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Fenians Home Page

Fenians' ( a word derived from Fianna ) was the name commonly applied to the members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood , a revolutionary movement founded in 1858 . As might be expected , the new movement used the Sunburst Flag ; which dates back to Finn McCool's time . Fenian flags often used a green rather then the traditional blue field and often depicted the sun emerging from behind a cloud . Very potent symbolism ! Members of the IRB continued to operate in secret after the unsuccessful 1867 Rising but had little occasion to use the flags thereafter . The Flags of the famous Irish Brigade of the American Civil War were inspired by and patterned after the Fenian Flag . It was beneath thes flags that the Irish Brigade marched off to some of the bloddiest battlefields in American History . Those flags flew with honor at places like Antietam , Fredricksburg and The Wilderness . Cold Harbor , Gettysburg and The Penninsula also saw the Green Flag of Erin . One prominent Confederate General was once qouted as saying " Here come those Damned Green flags again!" And it was beneath these same flags that the Irish Brigade marched home again to the thanks and grudging admiration of a still anti-Irish Nation .



Maybe it's just me but ... If there is a precondition for the IRA to disarm shouldn't it have been PRE signing ?

Tremble>>Paisley>>Hitler>>Cromwell>>Atilla the Hun >> Common ancestrory ???

Whatever happened to the SAINT in ST. Patrick's Day ??

Congressional Medal of Honor Winners 237 are Irish by Birth or Heritage ! Guess we did OK by this Country too !

13 signers of the Declaration of Independence were born in Ireland or born to Irish Parents

Marriage is founded on Trust and understanding .. She don't trust me and I sure don't understand her!(thanks Joe)

Will we ever see justice for the Nationalist community in Ulster ? Rest in Peace Rosemary Nelson ,John Finucane and the Nelson Boys !

Thank you for visiting my page here on Angelfire . Please Come Again!

June 17th , 2000


  • Irish History and Culture
  • Family and Friends
  • Karen Kay Krew
  • MP3s


Irish History and Culture
Family and Friends
Karen Kay Krew in Exile
Fenians MP3s
Angelfire Home Pages
View Photos of the AOH Pilgramage to Gettysburg
