarten so my mom did it

what was i thinking? chackita banana?

Me,Haley,and Liam at the beach

Me,Liam,and Haley at the Park ( me and liam playing in the water :o) )

Me,Haley, and Monica

me,liam,haley, and monica

me,liam,haley,and monica


Me and my two best friends in the entire world from top to bottom (Joanna, me , Desiree)



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